Love Slaves of Helen Hadley Hall

by James Magruder

Other authorsErin McKnight (Editor)
Book, 2016


Queen's Ferry Press (2016), 232 pages

Content and Summary Info

Bisexual Content: Three supporting characters (two cisgender men and one cisgender woman) are bisexual. Two main characters are behaviorally bisexual, but probably ultimately gay/lesbian (cisgender woman and cisgender man).

Publisher's Summary: Every September since 1958 a fresh batch of residents arrives at the Yale graduate dormitory that bears the name of one Miss Helen Hadley, a nineteenth-century ectoplasmic emanation still residing at 420 Temple Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Every year she selects her favorites, follows their adventures, cheers on their romantic shifts and stratagems, and picks up their lingo. With the university presently threatening to bulldoze her home, she has decided to chronicle her favorite year, the nine months in 1983–84 when Silas Huth, Becky Engelking, Nixie Bolger, Carolann Chudek, and Randall Flinn took up the manacles of erotic attachment and parsed meaning from every little movement of their rapacious, beating hearts...Miss Hadley promises her readers carnal congress, a near-homicide, and a wedding finale, for her tale of communal bondage is one of love surprised, love confessed, betrayed, renounced, repelled, of suspect leanings and trembling declarations, of hymens under siege and innumerable searching looks in the mirror.

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