Coastal West Africa Senior Study Group Final Report: Strategic Recommendations for Policies and Programs to Encourage Good Governance, Peace, and Stability

by Coastal West Africa Senior Study Group

Report, 2022




Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace

Local notes

In February 2022, the United States Institute of Peace created the nonpartisan Senior Study Group on Coastal West Africa to identify specific programs and interventions that the United States and other international partners can offer Coastal West African governments and civil societies to help prevent conflict and support lasting peace. Comprised of 11 former senior policymakers, business leaders, and respected academics from the United States and West Africa, the study group met between February and July 2022 for a series of six discussions on the political and socioeconomic vulnerabilities affecting the subregion, including unequal and inadequate development, marginalized communities, and weak institutions of accountability. This report presents the consensus findings of these discussions and is designed to inform the approach of US and international partners to identify opportunities to advance security and stability in Coastal West Africa


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