The Last Mile

by David Baldacci

Paperback, 2016


Grand Central Publishing (2016), Edition: Reprint, 464 pages


Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. HTML:In his #1 New York Times bestseller Memory Man, David Baldacci introduced the extraordinary detective Amos Decker-the man who can forget nothing. Now, Decker returns in a spectacular new thriller . . . THE LAST MILE Convicted murderer Melvin Mars is counting down the last hours before his execution�??for the violent killing of his parents twenty years earlier�??when he's granted an unexpected reprieve. Another man has confessed to the crime. Amos Decker, newly hired on an FBI special task force, takes an interest in Mars's case after discovering the striking similarities to his own life: Both men were talented football players with promising careers cut short by tragedy. Both men's families were brutally murdered. And in both cases, another suspect came forward, years after the killing, to confess to the crime. A suspect who may or may not have been telling the truth. The confession has the potential to make Melvin Mars�??guilty or not�??a free man. Who wants Mars out of prison? And why now? But when a member of Decker's team disappears, it becomes clear that something much larger�??and more sinister�??than just one convicted criminal's life hangs in the balance. Decker will need all of his extraordinary brainpower to stop an innocent man from being executed for a crime he didn't com… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Alan1946
You have to like Decker with his ability to remember absolutely everything and seeing some things in colour, being seriously overweight and so very, very thorough. Driving to his new job, he hears over the radio of a convict being released from Death Row by an admission from another murderer. This
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intrigues him and he somehow manages to persuade the newly formed investigative team of which he is part, to investigate something of this sudden change of fortune for a former prospective NFL star.
Nothing is straightforward in this case. I was continually being puzzled by turns of events, and formed a number of different theories about what the truth of the matter actually was – all of these theories turning out to be wide of the mark. If I had remembered more of what Texas, Alabama, etc. were like in the sixties and seventies, I might just have got a little nearer to the real truth. The author has developed the story so well that it is not until close to the end that the truth is revealed, much of it quite surprising, but definitely of its time. Amos is a well-rounded (no pun intended) character, and the rest of the new team have many good qualities. Melvin Mars, newly released from Death Row is very much involved with the developing plot as he too wants to discover what happened to his parents over twenty years previously. All the characters are strong in their different ways, and the resolution of the story is very good. A roaring good read.
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LibraryThing member DCarlin
An enjoyable 'whodunit' from David Baldacci.
LibraryThing member thewanderingjew
The Last Mile, David Baldacci, author; Kyf Brewer, Orlagh Cassidy, narrators

A young man sat waiting patiently, if it could actually be said that someone could wait patiently for his own execution; he had prepared himself and was hoping to die with dignity. Not quite 42, he had spent half of his
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life behind bars, convicted of the gruesome, double murder of his parents. Out of the blue, at the last minute, he suddenly received a stay of execution, although all of his prior appeals have been turned down. Why? It seemed that someone else had confessed to the crime. That claim was being investigated, and if verified, he would be set free.

Melvin Mars had been looking at a bright future with the NFL, as a tailback, when for no apparent reason, his parents, a mixed race couple, were murdered. He was accused and convicted of the crime. The successful trajectory of his life was altered. Why would he kill his parents with such a wonderful life awaiting him? Who were his parents? Did they have an unusual past? Did they have enemies? Mars was going to earn big bucks as a football player. Did they want a piece of it? Would a demand for money have constituted his motive for murder?

A special task force had recently been created to investigate wrongful convictions and Amos Decker, who suffered from kinesthesia due to a football injury on his first day of play in the NFL, remembered playing against Melvin Mars while a student. Decker’s head injury gave him the ability to remember everything he ever experienced. There were many parallels between Decker’s life and Melvin’s life. Both had been accused of murdering members of their family. The case of Melvin Mars intrigued him. He decided that it was the case the team should investigate first, even though it wasn’t on their list of possible investigations. He convinced the others, and what began as an FBI investigation into Melvin’s death sentence turned into a multi-layered plot embracing racism very well, without getting political or taking sides, but which highlighted what it was like during the sixties with the protests and marches of the civil rights era. There were many unanswered questions and secrets revealed as the inquiry proceeded.

While the murder mystery in the novel unraveled, new issues were raised. Mars was asked to try and remember anything from two decades ago that might help to explain why he would have been framed for the murder, but his memory was not like Decker’s and he had few memories that seemed to be of consequence. Theories were developed and strategies plotted out, some that seemed very plausible, but none worked out. Decker refused to give up even when the investigation was halted for what seemed to be political reasons. He had become the unauthorized leader of the investigation, and the others looked to him for guidance. Even though all the evidence consistently pointed to Mars, Decker’s gut feelings continued to tell him that Melvin was innocent, so they continued their search for the real killer. Melvin, for his part, was reluctant to trust the team of investigators. How did he know that the FBI was not trying to trick him into giving up some piece of information which would condemn him further, guaranteeing his execution? His experiences with law enforcement and the legal system had not been positive. However, as the agents faced danger and still pursued their inquiries, he began to trust them. He also wanted to know why anyone would want to murder his parents. Still, the conundrum remained. Why would someone suddenly come forward a score of years later to confess to a crime? Having kept the secret for 20 years seemed like a plausible enough reason to continue keeping it.

The investigation was thorough as all possible evidence and motives were examined. It proceeded in fits and starts and the plot sometimes seemed convoluted, but it remained plausible at the same time. The novel was tightly written without silly romance, gratuitous sex or unnecessary graphic violence. Occasionally, the dialogue between characters became trite, but in general, it was necessary drivel to redirect the plot as it meandered and misdirected the reader.

Will justice finally be done in the end? Will Mars be freed or condemned again?
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LibraryThing member infjsarah
I didn't enjoy this story quite as much as the first Amos Decker. But it was still a good read with a lot of twists and turns.
LibraryThing member alanteder
This was a solid mystery and suspense thriller with a sympathetic group of FBI cold case crimebusters built around the hyperthymesia (perfect memory recall) skill of lead character Amos Decker vs. an assorted group of hidden baddies.

I was actually disappointed with the first book in this series
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[book:Memory Man|23153154] and rated it fairly low and wasn't even interested enough to comment on/review it. In retrospect it didn't seem to utilize the Amos Decker character in enough of a compelling way to engage the reader. "The Last Mile" is engaging from the get-go and builds intrigue and suspense very effectively.

Decker's synesthesia (experiencing one sense as another, in his case: sights/feelings/emotions in colours) still didn't play much of a role but that leaves room for possible future plot lines.

I am back on the Baldacci bus and look forward to the next one!
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LibraryThing member dwingomitc
Amos Decker is a very likable character and I really enjoyed the dynamics with the additional characters. This 2nd installment of Amos Decker is a real page turner to the very end. You may think you know the end but you really don't.
LibraryThing member labdaddy4
Another excellent Baldacci novel ! This is the second with the new lead character Amos Decker. His anomalies make him an imperfect but intriguing character. The introduction of Melvin Mars and the tease that he may join in as a primary player in the Decker stories is a strong addition. The story is
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well designed with all the necessary twists and turns - pretty straight forward. I have always felt that the strength of Baldacci's novels is the characters - this is a primary example.
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LibraryThing member jbarr5
The last mile by David Baldacci
Have read the author's other works and have enjoyed the books.
Mars is locked up in prison and he's been in 20 years. They say he had killed his parents. His final appeal had been denied-he's slated to be executed.
Last mile is the 30 feet to the death chamber and this
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book is uptodate with the controversy over lethal injections as some have suffered and it's not immediate death.
He recalls his past life and football and how it all ended. The suits had come for him but with no chains and they tell him another has confessed to all the murders. They are looking into the events and he may walk free.
Amos was a detective and his family had been murdered. He will be working with Allison and the FBI to investigate the man who confessed to the murders. He had played football also and remembered the games with Mars.
Amos has a special ability-his memory due to his amnesia. He can see things that happened in the room even decades after.
So interesting to learn of his ability and how the men react to one another's tragedy of family loss.
Very involved with lots of other events taking place as more murders occur...
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
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LibraryThing member lewilliams
The second Amos Decker thriller is well plotted with many unexpected twists. Kept me reading to see how the story ended.
LibraryThing member jfe16
Amos Decker, former football player who sustained a career-ending injury, has agreed to join a special FBI task force established to work on cold cases; as he’s driving to Virginia, he turns on the radio and hears a story about Melvin Mars, a convicted murderer awaiting execution in Texas.
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Intrigued, he convinces Special Agent Ross Bogart, the head of the task force, to look into Melvin’s case.
At almost the last instant, another man confesses to the crime for which Melvin’s been imprisoned. Investigating the case, the team uncovers inconsistencies that throw everything into question.

With well-defined characters, non-stop action, and plot twists that continually ramp up the suspense, readers will be hard-pressed to set this book aside before the final reveal.

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LibraryThing member brakketh
Very readable and hard to put down.
LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: The Lat Mile (Amos Decker Series)
Author: David Baldacci
Pages: 432
Year: 2016
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
My rating is 5 stars.
I am always on the hunt for a good story to read. Reading is something that allows the imagination to fly and gives time for a break from real life. The Last
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Mile was the first book I have read by this author, though he has written many. The Last Mile hooked me from the first page and quickly kept me going as the story developed chapter after chapter.
Before my father passed away one thing he was getting tired of was authors putting so much sex in their books, and he quit reading because of that inclusion. I was exceptionally glad to read The Last Mile and come across no sexual anything in the book! True, there was some foul language, but even then it wasn’t over done with the focus on the story, which was such a suspense-filled mystery to be sure. In fact, I didn’t even know about the first book in the series is titled, Memory Man, which I plan on reading soon. Besides, who doesn’t like a thriller where sometimes it is hard to tell the protagonists from the antagonists?
The Amos character that has trouble never forgetting what he reads, hears or sees because of a head injury suffered while playing in the NFL only drew more into the book. Then, an additional draw for me was to find out a man is on death row for two decades and is supposed to be walking his last mile when three men in suits show up along with four guards. From there, the tale only grows exponentially in adventure and suspense and its conclusion makes me long for the next book the author pens.
I hope you give the author a chance to entertain you with his craftily woven tales. He is an excellent writer and you might be surprised how much you enjoy the multifaceted plot!
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LibraryThing member Carolesrandomlife
I am loving this series! When I first got my hands on this book, I decided to take a look at it which is quite normal for me. I usually thumb through a new book taking note of the number of pages, font size and other basic attributes. My eyes landed on the first page of this book and I didn't come
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up fro air until I had read 100 pages. I hadn't planned to read this book quite yet but I simply couldn't put it down.

Both the story and characters in this book were wonderfully done. Amos Decker is a very interesting character. He remembers everything...literally. At first, this sounds like it would be a fantastic trait to have but when you start to thing about it, there are things that are best forgotten. This book also featured Melvin Mars, a man on death row for the murder of his parents. While Melvin has always claimed his innocence, he starts being taken seriously when another made confesses to the crime.

Amos feels compelled to find the truth regarding the crimes that have kept Melvin in jail for the past 20 years. Things get complicated as they trace the past to try to find the truth. Melvin works with the team to try to get to the truth since he has been released from jail. At times, things become very dangerous as they get closer to the answers that they are looking for.

The way this story was laid out really kept me guessing. I was never quite sure exactly how everything would come together but I had faith that Amos would find the right piece of evidence to solve the case. The twists and turns in this book really kept me guessing and the book ended up in areas that I would have never dreamed.

I would highly recommend this books to mystery fans. Amos Decker is a unique detective and love what his special abilities add to the story. This is the second book in the series but could be read a stand alone with little difficultly. I can't wait to see what case Amos will be asked to solve next!

I received a review copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing for the purpose of providing an honest review.
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LibraryThing member Judiex
Melvin Mars, found guilty of killing his parents, has been on Texas’s Death Row for twenty years, As they come to take him to the death chamber, he learns someone else has confessed to the murders. That man, who is on death row in Alabama, has details that no one but the murderer should know.
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Amos Decker is on his way to Washington to become part of an FBI special task force dedicated to working on cold cases to try to find the killer. As he turns on his car radio he hears Mars’s story and decides this is the case he wants to handle. Decker had previously been accused of murdering his wife, daughter, and brother-in-law. This case really grabs his attention.
Despite objections from at least one team member, Decker is able to convince the team to tackle Mars’s case as their first assignment. His special skills, the result of a brain injury, serve him well. He has hyperthymesia which enables him to remember everything he sees and hears. And he has synesthesia which make him the only one able to see colors in locations and around objects.
Mars, Decker, and other characters in the book have a close connection to football and there are several references to the sport. It turns out that Mars and Decker played against each other when Ohio State played the University of Texas many years earlier. People familiar with the game should appreciate the technical talk analyzing plays.
As the story develops, Decker questions the truthfulness of the death row confession and tries to find out if it was false, why he did it and who, if anyone, inspired him to do so.
Other issues raised include interracial marriages, the bombings in the South during the mid-1960s, and the treatment of prisoners by the prison employees. It is estimated that two and a half to five percent of all prisoners in the US are innocent. In some cases, proof of innocence, such as DNA matches, is not sufficient to gain their release. Sometimes the time for appeal expired. Some are detained because of legal technicalities. And others have done something while imprisoned, such as attacking a guard, which extended their sentence.
One of my favorite characters, Patricia Bray, appears in one scene. The real Patricia Bray won the privilege of her name being used in a charity auction. Money very well spent.
Bakdacci packs a lot of action and thought into THE LAST MILE’S 417 pages. In the process, he proves that writers need not use graphic violence, sex scenes, or profanity to successfully tell their stories.
My only criticism is that Baldacci uses unnecessarily short chapters which often are a direct continuation of the previous chapter. I think they imply the readers’ have a very short attention span. They also waste a lot of paper and destroy a lot of trees. I usually lower my rating one star because of this but because I would have given the book more than five stars if possible, I did not do it in this instance.
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LibraryThing member buffalogr
Excellent book. Starts off at Texas' death row and ends up in rural Alabama with powerful people hiding civil rights abuses of the 60s. Perhaps because of my attitude, I found the characters guy on death row, Buford T. Pusser as local sheriff, a turncoat lawyer, a filthy rich
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industrialist and an crooked Senator. What else could a story want? The story unfolds and unfolds towards a smashing climax.
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LibraryThing member hyphen613
Fantastic book! So absorbing I read it in 2 days.
LibraryThing member mrmapcase
This is a brilliant roller coaster ride with great suspenseful twists and turns throughout. You will be entertained by a great mixture of sports, detective work, politics, both local and national, and likeable protagonists, and a major surprise that leads to a blockbuster conclusion.

Free review
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LibraryThing member OscarWilde87
The second novel in Baldacci's Amos Decker series, The Last Mile is about Melvin Mars, who has been framed for killing his parents and has already served twenty years in prison. The story starts right before Mars is supposed to be put to death by lethal injection. However, there is a last-minute
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turn of events and someone else confesses to have murdered Mars' parents. Amos Decker, Baldacci's protagonist and former detective who has a perfect memory due to a head injury suffered playing in the NFL and who is now invited to work on an FBI task force handling cold cases, listens to Mars' story on the radio and wants to take over the case. It does not take him long to convince the other members on the FBI team to take over the case. The plot then unfolds in many twists and turns.

I especially liked this novel because it is fast-paced and makes for delightful reading. I liked the character of Amos Decker from the very start, which is what made me pick up this novel. For any fan of crime fiction The Last Mile is surely worth a shot. It is not necessary to have read the first novel in the series, but I would recommend it. A very enjoyable reading experience, 4 stars.
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LibraryThing member drlord
I loved this book. While I admit I'm a David Baldacci fan boy, this one was one of the better I've read (they're all good). One suggestion is that before you read this, read the others in this series because the references will confuse you - but as always entertain you.
LibraryThing member Writermala
I really enjoyed reading Baldacci's "Memory Man" which was the first in a series featuring Amos Decker. I was, therefore, eagerly awaiting the next book.
The Last Mile," did not disappoint but I must say it was not as good as "The Memory Man. Decker accidentally hears of a case very similar to his
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own and convinces the FBI to take it on. Melvin Mars is walking the Last Mile that is he is on the road to executiion when another man cofesses to his crime. All is not as simple as it would appear and 400 pages later the loose ends are tied. The plot though intriguimg is somewhat improbable; but as thrillers go this was not bad.
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LibraryThing member Olivermagnus
Convicted murderer Melvin Mars is headed for his appointment with a lethal injection when someone else confesses to murdering his parents. When Amos Decker hears about this stunning event he remembers Mars from his football days and notices a parallel between their two stories. Mars was on his way
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to the NFL when he was convicted of murdering his parents. Decker made it to one game in the NFL before getting tackled and suffering a traumatic brain injury and later being accused of murdering his family.

Decker, now a member of an FBI task force, convinces the rest of the team to investigate what really happened and whether Mars is guilty or innocent. Soon they discover more and more reasons why Mars may have been set up. When a member of Decker's team disappears they stumble onto a large-scale conspiracy that may link to the upper echelons of society.

I was completely drawn into the story. Baldacci has added some extra layers to Amos Decker and his extraordinary brain. He suffers from hyperthymesia, which gives him an extraordinary memory and he can't forget anything . The book has a very complex plot that was also very fast-moving. It was a completely engrossing story and I'm looking forward to many more books featuring Amos Decker.
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LibraryThing member Susan.Macura
The adventures of Amos Decker continue in this sequel to “Memory Man.” In this tale, high school football star Melvin Mars was convicted of murdering his parents and sentenced to death. However, just hours away from his execution, another man confesses to the crime and Mars is spared his life.
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Of course, there is more to this tale than meets the eye, especially with a gifted writer as Baldacci, so always expect the unexpected in this constantly evolving story. However, what we as readers do expect is a well-written tale filled with suspense, twists and turns, as well as great characters. This novel will not disappoint. I am looking forward to his next book, no matter what he writes about
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LibraryThing member ShriVenne
Another classic by David Baldacci. He starts with suspense and keeps it till the end. Characters described other than Decker, Bogart, Jamison are good and well performed. Author wants his readers "If start reading don't put the book away till u reach the end. " loved it and it's a GOODREAD...
LibraryThing member MHanover10
Heart bounding at times and lots of secrets revealed. A great addition to the series. I always enjoy a David Baldacci book.
LibraryThing member Carolee888
I loved Memory Man and The Last Mile so much. For some reason, this is my favorite series that David Baldacci has written. I really like the new character, Melvin Mars. Amos is still working for the FBI. He listens to the news about Melvin Mars almost being executed after he had already spent
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decades waiting on death row for two murders that he did not commit. At the last moment, he is told that a prisoner in Alabama had committed the murders. With just the confession, the FBI still needs to uncover the truth. Amos works to persuade the higher ups to take this case first.

There are several similarities between the two men, Decker had been in the NFL and Melvin was sure to be picked before the crime happened. They both love football and have been wrongfully accused of murders. Amos and the team including Miles have to unravel this mystery. They just about nothing to go on. But Decker's special memory gift let him see the discrepancies in the case. Finding them leads more and more information about what really happened. This is beautifully and carefully put together and will always stay in my memory.
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Physical description

464 p.; 8 inches




1455586463 / 9781455586462


(427 ratings; 4)

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