Angels Up Ahead

by Kenneth S. Jones

Paperback, 2000



Kenneth S. Jones (2000), Edition: 1st, 276 pages


From his birth to his 80th birthday, Ken Jones describes "miraculous circumstances" in which some kinds of "angels" have actually intervened in his life to rescue, direct, instruct, encourage him, pay his bills, help him find two wives, and satisfy his current needs in unlikely situations. In 101 short chapters, the reader will find inspiration, scarcely believable stories, and laughs aplenty. He advocates a belief in the power of prayer. There is an "angel" in nearly every chapter. From aspiring politician, to journalist, soldier, pastor, missionary, radio personality. friend of Presidents, mayors and governors, Ken Jones attributes his rewarding life to asking God to take care of "the big stuff." Soon after the publication of "Angels" the Baltimore Sun commended the book to all who would write their own stories. "Read this," the Sun said, "before putting the first word to paper." Later, Ken Jones was designated by the Sun as a "notable Maryland author" for the year 2000. Upon receipt of the announcement of Ken's story, 600 of his long-time friends ordered 350 copies almost by return mail. The rest followed. One old friend called "Angels" a "talking book." He could "hear" the author on every page.… (more)

Original publication date





0615115292 / 9780615115290

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