Bark of Night (An Andy Carpenter Novel, 19)

by David Rosenfelt

Hardcover, 2019


Minotaur Books (2019), 304 pages


Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Suspense. HTML: "Bark of Night is a treat, especially for those who love thrillers and dogs." �?? Associated Press The next novel in David Rosenfelt's witty, heartfelt mystery series featuring lawyer Andy Carpenter and his faithful golden retriever, Tara. When defense lawyer Andy Carpenter's veterinarian asks to speak to him privately at the checkup of his golden retriever, Tara, the last thing Andy expects is Truman. Tiny, healthy, French bulldog Truman was dropped off days ago with instructions to be euthanized by a man everyone thought was his owner. But now the owner is nowhere to be found. Andy is furious. Who would want to euthanize a perfectly healthy dog with no explanation? He is willing to whisk Truman away to the Tara Foundation, the dog-rescue organization which is Andy's true passion. They will find a home for Truman. But that's not all the vet tells Andy. Thanks to Truman's chip, it's discovered that the man wasn't Truman's owner at all . . . Truman's real owner has been murdered. It's now up to Andy �?? with help from his loyal sidekick Tara, Truman and the rest of the gang �?? to solve this case. In the latest in the popular Andy Carpenter mystery series, David Rosenfelt's charmingly clever wit and love of dogs are back and better than e… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member RowingRabbit
If you’ve read any of this series then you’re familiar with Andy Carpenter, the wisecracking MC. He’s been trying to quit practicing law pretty much since he took the bar exam & it’s not going well. It’s just that those pesky clients keep showing up at his door. Luckily for us, it looks
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like his retirement plans have been foiled again.

When he takes beloved dog Tara for a visit to the vet, somehow he ends up leaving with a new client. He’s a little French guy named Truman & he’s a good boy, yes he is. He’s also an orphan after his human was recently murdered.

Through bizarre circumstances, Truman ended up being brought in for euthanasia & if there’s one thing Andy hates more than working it’s someone throwing away a perfectly good pupper. He begins looking into the owner’s death & before he knows it, he’s representing a 20 year old local man charged with murder. Now he just has to break the news to his team. All the usual cast is back & respond in typical fashion. Sam is elated, Edna is horrified & Hike believes they’re doomed. As for Marcus…well, who knows what he thinks. Probably something scary.

Truman’s owner was a guy named James Haley. He made his living shooting documentaries on various subjects. No one is sure just why he was in Paterson, New Jersy but odds are good he filmed something he shouldn’t have & it’s made a bunch of of seriously bad guys very nervous. In alternate chapters we spend time with these paragons of society & gradually learn what they’re up to. Needless to say, it’s not good. In fact it’s a plan that has repercussions for communities right across the country & before long, bodies are popping up all over. Andy & his crew will need the help of law enforcement on all levels if they’re to survive long enough to clear their client.

This series has become an annual delight for me. If you haven’t picked up any of these books, stop reading immediately & get thee to a bookstore. There’s a reason the series has made it to #19. This outing has everything required for a fast paced, entertaining read….great cast of characters, twisty suspense, plenty of dogs & a guy named Fat Tony. Can’t ask for more than that.
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LibraryThing member jetangen4571
law-enforcement, lawyers, family, friendship, murder, snark-fest

***** Andy Carpenter is the snarkiest un lawyer you'll ever meet. His greatest fans are dogs, his wife, and his son. Wife is a private investigator and former homicide lieutenant with lots of connections, Andy is a defense lawyer who
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(sort of) picks his cases, hates going to court, and always wins for the good guys (his clients). The publisher's blurb is pretty good and sets up the early part of the story, but it's hard to say more without doing the spoiler thing. Whether you've read any of the earlier books or not, you can't miss with this one. But I have to warn you, I read a fairly recent one and promptly headed off to get the rest!
I requested and received a free ebook copy from St Martin's Press/Minotaur Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
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LibraryThing member tottman
Bark of Night is the 19th Andy Carpenter Mystery by David Rosenfelt. Bark starts with Andy’s golden retriever Tara on a routine visit to the vet when Andy’s vet calls him into the back room. Fearing the worst, Andy discovers that the problem is not with Tara but the veterinarian has another
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problem he wants his help with. It seems a man brought in a healthy french bulldog named Truman and asked to have him euthanized. The vet took the dog but objected to euthanizing a perfectly healthy dog. Doing some checking, he found out that the man was not Truman's owner. This infuriates both Andy and the vet but the issue is further complicated because Truman's real owner has been murdered.

Andy of course agrees to help the dog find a new home and try to find out what happened to the owner. Inevitably the police arrest someone whom Andy suspects is innocent and Andy reluctantly takes on another case. So much for being retired. Digging into the case Andy finds a lot of odd bits of information that doesn’t quite add up. It involves mob enforcers, a Florida connection and sponge diving. Andy and the gang, including his wife and her former partner Marcus, continue digging into the complicated plot and it isn't long before more bodies turn up.

The plot never actually gets too heavy and Rosenfelt keeps dropping in one-liners that are funnier than they should be. Lines like the description of the mob boss Fat Tony, who is called that because he is fat, and his name is Tony. Andy’s case of course winds up in front of a judge where Andy has to do his typical courtroom antics in order to make sure that an innocent boy does not wind up behind bars and the true culprits are brought to justice.

Bark of Night is another great entry in the Andy Carpenter series that is it is both entertaining and fun. The events move along at a steady clip with lots of excitement along the way and plenty of sly humor. Andy and his crew are a lot of fun to spend time with which is a large part of this series enduring success.

Grover Gardner does another amazing job with the narration. His tone perfectly captures Andy’s dry wit and keeps the story humming along and keeps you chuckling along with it. Andy Carpenter stories are a lot of fun and this one is no different. This is sure to please longtime fans of the series and anyone new to the series should have no trouble jumping right in.

I was provided a copy of this audiobook by the publisher.
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LibraryThing member Maydacat
No one can write like David Rosenfelt. He has a unique method of writing a suspenseful tale that is laced together with imaginative humor. In this 19th installment, Andy’s vet has presented him with a problem. A new client has dropped off a healthy dog to be euthanized, something the vet wasn’t
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going to do. Andy gets involved rescuing the dog, but almost before he can turn around, he finds himself defending a young man accused of murdering the dog’s owner. Of course, he says he didn’t do it. The more Andy digs into the case, the stranger it becomes. Bodies start piling up, seemingly unrelated, but if Andy and his team can’t link them together, his young client will be going to prison for a long time. The suspense in this mystery will keep you turning pages, but the humor will have you laughing and rolling your eyes at Andy. All I can say is, I wish David Rosenfelt could write faster - it’s too long to wait for the next book to come out.
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LibraryThing member nbmars
Bark of Night is #19 of this stand-up comedy/mystery/dog-related legal procedural crime series. We have not read all of them, but it’s not a problem to follow the plots no matter which book you pick up.

Andy Carpenter, the main character, is a criminal defense attorney in Paterson, New Jersey who
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hates to work, but keeps taking on new litigation anyway, albeit reluctantly. Usually a case comes to his attention because of some involvement of a dog. Andy, who came into a lot of money from a previous win in court, prefers spending time with his dog rescue foundation to doing legal work, or any work at all, for that matter.

He is called in for a consultation by his dogs’ veterinarian, and Andy is terrified one of his dogs has a medical issue. But the vet wants Andy’s advice on another matter. A healthy French bulldog named Truman was dropped off several days earlier by a man paying a hefty fee to have Truman euthanized. Oddly, however, Truman has a chip indicating that the man who brought him in was not in fact the owner. Furthermore, the newspaper revealed Truman’s real owner had just been murdered. A young kid was arrested right away for the crime and is about to face a jury in what the prosecution thinks is a "slam-dunk" case. But Andy suspects the man who brought Truman in is the guilty party and that the kid was framed.

Thus, Andy once again gets pulled into taking on a client, and as is generally the case, it turns into something much bigger than anyone suspected. In fact, other suspicious and possibly related deaths follow. The good news is, Andy’s client is clearly innocent since he is in jail. The bad news is, Andy and his unorthodox team have to figure out what has been going on and who the real guilty party is before the verdict in his client's case can be returned.

Evaluation: What could be more fun than Andy’s self-deprecating snarky commentary on everyone and everything? All of the author’s books in this series are quick reads and uniformly enjoyable.
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LibraryThing member JenniferRobb
Nothing like dropping in to a series at book 19. (I didn't realize it was book 19 until I came on to review sites. I was aware it was part of a series and not the first book in the series though.) It can be read as a stand alone although you may understand the characters better if you've read the
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rest of the series first.

I was attracted by the dog reference in the title as well as it having a dog on the cover.

This particular book didn't involve the dogs too much once the plot got going. Tara (Andy's dog) did not really feature much in this book besides being the reason Andy was at the vet.
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LibraryThing member nyiper
Always happy to escape into another Andy Carpenter adventure. Having the same basic characters in book after book is just a delight ---tiny changes take place in each of them as Andy tackles still....another trial. I need Rosenfelt to keep writing.....I've been reading the books in order and I
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don't want to catch up and find myself waiting!!!
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Physical description

304 p.; 9.6 inches




1250133092 / 9781250133090


½ (54 ratings; 4)


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