Pursuit Of Honor - 1st Edition/1st Printing

by Vince Flynn

Hardcover, 2008


Atria Books (2008), Edition: 1st Edition


Mitch Rapp comes up against a new and deadly enemy when he is unofficially ordered to find three terrorists by any means necessary. They've attacked Washington D.C., killing 185 and wounding hundreds. So far, however, his investigation has been painfully complicated and has yet to yield a single solid lead--and the last thing Rapp expected was to be in New York City to decide the fate of a man that could be his cover.

Media reviews

It's not easy keeping these stories sleek while preventing them from becoming parodies of themselves, and in that regard, "Pursuit of Honor" may be the best Rapp novel yet. Flynn does his job in making one want more.

User reviews

LibraryThing member satchmo77
I don't usually review this type of book. This is an exception.

The story was fine, but the simple, or should I say childish view of right and wrong is pathetic.

Mitch Rapp has no respect for authority or elected officials or really no one. One place in the book he thinks he might have to kill a
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friend whose conscious is showing.

Killing or torturing Americans because he thinks it's right is not a America I want.
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LibraryThing member Chiefe7
Vince Flynn is the best at the political thriller as far as I'm concerned
LibraryThing member SamSattler
I am arriving way late to the Vince Flynn/Mitch Rapp party because, if I count correctly, "Pursuit of Honor" is Flynn's tenth book in the Mitch Rapp series. It is my first exposure to the character - and I only wish I had arrived earlier. But the good news is that, although I have a lot of catching
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up to do, getting there should be quite a ride.

"Pursuit of Honor" starts just a few days after a terrorist attack on Washington D.C. has killed 185 people, including several members of Congress and other government officials. The terrorists even had the audacity to strike directly at the country's counterterrorism nerve center where they managed to slaughter a good number of people before Mitch Rapp and his partner, Mike Nash, stop them with an audacious counterattack of their own.

When the smoke clears, three terrorists are still on the run, including the two responsible for planning the attacks, and Mitch Rapp wants them. More tellingly, he is willing to do whatever it takes to get them. Rapp is a realist, not a politician. He is not concerned with being politically correct, only with keeping his country and its citizens safe from the religious fanatics that are so willing to slaughter innocents in the name of their god. Rapp believes that assassination is a legitimate tool in a war in which the other side judges its victories in terms of civilian body count imposed and he is as ready to kill American traitors as he is Muslim terrorists. This does not, of course, make him popular with certain members of Congress.

Unfortunately for Rapp, and even more unfortunately for America, a handful of Congressmen have become so obsessed with his methods that they seem to be more concerned with seeing Rapp in prison than with protecting the country. They hold Mitch Rapp in contempt - and he returns the favor. Readers more aligned with Rapp's way of thinking will particularly relish his confrontation with a female California senator during which the senator demands that Rapp address her as "Senator" rather than as "Ma'am." What Mitch Rapp says at this meeting is typical of his politics and, as offensive as his views will be to some readers, what he expresses fits his character perfectly. This is who Mitch Rapp is, after all.

Vince Flynn keeps the tension in "Pursuit of Honor" at a high level by alternating chapters about Rapp and his team with those about the three terrorists trying to make their way unnoticed across Middle America. And, because Rapp has to spend so much of his time working the political side of the search, the chapters about the three terrorists, particularly those concerning the conflicts within that small group, are the book's most tense ones. Flynn slowly brings the two groups closer and closer to each other until they finally clash in the book's wild ending.

What Mitch Rapp's congressional critics fail to recognize is that he is a moral man. His moral code may not be theirs but Rapp knows the difference between good and evil and he has dedicated his life to evil's defeat, something that does not always seem to be the goal of his most vocal critics. Whether the real world would be a safer - or a more dangerous - place if there were more Mitch Rapps in it is subject to debate. But "Pursuit of Honor" does make one wonder.

Rated at: 5.0
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LibraryThing member mikedraper
Mitch Rapp and Mike Nash stopped a group of terrorists before they could destroy the National Counterterrorism Center. 180 people died but it could have been much worse.

Three of the terrorists have escaped and have cut ties to al Qaeda. Working as an independent cell they are well hidden. Mitch and
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Mike must find a way to get information about the therrorists whereabouts and stop them before they can kill again.

In addition, Mitch finds that he has to explain his actions to politicians who don't seem to realize what is necessary to maintain the nation's defense.

The series has provided many enjoyable reading moments. This story is packed with adventure. However, when Rapp takes the time to explain himeself to the politicians, it takes away from the novel's momentum.

The author's theme seems to be that we can be too soft when it comes to terrorism and must be more dilligent in preventing terror by all means possible.

The characters continue to be well described and interesting.

"Pursuit of Honor" is an enjoyable read but not up to Vince Flynn's past work.
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LibraryThing member Jarratt
Not Flynn's finest, but still a good read. This latest Mitch Rapp thriller focuses on three Muslims who are responsible for an attack in downtown DC and then go underground. Rapp, meanwhile, is working over an inspector general who is responsible for keeping CIA agents straight, but is also working
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to get many fired due to the "extreme measures" they use to obtain info—and he’s doing so illegally. Rapp, obviously, thinks this guy's a traitor. The story was rather predictable, and the end was a little less than satisfying. I think Flynn needs to back off on the politcal points he's trying to make--let that come when he is on Fox News. Sure, Rapp's a CIA assisn and we cheer for him. So his audience is already, I'd strongly assume, rather conservative. It's nice to see some "gotcha" moments, but as these are all ficticious characters, it’s a litle unfulfilling.
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LibraryThing member mtkingsley
This is the first book of Vince Flynn's that I have read, although this is apparently the 10th book related to the main character Mitch Rapp. This book reminded me a bit of David Baldacci, whose works I read all the time. It was a fairly standard terrorist plot against the U.S., but there was good
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character development of the many different players. My biggest complaint would have to be the ending where it was unclear what happened to some of the characters. It seemed that, in the rush to end, these characters were left hanging. Perhaps we will learn more in No. 11??
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LibraryThing member buffalogr
Dr Scarpetta Investigates a skin diver's death which leads to international intrigue. Excellent listen, kept my interest all the time with twists and turns that left me wanting more.
LibraryThing member TomWheaton
Another good read from Mr. Flynn. However, I am getting a bit tired of the terrorist theme in his last few books even though it is timely.
LibraryThing member bushard
good quick read mitch rapp does his noral job - kils all the bad guys, this time it is terrorists
LibraryThing member MSWallack
The fact that I kept falling asleep while reading a Mitch Rapp story should be enough of a review. I felt as if Flynn had no idea what story he wanted to tell. He started with one story, seemed to either get bored or run out of ideas, then switched to another story. Finally, following one of those
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"yeah, right" coincidences, the action part of the story kicked into gear, but that was only the last 50 pages or so. Unfortunately, this was by far the least enjoyable Mitch Rapp novel.
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LibraryThing member DBower
I love Vince Flynn books buying them as soon as they are released. His newest book, Pursuit of Honor, continues the story of CIA Operative Mitch Rapp and the war against terrorism. It, like all his other books, was a great read. The characters are well developed, the plot is scarily real, and it
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all happens at neckbreaking speed. If you like the early Tom Clancy books and have not tried Vince Flynn do so now (although I would recommend starting with one of the first books). If you have never read anything by Vince Flynn, be warned, the book is pretty politically charged (ie. torture to extract information from terrorists)-I would call it a political thriller.

If you are a Vince Flynn fanatic you will not be disappointed. One final note, while I hate comparing books to TV or movie I must state that if you like the TV series 24 I think you would love this book.
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LibraryThing member FredB
Mitch Rapp the uber mensch CIA operative does it again. He kills the crazy arab terrorist and saves his buddy.

I keep wondering why I read this author, as it has a moral and political viewpoint I am in total disagreement with. I bet Dick Cheney likes it though.
LibraryThing member MashaK99
This is a direct sequel to Extreme Measures, and as such it takes a surprisingly long time to get going. There's also a LOT of talking and discussion, even *gasp* introspection as compared to other Flynn works I've read so far. Still, enough action to satisfy thriller fans, some nice twists, and no
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torture scenes this time-yay! If you lean to the left, you will probably hate the Senate hearings part in this one because it ventures into another controversial issue. Let's just say Limbaugh and Beck like this author for a reason LOL. The ending leaves you wanting more, which I guess is a good thing, but also has a nice sense of closure. I can almost see it being the last in the series, although it's probably not likely at this point.
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LibraryThing member utbw42
Better than the last Flynn novel. Flynn managed to keep the suspense of the terrorists loose in the States at a high level while mixing in the dynamics of Rapp and Nash's relationship. More Rapp in this novel than the last one, which probably is what made it a better novel, as I still find Rapp a
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much better character than Nash.
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LibraryThing member nx74defiant
Exciting espionage thriller. How will Mitch handle all the things that are going on? His friend is struggling with what the do. I read this out of order, but I didn't feel lost. I want to read the rest of the series.
LibraryThing member jimgysin
Some pretty major plot holes and/or iffy plotting choices at key moments in the story hurt this one, along with a rushed ending. But I love Rapp and the idea that there's someone out there like him looking after us, so it's all good.
LibraryThing member Andrew-theQM
Didn't really enjoy the first part of book - plot didn't seem to be moving on fast enough, but absolutely loved the last two-thirds of the book. Read in two sittings, punctuated by sleep! Keen now to read more in the series. Shows you should never give up on a book.
LibraryThing member susandennis
I love Vince Flynn's books and I love the entire Mitch Rapp series - except this one. It was lame. So sorry. I will not give up, however. There's a new one coming out next month and I will absolutely give it a go.
LibraryThing member Rockhead515
Great follow-up to Extreme Measures.
Flynn gets a little overly political in the middle, but otherwise another good story.
LibraryThing member coachtim30
Another solid addition to the Mitch Rapp series. In this novel, Rapp and company attempt to track down the three terrorists who were involved in the planning and execution of the attack in Washington, DC, in "Extreme Measures". While this book is not quite as riveting (IMHO) as the previous book,
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it's still quite good and will keep you turning pages.

I think it's important to read "Extreme Measures" prior to picking "Pursuit of Honor" up in order to gain important back story elements.
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1416595163 / 9781416595168


½ (322 ratings; 4)

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