The Neighbor (Detective D. D. Warren)

by Lisa Gardner

Hardcover, 2009


Bantam (2009), Edition: First Edition/First Printing, 384 pages


A young mother, blond and pretty, disappears without a trace from her South Boston home, leaving behind her four-year-old daughter as the only witness and her handsome, secretive husband as the prime suspect.

User reviews

LibraryThing member caroren
What a great book !!!
In bestseller Gardner's gripping 11th thriller, Sgt. Det. D.D. Warren, last seen in 2007's Hide, looks into the curious disappearance of Sandra Jones, a sixth-grade social studies teacher, from her South Boston home: Sandra's keys and purse were on the kitchen counter, nothing
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was disturbed, and her four-year-old daughter, Ree, to whom she was devoted, was asleep upstairs. The missing woman's reporter husband, Jason, becomes an immediate suspect because he refuses to answer questions and appears to have destroyed evidence. As a media frenzy envelopes the case, Warren's investigation reveals the couple's life as anything but perfect or normal. Full of inventive twists, this highly entertaining novel delivers a shocking solution as well as a perfectly realized sense of justice. Fans will appreciate the deft way Gardner weaves in a key character from 2008's Say Goodbye. (June) In bestseller Gardner's gripping 11th thriller, Sgt. Det. D.D. Warren, last seen in 2007's Hide, looks into the curious disappearance of Sandra Jones, a sixth-grade social studies teacher, from her South Boston home: Sandra's keys and purse were on the kitchen counter, nothing was disturbed, and her four-year-old daughter, Ree, to whom she was devoted, was asleep upstairs. The missing woman's reporter husband, Jason, becomes an immediate suspect because he refuses to answer questions and appears to have destroyed evidence. As a media frenzy envelopes the case, Warren's investigation reveals the couple's life as anything but perfect or normal. Full of inventive twists, this highly entertaining novel delivers a shocking solution as well as a perfectly realized sense of justice. Fans will appreciate the deft way Gardner weaves in a key character from 2008's Say Goodbye. (June)
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LibraryThing member bookmagic
I have always been a fan of Lisa Gardner but I had not read anything by her recently. Her latest book, The Neighbor, caught my attention and so off to the library I went. I loved this book! It was an excellent and masterfully written suspense novel. Jason and Sandra Jones are married with a four
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year old daughter and one night Sandra disappears. But they are not just your average couple. They both have secrets and Jason isn't talking to the police and he is the prime suspect. He is a very enigmatic character and the only thing I knew for sure as I was reading was that he loves his daughter. We hear from Sandra in the past, events leading up to the night of her disappearance. I thought I knew the ending 3/4ths of the way through but then changed my mind several times up until the very end. Gardner does an amazing job of giving parts of the story then moving to another character, and really leaves the reader guessing until the end. Lots of plot twists. Sergeant D.D. Warren, the lead detective on the case is a favorite character of mine and I hope she continues to show up in future Gardner novels. A must read for lovers of suspense novels.
my rating 4.5 stars
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LibraryThing member EvilynJ
With his wife missing and a media firestorm building, Jason Jones seems more intent on destroying evidence and isolating his daughter than on searching for his “beloved” wife. He appears to be the perfect husband. But is he really trying to hide his guilt—or just trying to hide? And will his
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four-year-old daughter, the only witness to the crime, be the killer’s next victim?

The story grabs you from page one and doesn't let go. Lots of plot twists and turns to keep you guessing. Great psychological suspense. Highly recommend. Fans will like that Sgt. D.D. Warren from Hide returns as the detective on the case and also that a character from Say Good-Bye sneaks into the plot.
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LibraryThing member julyso
Jason Jones comes home to find his young wife missing and his 4-year-old daughter alone in their home. He immediately becomes the prime suspect along with a convicted sex offender living close by, a student his wife worked with, and his wife's father. There is lots going on with Jason Jones and his
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wife, Sandra. Both seem to have many secrets and this adds to the mystery.

This is one creepy story. It starts out creepy and stays creepy! It is a fascinating read with quite a few surprises along the way. I was, however, disappointed by the ending. It just didn't seem plausible and didn't work with the rest of a great story.
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LibraryThing member Twink
I took Lisa Gardner's latest book The Neighbor with me on vacation. Well, rather I took it to kill time during the inevitable airport wait times. And I have to say, this new release from Random House Canada made the time pass pretty quickly!

The Joneses are the perfect family. Young, pretty school
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teacher mom, bright precocious little girl, handsome, hardworking reporter father.

Jason Jones comes home after a night shift, finds his four year old daughter alone and his wife Sandra gone. He does report it to the police. But when Sergeant D.D. Warren (featured in a previous book Hide) begins to investigate, the perfect picture starts to fade. Jason is less than forthcoming. In fact he seems to be hindering the search, rather than helping. And as D.D. digs further, she can't help but think that Jason is guilty. But their neighbor Aidan is a person of interest as well.

D.D. Warren is an excellent female protagonist. She's quick, tough, with a smart mouth, but has a vulnerable side too.

The story is told from different viewpoints - D.D.'s, Jason's, Aidan's and Sandra's - although her story is told in flashbacks to her past, so we are never sure if she is alive or dead. As a reader, we know far more of what is happening than the police do.

Gardner keeps us on our toes. This is a fantastic psychological thriller that kept me guessing until the very end with a really, really good twist.

Lisa Gardner started out as a romance writer, but has really come into her own as a suspense author. Guaranteed to keep you reading 'just one more page....'
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LibraryThing member sebooker
Full of tension, psychological games and secrets. Gardner gives us just enough lead to wet the imagination and then moves on to another character, scenario or issue. Is Jason guilty (of something, yes, but the disappearance of his wife?)Is Sandra dead?
Is Aidan a red herring? Is Max the culprit? You
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have to read to the last page to find out, and I did.
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LibraryThing member EstherReader
This is what I'm reading today (Sunday 16th August 2009). I'm at page 50 and my review so far is: by page 50 (end of Chapter 3) I realiesed what I'd been suspecting: I'm in good hands, Lisa Gardner is a class-act author and The Neighbour is unfolding as a wonderfully crafted thriller. She has
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written this from several different angles, slowly unfolding the story and the character's motivatons. Loving this so far. Keep you posted ...
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LibraryThing member scoutlee
From a distance Jason and Sandra Jones appear to be the perfect couple. They have a beautiful daughter, a new house and are in the beginning stages of building a life together. Their perfect façade slowly begins to crumble with Sandra goes missing shortly after putting their daughter to bed. Jason
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immediately turns into the prime suspect when he’s aloof and uncooperative with the police. What exactly is he hiding? Does he want his wife to be found? If he didn't kill her, does he know who did? These questions are what Detective Sergeant D.D. Warren is determined to find out
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LibraryThing member mikedraper
Sandra Jones puts her young daughter, Ree, to bed and goes to her own bed. Then she hears a sound coming from the stairs...When her husband, Jason, comes home from his night shift job at the newspaper, Sandra is gone.

Sgt. Det. D. D. Warren, last seen in Gardner's 2007 novel, Hide" knows that the
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spouse is always the prime suspect when the second spouse goes missing or is killed. When she attempts to interview Jason, he is uncooperative, almost nonshalant.

Is it her husband, who is guilty for whatever happened to Sandra? Is it the neighbor, Adrian Brewster, whose room overlooks the Jones' bedroom and is a registered sex offender? Could it be Ethan Hastings, a 13 year old high school student with a crush on Sandra? Or, could it be a late comer in the story, Wayne Reynolds, a state police computer analyst who met Sandy at a school basketball game and has been meeting her for the weekly basketball games, since then?

The story continues with Sandra's father, Judge Maxwell Black, entering the scene and demanding he be given visitation priveleges to his granddaughter. Sandra had no relationship with her father and had accused him of mistreatment.

As the story continues, the reader is privileged to know the various character's thoughts and it is difficult to see who might be the guilty character.

It is obvious that the author enjoyed writing this book and her sense of fun with the plot comes through. "The Neighbor" is a well written, fast moving story that would have made Alfred Hitchcock proud in the old TV days.
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LibraryThing member agathanaylor
Mother, wife goes missing. Husband and sexual offender (neighbour) main suspects. Detective D.D. Warren investigates. Husband remote, cold. Cute 4 yr old daughter that both parents adore.
Plot, writing style sustained interest all the way through. I felt character were a bit one dimensional not well
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portrayed. Background also did not seem well described except for the interior of the main characters house.
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LibraryThing member carolinasummers
THE NEIGHBOR is an intense thriller. Lisa Gardner tackled many post-modern issues while weaving a complex murder mystery.
Unlike some of Gardner's previous works, THE NEIGHBOR'S plot is more intricate, and did not unfold as effortlessly from a readers' standpoint. To me, this is what makes this her
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best work.

THE NEIGHBOR explores the scars left behind by childhood traumas, delves into the potentially sick world that computers open for people, and still manages to include the theme of the deep human need to be be loved.

In a Greta van Susteren"ish" way, Gardner's book lets the reader feel the media frenzy that inevitably follows the inexplicable disappearance of a beautiful wife and mother. The tenor of THE NEIGHBOR is somewhere between investigative reporting and a police procedural. Quite an interesting combination. Very well done.
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LibraryThing member bohemiangirl35
A little slow at parts, but I really enjoyed it. I didn't guess the end like I do with most books.
LibraryThing member auntmarge64
Now THIS is how suspense should be written! Multiple suspects, well-drawn characters, mysterious pasts, clues pointing in all sorts of directions. The final surprise is revealed in the last couple of pages, and the book is almost impossible to put down in the meantime.
LibraryThing member she_climber
What a page-turner! So much going on, but not to the point of confusion, just so many viable theories and suspects. Not sure I loved the final answer at the end. I need some more time to mull that over and decide if that was the best way Gardner could have gone with the story.

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did, however, love the throw back to Gardner's earlier novel "Say Goodbye". Which I didn't catch until the word Burgerman was used. Awesome! *END OF SPOILER*

Love Gardner's books and can't wait to start on the next one.
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LibraryThing member mrtall
The Neighbor is a police procedural-cum-thriller with a bit of a difference. In brief, D D Warren, a tough-talking but attractive policewoman, tries to sort out the mess when a young mother mysteriously disappears from her own home in the middle of the night. Her handsome but oddly-behaving and
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enigmatic husband immediately takes center stage as the prime suspect, but the missing woman has a turbulent backstory, and other odd connections and entanglements lead to fresh suspicions being raised.

The best thing about this book is its unpredictability. The worst thing about it is its predictability. How can that be? Well, the setup of the story is really quite fresh, with a progression of events and plot revelations that doesn't follow the conventions of the genre. But about three-quarter of the way through the book, there's an abrupt change of pace, and the book's climax is obvious well in advance of its consummation.

Gardner's pacing and characterization are not bad, but she relies too much on technological detail to keep the plot moving at times. Her IT-savvy characters and their clever tricks don't come off very well; Gardner seems more an admirer of high-tech looking in than someone who really understands it herself, and much of the book will date rapidly.

On the whole, though, I'd recommend this one. It's fun summer reading.
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LibraryThing member susiesharp
A young mother disappears without a trace; her husband comes home to find his daughter sleeping and the rest of the house empty.

As usual Lisa Gardner gives us another edge of our seat thriller. This was another semi-creepy one; it hops back and forth between narrators telling each persons story
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which I liked because it that keeps you guessing all the way through. She also brings back a character from the past and when you figure it out and a certain name is mentioned **No Spoilers** it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

The thing that keeps this from being a 5 star book is the police procedure, which I was a little disappointed in Sgt. DD Warren, is on the case and she is so intense and set on proving the husband did it. I don't remember them checking the bus, train, plane stations checking with cab companies or anything to see if Sandra just ran away. She was just so intent that the husband killed her it didn't seem like she wanted to explore any other avenue.

The ending will shock you the characters will surprise you its everything you would expect from Lisa Gardner.
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LibraryThing member debralu
Up to the end you still had questions............
LibraryThing member Carolee888
This book delivers; suspense, mystery and entertainment are done well. All of the characters were well developed psychologically and believable. The author knows police procedures and describes sexual offenders carefully. My knowledge of people who commit sexual abuse and violence against children
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was minor but I learned from author and also about different programs such as Pascal and Encase that can crack open the information deleted from computers and how they work in general. When a young mother, wife and school teacher goes missing, it seemed that a new “person of interest” popped up frequently in this story. This book took off from the first page and wouldn’t let go until it was over. It made me think about what it is like for those to have to deal with a “normal world” when their only reality was an “abnormal’. I would recommend it to anyone who loves mystery and suspense.
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LibraryThing member camelliacorner
Loved this book till the end, and I couldn't really figure it out. Obviously missed something.
A young mum disappears & the author takes us into the world of police procedure & the shadowy realms of criminality. The plot was great, all the different angles & characterisation. It really makes you
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think about the lives of those who have come into the criminal world and gives a taste of the thinking that may take place in peoples'minds. The idea of the complete shutdown to avoid all memories was displayed really well as the story moved along. The love and dedication shown to the daughter throughot was uplifting. She had her own little quirks and insights.
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LibraryThing member SuseGordon
A Great read told through 1st person memories and thought, but switching between which person. Lies & hidden pasts with no one really being who they seem until culminating in a ending that you really didn't see coming!
LibraryThing member Carl_Alves
Lisa Gardner did a fine job of building tension in this book. I listened to the audio version and couldn't wait to get in my car to listen to more. She had a good number of suspects in the book and an interesting way of telling the story, where the main protagonist's first person narration was
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mixed in throughout the novel, a clever way of introducing back story, although it kind of gave it away to the reader that she was still alive. The novel was suspenseful and well constructed. The ending was a little bit of a letdown but definitely not enough to ruin the book. All together a fine effort by Lisa Garder.
Carl Alves - author of Two For Eternity
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LibraryThing member fiberfool
This series is definitely a departure from my most recent cozy mystery binge. They are dark and heavy in a lot of ways. But I'm enjoying them very much. Tension is high, pacing is often quick and I get sucked into it.In this third installment I especially enjoyed the bits told by Sandy in her own
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words about the events leading up to her disappearance. The author was definitely skilled at knowing what to tell and when. I felt I had enough info to make speculations, but I never quite nailed it.I am definitely looking forward to the next on the series. Though I will definitely try to pave myself so I don't get through the series too fast and so I don't become over sensitive to the author's habits and patterns in storytelling.
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LibraryThing member edwardsgt
For me the plot moved too slowly and locations too static to really get me interested, plus the main characters weren't very sympathetic. The author only revealed the plot at almost the end by which time I'd lost interest.
LibraryThing member pidgeon92
This book had several an awful lot of suspects, but it really worked for me. Lots of people with lots of secrets.
LibraryThing member dreamingbear
as the series progresses, it's becoming more complicated and convoluted. It's great! Kept me guessing until the end.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

384 p.; 9.8 inches




0553807234 / 9780553807233


½ (452 ratings; 3.9)


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