An introduction to XML and web technologies

by Anders Møller

Other authorsMichael I. Schwartzbach (Author)
Paper Book, 2006



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Indeholder "Foreword", "Preface", "PART I. XML TECHNOLOGIES", "1. HTML AND WEB PAGES", " Objectives", " 1.1 Hypertext and Markup Languages", " 1.2 The History of HTML", " 1.3 URLs, URIs, URNs, and IRIs", " 1.4 Survivor's Guide to HTML", " 1.5 Survivor's Guide to CSS", " 1.6 Syntax and Validation",
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" 1.7 Limitations of HTML", " 1.8 Unicode", " 1.9 The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)", " 1.10 Chapter Summary", " 1.11 Further Reading", " 1.12 Online Resources", " 1.13 Exercises", "2. XML DOCUMENTS", " Objectives", " 2.1 Introduction", " 2.2 Recipes in XML", " 2.3 XML Trees", " 2.4 Textual Representation of XML Documents", " 2.5 Applications of XML", " 2.5.1 XHTML", " 2.5.2 CML", " 2.5.3 WML", " 2.5.4 ebXML", " 2.5.5 ThML", " 2.6 XML Namespaces", " 2.7 Running Example: More Recipes", " 2.8 Chapter Summary", " 2.9 Further Reading", " 2.10 Online Resources", " 2.11 Exercises", "3. NAVIGATING XML TREES WITH XPATH", " Objectives", " 3.1 Pointing into XML Documents", " 3.2 Location Steps and Paths", " 3.2.1 Contexts", " 3.2.2 Axes", " 3.2.3 Node Tests", " 3.2.4 Predicates", " 3.3 Typical Location Paths", " 3.4 Abbreviations", " 3.5 General Expressions", " 3.5.1 Values and Atomization", " 3.5.2 Literal Expressions", " 3.5.3 Comments", " 3.5.4 Variable References", " 3.5.5 Arithmetic Expressions", " 3.5.6 Sequence Expressions", " 3.5.7 Path Expressions", " 3.5.8 Filter Expressions", " 3.5.9 Comparison Expressions", " 3.5.10 Boolean Expressions", " 3.5.11 Functions", " 3.5.12 For Expressions", " 3.5.13 Conditional Expressions", " 3.5.14 Quantified Expressions", " 3.5.15 Types", " 3.5.16 XPath 1.0 Restrictions", " 3.6 XPointer and XLink *", " 3.7 Chapter Summary", " 3.8 Further Reading", " 3.9 Online Resources", " 3.10 Exercises", "4. SCHEMA LANGUAGES", " Objectives", " 4.1 XML Languages and Validation", " 4.2 Regular Expressions", " 4.3 DTD - Document Type Definition", " 4.3.1 Document Type Declarations", " 4.3.2 Element Declarations", " 4.3.3 Attribute-List Declarations", " 4.3.4 Conditional Sections, Entity, and Notation Declarations", " 4.3.5 Checking Validity with DTD", " 4.3.6 Recipe Collections with DTD", " 4.3.7 Limitations of DTD", " 4.4 XML Schema", " 4.4.1 Overview", " 4.4.2 Simple Types", " 4.4.3 Complex Types", " 4.4.4 Global versus Local Descriptions", " 4.4.5 Namespaces", " 4.4.6 Annotations", " 4.4.7 Modularization", " 4.4.8 Subsumption and Substitution Groups", " 4.4.9 Defaults and Whitespace Normalization", " 4.4.10 Uniqueness, Keys, and References", " 4.4.11 Recipe Collections with XML Schema", " 4.4.12 Limitations of XML Schema", " 4.4.13 Best Practices", " 4.4.14 Other Schema Languages", " 4.5 DSD2 *", " 4.5.1 Recipe Collections with DSD2", " 4.5.2 Rules", " 4.5.3 Boolean Expressions", " 4.5.4 Regular Expressions", " 4.5.5 Normalization", " 4.5.6 Modularization", " 4.5.7 Uniqueness and Pointers", " 4.6 RELAX NG *", " 4.6.1 Patterns and Grammars", " 4.6.2 Datatypes", " 4.6.3 Recipe Collections with RELAX NG", " 4.6.4 Modularization", " 4.6.5 A Non-XML Syntax", " 4.7 Chapter Summary", " 4.8 Further Reading", " 4.9 Online Resources", " 4.10 Exercises", "5. TRANSFORMING XML DOCUMENTS WITH XSLT", " Objectives", " 5.1 Transforming XML Documents", " 5.2 The Processing Model", " 5.3 Template Rules", " 5.3.1 Patterns and Matching", " 5.3.2 Names, Modes, and Priorities", " 5.4 Sequence Constructors", " 5.4.1 Element and Attribute Constructors", " 5.4.2 Text Constructors", " 5.4.3 Other Constructors", " 5.4.4 Copying Nodes", " 5.4.5 Recursive Application", " 5.4.6 Repetitions", " 5.4.7 Conditionals", " 5.4.8 Template Invocation", " 5.5 Variables and Parameters", " 5.6 Built-In Template Rules", " 5.7 Simple Traversals", " 5.8 Advanced Features", " 5.8.1 Grouping", " 5.8.2 Sorting", " 5.8.3 Numbering", " 5.8.4 Keys", " 5.8.5 Analyzing Strings", " 5.8.6 Functions", " 5.8.7 Sequence Types", " 5.8.8 Multiple Documents", " 5.8.9 Include and Import", " 5.8.10 Generating XSLT Output", " 5.9 XSLT 1.0 Restrictions", " 5.10 Stylesheets for Recipe Collections", " 5.11 XSL-FO", " 5.12 Chapter Summary", " 5.13 Further Reading", " 5.14 Online Resources", " 5.15 Exercises", "6. QUERYING XML DOCUMENTS WITH XQUERY", " Objectives", " 6.1 Querying XML Documents", " 6.1.1 From Relations to Trees", " 6.1.2 Usage Scenarios", " 6.2 The XQuery Design", " 6.2.1 Relationship to XPath", " 6.2.2 Relationship to XSLT", " 6.3 The Prolog", " 6.4 Expressions", " 6.4.1 XPath Expressions", " 6.4.2 Datatype Expressions", " 6.4.3 XML Expressions", " 6.4.4 FLWOR Expressions", " 6.5 Defining Functions", " 6.6 XQuery versus XSLT *", " 6.6.1 Emulating XSLT in XQuery", " 6.6.2 Emulating XQuery in XSLT", " 6.7 The Type System *", " 6.7.1 Sequence Types", " 6.7.2 Validation and Dynamic Types", " 6.7.3 Type Matching", " 6.7.4 Type Annotations and Type Errors", " 6.7.5 Static Type Checking", " 6.8 XQueryX", " 6.9 XML Databases", " 6.9.1 XML Publishing", " 6.9.2 XML Shredding", " 6.10 Full-Text Searching", " 6.11 Chapter Summary", " 6.12 Further Reading", " 6.13 Online Resources", " 6.14 Exercises", "7. XML PROGRAMMING", " Objectives", " 7.1 Programming with XML Documents", " 7.2 The DOM API", " 7.3 The JDOM API", " 7.3.1 Embracing Java", " 7.3.2 Data Model", " 7.3.3 Parsing, Validation, and Serializing", " 7.3.4 XPath Evaluation", " 7.3.5 XSLT Transformation", " 7.3.6 A Business Card Editor", " 7.4 XML Data Binding", " 7.4.1 Binding Compilers", " 7.4.2 The JAXB Framework", " 7.4.3 A Business Card Editor using JAXB", " 7.5 The SAX API", " 7.5.1 Streaming XML", " 7.5.2 Parsing Events", " 7.5.3 SAX Applications", " 7.5.4 SAX Filters", " 7.5.5 Streaming with XmlPull", " 7.6 Streaming Transformations with STX *", " 7.6.1 STXPath", " 7.6.2 Transformations and Templates", " 7.6.3 Variables", " 7.6.4 Groups", " 7.6.5 Limitations of Streaming", " 7.6.6 STX for Recipes", " 7.7 Type-Safe XML Programming Languages *", " 7.7.1 XDuce", " 7.7.2 XACT", " 7.8 Chapter Summary", " 7.9 Further Reading", " 7.10 Online Resources", " 7.11 Exercises", "PART II. WEB TECHNOLOGIES", "8. THE HTTP PROTOCOL", " Objectives", " 8.1 The Internet and HTTP", " 8.1.1 Requests", " 8.1.2 Responses", " 8.1.3 HTML Forms", " 8.1.4 Authentication", " 8.1.5 Other Advanced Features", " 8.1.6 Limitations of HTTP", " 8.2 Sessions", " 8.3 SSL and TLS", " 8.4 Web Programming with Java", " 8.4.1 TCP/IP in Java", " 8.4.2 HTTP in Java", " 8.4.3 SSL in Java (JSSE)", " 8.5 A Web Server in 145 Lines of Code", " 8.6 Chapter Summary", " 8.7 Further Reading", " 8.8 Online Resources", " 8.9 Exercises", "9. PROGRAMMING WEB APPLICATIONS WITH SERVLETS", " Objectives", " 9.1 Writing Web Applications", " 9.2 The Servlet API", " 9.2.1 The Life Cycle of Servlets", " 9.2.2 Requests", " 9.2.3 Responses", " 9.2.4 Servlet Contexts and Shared State", " 9.2.5 Sessions", " 9.3 Running Web Applications", " 9.3.1 Web Applications and Deployment", " 9.3.2 Running Servlets with Tomcat", " 9.4 Advanced Features", " 9.4.1 Listeners", " 9.4.2 Filters", " 9.4.3 Request Dispatchers", " 9.4.4 Security", " 9.5 Limitations of Servlets", " 9.6 Web Applications with JWIG *", " 9.7 Chapter Summary", " 9.8 Further Reading", " 9.9 Online Resources", " 9.10 Exercises", "10. PROGRAMMING WEB APPLICATIONS WITH JSP", " Objectives", " 10.1 The JSP Framework", " 10.1.1 Templates", " 10.1.2 Expressions", " 10.1.3 Statements", " 10.1.4 Declarations", " 10.1.5 Directives", " 10.1.6 Translation into Servlets", " 10.1.7 XML Version of JSP", " 10.1.8 The Expression Language", " 10.1.9 A JSP Shopping Cart", " 10.2 Tags", " 10.2.1 Tag Files", " 10.2.2 Tags for Quick Polls", " 10.2.3 Tag Libraries and JSTL", " 10.2.4 Limitations of Tags", " 10.3 The Model–View–Controller Pattern", " 10.3.1 A Model 1 Business Card Server", " 10.3.2 A Model 2 Business Card Server", " 10.4 Chapter Summary", " 10.5 Further Reading", " 10.6 Online Resources", " 10.7 Exercises", "11. WEB SERVICES", " Objectives", " 11.1 Distributed Systems and Web Services", " 11.1.1 A Recipe Server with XML and HTTP", " 11.2 Web Service Standards", " 11.3 SOAP", " 11.3.1 The Processing Model", " 11.3.2 Faults", " 11.3.3 Data Representation and RPC", " 11.3.4 Protocol Binding", " 11.4 WSDL", " 11.4.1 Interface Descriptions", " 11.4.2 Binding Descriptions", " 11.4.3 Service Descriptions", " 11.5 UDDI", " 11.5.1 Descriptions", " 11.5.2 Discovery", " 11.6 Chapter Summary", " 11.7 Further Reading", " 11.8 Online Resources", " 11.9 Exercises", "12. A COMPLETE APPLICATION", " Objectives", " 12.1 The Web of Jokes", " 12.2 The Joke Language", " 12.2.1 Representing Jokes", " 12.2.2 XML Schema for Jokes", " 12.2.3 XSLT for Jokes", " 12.3 The Joke Server", " 12.3.1 State", " 12.3.2 Operations", " 12.3.3 Implementation", " 12.4 The Joke Metaserver", " 12.4.1 State", "12.4.2 Operations", "12.4.3 Implementation", " 12.5 The Joke Client", " 12.5.1 State", " 12.5.2 Operations", " 12.5.3 Implementation", " 12.6 Deployment", " 12.7 Robustness", " 12.8 Reflections", " 12.9 Exercises", "Bibliography", "Index".

I Preface / How To Use This Book står der lidt om at afsnit mærket med en * er beregnet for viderekomne og kan hoppes over, hvis man bare vil vide noget om de teknikker, der er beskrevet. Eller i forfatternes egne ord: Some sections of this book are intended for advanced studies and may safely be skipped by readers who only need to obtain basic familiarity with the presented technologies. These sections, marked with the symbol *, contain further discussions and presentations of advanced features and research topics.
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Harlow Addison-Wesley, 2006


This thoroughly class tested text and online tutorial gives a complete introduction to the essentials of the XML standard. It will teach students how to apply web technologies to develop XML based web applications.  Through the book, the student will build applications that work together to construct interesting and workable web applications. 


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Physical description

xxii, 542 p.; 23.2 cm


0321269667 / 9780321269669

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