Inside C#

by Tom Archer

Other authorsAndrew Whitechapel (Author)
Paper Book, 2002



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Indeholder "Foreword", "Introduction", "Part 1. C# Class Fundamentals", "1. Building C# Applications and Libraries", " "Hello, World" - The Command-Line Version", " Using the Command-Line Compiler", " "Hello, World" Code Walk-Through", " One-Stop Programming", " Namespaces", " Classes and Members",
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" The Main Method", " The System.Console.WriteLine Method", " Namespaces and the using Directive", " Skeleton Code", " Class Ambiguity", " "Hello, World" - The Visual Studio .NET Version", " Building and Running .NET Applications", " Inside "Hello, World"", " Working with Assemblies and Modules", " Assembly Overview", " Benefits of Assemblies", " Building Assemblies", " Creating Shared Assemblies", " Working with the Global Assembly Cache", " Summary", "2. The .NET Type System", " Everything Is an Object", " The Root of All Types: System.Object", " Value Types and Reference Types", " Value Types", " Reference Types", " Boxing and Unboxing", " Converting from Value Types to Reference Types", " Converting from Reference Types to Value Types", " More Boxing Examples", " Types and Aliases", " Casting Between Types", " CTS Benefits", " Language Interoperability", " Singly Rooted Object Hierarchy", " Type Safety", " Summary", "3. Classes and Structs", " Defining Classes", " Class Members", " Access Modifiers", " The Main Method", " Command-Line Arguments", " Returning Values from Main", " Multiple Main Methods", " Constructors", " Static Members and Instance Members", " Constructor Initializers", " Specifying Run-Time Information in a Constructor Initializer", " Constants vs. Read-Only Fields", " Constants", " Read-Only Fields", " Inheritance", " Multiple Interfaces", " Sealed Classes", " Defining Structs in C#", " Struct Usage", " Guidelines to Using Structs", " Summary", "4. Methods", " Value and Reference Parameters", " ref Method Parameters", " out Method Parameters", " Value and Reference Parameters (Again)", " Method Overloading", " Overloading Constructors", " Inheritance and Overloading", " Variable Method Parameters", " Virtual Methods", " Method Overriding", " Polymorphism", " new and virtual Methods", " Calling Virtual Methods from Constructors", " Static Methods", " Access to Class Members", " Static Constructors", " Summary", "5. Properties, Arrays, and Indexers", " Properties as Smart Fields", " Defining and Using Properties", " Inside Properties", " Inheriting Properties", " Advanced Use of Properties", " Arrays", " Declaring Arrays", " Single-Dimensional Array Example", " Multidimensional Arrays", " Querying for Rank", " Jagged Arrays", " Treating Objects Like Arrays by Using Indexers", " Defining Indexers", " Indexer Example", " Inside Indexers", " Design Guidelines", " Summary", "6. Attributes", " Introducing Attributes", " Defining Attributes", " Querying for Attributes", " Class Attributes", " Method Attributes", " Field Attributes", " Attribute Parameters", " Positional Parameters and Named Parameters", " Common Mistakes with Named Parameters", " Valid Attribute Parameter Types", " The AttributeUsage Attribute", " Defining an Attribute Target", " Single-Use and Multiuse Attributes", " Specifying Inheritance Attribute Rules", " Attribute Identifiers", " Predefined Attributes", " Conditional Attribute", " Obsolete Attribute", " CLSCompliant Attribute", " DllImport and StructLayout Attributes", " Assembly Attributes", " Context Attributes", " Summary", "7. Interfaces", " Interface Use", " Declaring Interfaces", " Implementing Interfaces", " Querying for Implementation by Using is", " Querying for Implementation by Using as", " Interfaces vs. the Alternatives", " Explicit Interface Member Name Qualification", " Name Hiding with Interfaces", " Avoiding Name Ambiguity", " Interfaces and Inheritance", " Combining Interfaces", " Summary", "Part II. Writing Code", "8. Expressions and Operators", " Operators Defined", " Operator Precedence", " How C# Determines Precedence", " Left and Right Associativity", " Practical Usage", " C# Operators", " Primary Expression Operators", " Mathematical Operators", " Numeric Conversions", " checked and unchecked Context", " Bitwise Operators", " Relational Operators", " Simple Assignment Operators", " The Conditional Operator", " Summary", "9. Program Flow Control", " Selection Statements", " The if Statement", " The switch Statement", " Iteration Statements", " The while Statement", " The do/while Statement", " The for Statement", " The foreach Statement", " Branching with Jump Statements", " The break Statement", " The continue Statement", " The Infamous goto Statement", " The return Statement", " Summary", "10. String Handling and Regular Expressions", " Strings", " String Formatting", " Format Specifiers", " Objects and ToString", " Numeric String Parsing", " Strings and DateTime", " Encoding Strings", " The StringBuilder Class", " Splitting Strings", " Extending Strings", " String Interning", " Regular Expressions", " Match and MatchCollection", " Groups and Captures", " String-Modifying Expressions", " Regular Expression Options", " Compiling Regular Expressions", " Summary", "11. File I/O with Streams", " Stream Classes", " FileStream", " StreamReader and StreamWriter", " Memory and Buffered Streams", " String Readers and Writers", " Binary Readers and Writers", " File System Classes", " Directory and DirectoryInfo", " File and FileInfo", " Parsing Paths", " Nonconsole Use of Streams", " Windows OpenFileDialog", " Reading Web Pages", " Serialization", " Serializing with BinaryFormatter", " Serializing with SoapFormatter", " Serializing with XmlSerializer", " Implementing Iserializable", " Summary", "12. Error Handling with Exceptions", " Overview of Exception Handling", " Basic Exception-Handling Syntax", " Throwing an Exception", " Catching an Exception", " Rethrowing an Exception", " Cleaning Up with finally", " Retrying Code", " Comparing Error-Handling Techniques", " Benefits of Exception Handling Over Return Codes", " Handling Errors in the Correct Context", " Improving Code Readability", " Throwing Exceptions from Constructors", " Using the System.Exception Class", " Constructing an Exception Object", " Using the StackTrace Property", " Catching Multiple Exception Types", " Deriving Your Own Exception Classes", " Designing Your Code with Exception Handling", " Design Issues with the try Block", " Design Issues with the catch Block", " Summary", "13. Operator Overloading and User-Defined Conversions", " Operator Overloading", " Operator Overloading Syntax", " Operator Overloading Rules and Restrictions", " Operator Overloading Examples", " RGB Color Incrementing Example", " Operator Overloading Design Guidelines", " User-Defined Conversions", " User-Defined Conversion Syntax", " User-Defined Conversion Rules and Restrictions", " User-Defined Conversion Examples", " Summary", "14. Delegates and Event Handlers", " Using Delegates as Callback Methods", " Inside Delegates", " Defining Delegates as Static Members", " Creating Delegates Only When Needed", " Multicast Delegates", " Multicast Delegate Justification", " Defining Events with Multicast Delegates", " Summary", "15. Documentation with XML", " Getting Started", " Adding Elements", " Acceptable Code Constructs", " Compiler-Generated Element IDs", " Fields, Properties, Events, and Indexers", " Methods", " Well-Formed XML", " Comment Web Pages", " Element Tags and Attributes", " The <exception> Tag and cref Attribute", " The <c>, <code>, and <example> Tags", " The <include> Tag", " The <list> Tag", " Custom Formatting", " XML and Data", " Summary", "Part III. Advanced C#", "16. Numerical Processing and the Math Class", " Numeric Support in C# and .NET", " Is the Decimal Type a Primitive?", " Numeric Suffixes", " A Numeric Type by Any Other Name.", " More on Numeric Literals", " Integral Ranges and Overflow Rules", " The Decimal Type", " The System.Math Class", " System.Math Constants", " Working with a Number's Sign", " Minimum and Maximum Values", " Methods for Rounding and Truncating", " Summary", "17. Collections and Object Enumeration", " Implementing the Enumeration Interface", " Using an Enumerator Object", " Using the foreach Statement with Collections", " Two Interfaces for the Price of One", " Constructing Enumerator Objects", " Creating Versioned Enumerators", " Combining IEnumerable and IEnumerator", " Protecting Data While Allowing Enumeration", " Value Types", " Performance Issues", " Modified Collected Value Types", " Summary", "18. Multithreading and Asynchronous Programming", " Getting Started with Threads", " Basic Thread-Handling Chores", " Creating Threads and Thread Objects", " Managing Thread Lifetimes", " Destroying Threads", " Scheduling Threads", " Communicating Data to a Thread", " Thread Safety and Synchronization", " Protecting Code by Using the Monitor Class", " Using Monitor Locks with the C# lock Statement", " Synchronizing Code by Using the Mutex Class", " Using Delegates to Call Asynchronous Methods", " Thread Safety and the .NET Classes", " Threading Guidelines", " When to Use Threads", " When Not to Use Threads", " Summary", "19. Querying Metadata with Reflection", " The Reflection API Hierarchy", " The Type Class", " Retrieving a Type Reference", " Retrieving the Type of an Instance", " Retrieving the Type from a Name", " Interrogating Types", " Working with Assemblies and Modules", " Iterating Through the Types of an Assembly", " Listing an Assembly's Modules", " Late Binding with Reflection", " Implementing an Abstract Factory with Reflection", " Dynamic Code Generation", " Summary", "20. Pinning and Memory Management", " Garbage Collection", " Overriding Finalize", " Overriding Finalize in Derived Classes", " Forcing Garbage Collection", " The Dispose Pattern", " Other GC Features", " The IDisposable Interface", " Derived Disposable Classes", " Protecting Against Double Disposal", " Language Support for Dispose", " Garbage Collector Generations", " Weak References", " Unsafe Code", " Using Pointers in C#", " Pinning", " Pinning Array Elements", " The Dereference Member Operator", " Using stackalloc", " Summary", "21. Using COM from C# Applications", " Where COM Fits in Today's .NET World", " Using COM Components from C#", " Creating an ATL Component", " Consuming a COM Component from a .NET Application", " Binding to and Using the COM Component", " Dynamic Type Discovery with COM Components", " Late Binding to COM Objects", " Event Handling", " How COM Connection Points Work", " Creating an ATL COM Component That Sources Events", " Event Handling Using Delegates", " Sinking Unmanaged COM Events in a .NET Application", " Using COM Collections", " Creating a COM Collection Component Using ATL", " Consuming COM Collections in a .NET Application", " Enumerating Elements in a .NET Collection", " Reusing COM Components in Managed Code", " Containment", " Aggregation", " Reuse Through Mixed-Mode Inheritance", " Reuse Through Mixed-Mode Containment", " A .NET View on COM Threading Models and Apartments", " Mapping Method Keywords to IDL Attributes", " Summary", "22. Using .NET Components in Unmanaged Code", " Creating and Using .NET Components via COM", " Generating a Typelib from the Assembly and Registering the Assembly", " Consuming the Component from a Visual Basic 6 Client", " Shedding More Light on the COM Interop Wizardry", " Snooping on the Generated Typelib", " Using Attributes to Tweak the Generated Typelib Metadata", " Altering the Interface Type", " Altering the GUID and the ProgID", " Hiding Public Types from Exposure to COM", " Altering the Marshaling Behavior for Types", " Exception Handling: .NET vs. COM", " Handling Events from .NET Components in Unmanaged Event Sinks", " Creating a .NET Component that Sources Events", " Handling Events in a Visual Basic Client Application", " Thread Affinity in .NET Components", " Thread-Neutral Behavior When Accessed by Unmanaged COM-Aware Clients", " Summary", "23. Security", " .NET Security", " Threats to Security", " Verifiable Type Safety", " Code Signing", " Private Assemblies", " Strong-Named Assemblies", " The Global Assembly Cache", " Delay-Signed Assemblies", " Cryptographic Services", " Code Access Security", " Evidence", " Security Policy", " Configuring Security", " CASpol", " Imperative and Declarative CAS", " Identity Permissions", " Assembly Permission Requests", " Role-Based Security", " PrincipalPermission Requests", " Impersonation", " Isolated Storage", " Summary", "A. MSIL Instruction Table", "Index".

Sjovt. Jeg har aldrig skrevet bare en enkelt linie kode i C#.
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Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press : Distributed in Canada by Penguin Books Canada Limited, c2002.


INSIDE C# provides the ideal in-depth look at the architecture and programming elements of Microsoft Visual C#. This book is perfect for any Visual Basic developer who wants to move up to the next-generation language, and for any Visual C++ developer who wants an easier language to use for developing Web-enabled applications for the Internet.


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Physical description

xxxiii, 873 p.; 24 cm


0735616485 / 9780735616486

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Omslag: Ikke angivet
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xxxiii; 873

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