Introduction to Pascal for computational mathematics

by E. J. Redfern

Paper Book, 1987



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Indeholder "Preface", "1. Introduction", "2. First Steps", " 2.1 Introduction", " 2.1.1 The heading", " 2.1.2 Variable declaration", " 2.1.3 The commands", " 2.1.4 Statement separators - the semicolon ;", " 2.2 A closer look", " 2.2.1 The user-defined variables", " 2.2.2 Data entry and display", "
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2.2.3 Formatting output", " 2.2.4 Apostrophes and new lines", " 2.3 The assignment statement", " 2.3.1 Arithmetic operators", " 2.4 Standard functions", " 2.4.1 Arithmetic functions", " 2.5 Constants", " 2.6 Comments", " 2.7 Compiling and running a program", " 2.8 Exercises", "3. Programming Structures", " 3.1 Designing a program - the algorithm", " 3.2 Control statements", " 3.2.1 The IF statement", " 3.2.2 BOOLEAN variables", " 3.2.3 Protection of programs", " 3.2.4 The CASE statement", " 3.3 Looping", " 3.3.1 The FOR loop", " 3.3.2 REPEAT and WHILE loops", " 3.4 Nesting of control statements", " 3.5 Exercises", "4. Sequences and Series", " 4.1 Introduction", " 4.2 Sequences", " 4.2.1 Recurrence relationships", " 4.2.2 Sequential mappings", " 4.2.3 An application", " 4.2.4 Recursive computation", " 4.3 Series", " 4.3.1 Calculation of exp(x) using the exponential series", " 4.4 Exercises", "5. Numerical Errors and Accuracy", " 5.1 Introduction", " 5.2 Representation of real numbers", " 5.3 Computer arithmetic", " 5.3.1 Examples", " 5.3.2 Comments", " 5.4 Order of calculation", " 5.5 Exercises", "6. More on Entering Data and Displaying Results", " 6.1 Introduction", " 6.2 Output to files", " 6.3 Input from files", " 6.4 Construction of tables", " 6.4.1 Tables for comparison of results", " 6.4.2 Tables of values", " 6.5 Exercises", "7. Procedures and Functions", " 7.1 Introduction", " 7.2 Procedures", " 7.2.1 Parameters", " 7.3 Functions", " 7.4 Nesting of procedures and functions", " 7.5 Structured program design", " 7.5.1 Modular construction", " 7.6 Recursion", " 7.7 Exercises", "8. Iterative Procedures", " 8.1 Iteration", " 8.2 Programming an iterative procedure", " 8.3 Newton-Raphson", " 8.3.1 Taylor expansion derivation", " 8.3.2 Programming Newton-Raphson", " 8.4 The secant method", " 8.4.1 Programming aspects", " 8.5 Functions and procedures as parameters", " 8.6 Exercises", "9. Numerical Calculus", " 9.1 Numerical differentiation", " 9.2 Numerical integration", " 9.2.1 Programming aspects", " 9.3 Simpson's rule", " 9.3.1 Programming aspects", " 9.4 Errors in numerical integration", " 9.5 Exercises", "10. First-order Differential Equations", " 10.1 Introduction", " 10.2 Euler's method", " 10.3 Modified Euler", " 10.4 Example", " 10.5 Programming aspects", " 10.6 Predictor-corrector methods", " 10.7 Comment", " 10.8 Exercises", "11. Arrays", " 11.1 Vectors or one-dimensional arrays", " 11.1.1 Example", " 11.2 Specification of subscript ranges", " 11.3 Multi-dimensional arrays", " 11.4 Passing arrays to procedures", " 11.4.1 Example", " 11.5 Roots of a polynomial", " 11.5.1 Construction of the program", " 11.6 Exercises", "12. Linear Algebra - Simultaneous Equations", " 12.1 Introduction", " 12.2 Gaussian elimination", " 12.2.1 Numerical aspects", " 12.2.2 Constructing a procedure", " 12.3 Iterative methods", " 12.3.1 The Jacobi method", " 12.3.2 The Gauss-Siedel method", " 12.3.3 Programming considerations", " 12.4 Exercises", "13. Characters and User-defined Scalar Types", " 13.1 Characters", " 13.2 Scalar types", " 13.2.1 Subrange types", " 13.2.2 Enumerated types", " 13.3 Character graphics", " 13.4 Exercises", "14. Data Summary", " 14.1 Introduction", " 14.2 Frequency distributions and histograms", " 14.2.1 Histograms", " 14.2.2 Examples", " 14.3 Moments", " 14.3.1 Mean and median", " 14.3.2 Measures of dispersion", " 14.4 Exercises", "15. Random Numbers", " 15.1 Random and pseudo-random numbers", " 15.1.1 Generation of pseudo-random numbers", " 15.2 Tests for randomness", " 15.2.1 Goodnes-of-fit test of uniformity", " 15.2.2 Serial tests", " 15.3 Random numbers from other distributions", " 15.3.1 Continuous distributions", " 15.3.2 Discrete distributions", " 15.4 Exercises", "16. Records, Complex Numbers and the Fourier Transform", " 16.1 Introduction", " 16.2 Complex arithmetic", " 16.3 Discrete Fourier Transform", " 16.3.1 Estimating the Fourier coefficients", " 16.3.2 Applications of the Fourier transform", " 16.4 Exercises", "17. Pointers and Polynomials", " 17.1 Introduction", " 17.2 Pointer types", " 17.3 Linked structures", " 17.3.1 Assignment of values to the list", " 17.3.2 Extension of the list", " 17.3.3 Insertion of new terms in the list", " 17.4 Pointers and procedures", " 17.5 Polynomial arithmetic", " 17.5.1 Polynomial entry and display", " 17.5.2 Addition of polynomials", " 17.5.3 Multiplication of polynomials", " 17.5.4 Example", " 17.6 Exercises", "18. Simulating Queues", " 18.1 Introduction", " 18.2 Simple queues", " 18.3 Doubly linked lists and rings", " 18.3.1 Application", " 18.3.2 Handling waiting times", " 18.3.3 Concluding remarks", " 18.4 Exercises", "19. Sets", " 19.1 Introduction", " 19.2 Assignment to sets", " 19.3 Set operations", " 19.4 Programming with sets", " 19.5 Binary relationships", " 19.5.1 Convolution of relations", " 19.6 Exercises", "20. Trees and Graphs", " 20.1 Introduction", " 20.2 Undirected graphs", " 20.2.1 Hamiltonian circuits and travelling salesmen", " 20.3 Trees", " 20.3.1 Binary trees", " 20.4 Directed graphs", " 20.4.1 Shortest routes", " 20.5 Exercises", "Appendix A: Standard Functions and Procedures", "Appendix B: Reserved and Pre-defined Words", "References", "Index".

Bogen dækker på rimelig vis både en indføring i Pascal og en række udmærkede eksempler på brugen af Pascal til at løse praktiske problemer. Numeriske metoder til at løse ligninger og differentialligninger bliver også berørt. Og der er en udmærket gennemgang af den diskrete Fourier-transformation. Og beregning af påske er med som øvelse 3.4.
Egentlig en udmærket bog, men i dag ville man bruge Mathematica eller Maple i stedet for og til gengæld blive skånet for mange numeriske og algoritmerelaterede faldgrube
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Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Port Washington, N.Y. : Macmillan Education ; distributed by Scholium International, 1987.


A textbook of problem solving in mathematics using programs that are developed in Pascal. No previous knowledge of computer programming is assumed, although the mathematics will be appropriate for first year students of mathematics, science or computing. Examples are introduced early on, and most chapters have exercises.


Original language


Physical description

x, 290 p.; 23.5 cm


0333444310 / 9780333444313

Local notes

Omslag: Ikke angivet
Omslaget viser et rutediagram over et program, der beregner værdien af en rækkeudvikling
Indskannet omslag - N650U - 150 dpi


x; 290

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