The cage

by Ruth Minsky Sender

Paper Book, 1986

Call number

YA Holocaust 738.33 Sender


New York : Bantam, c1986, 1988.


A teenage girl recounts the suffering and persecution of her family under the Nazis, in a Polish ghetto, during deportation, and in a concentration camp.

User reviews

LibraryThing member mla3048
The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender was one of the saddest books I have read. Although I read this in eight grade, I will always remember the hardships Riva and her family went through. Riva grew up during the time of the Holocaust where it was a struggle for families to survive from day to day. This
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book not only showed the pain and sorrow families went through by having to split up and leave each other, it also showed family and friend betrayal, for example the Grubers. Riva grew up with her mother and two brothers. After her mother was taken away by Nazi soldiers, Riva became the mother figure and adopted her two brothers.Riva had to watch one brother die and was separated by her other brother for eternity. One thing that keeps Riva alive is the poetry she writes. The Cage is not filled with the gory images we see later on about the Holocaust, but it does remind us of the struggles that faced all families in the Holocaust. I recommend all teenagers read this book because it is a good introduction to the emotions behind the killing and the hardships faced by many Jewish families.
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LibraryThing member sensitivemuse
I thought it was a good book. I'm assuming it's a memoir of the author's life (once I read her biography on Wikipedia). This book sounds vaguely familiar and I believe I have read it before a long time ago but nevertheless I thought I might as well read it again. It's a small book with less than
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200 pages and I was so interested and engrossed in it that it took me several hours to finish it. I wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next, I wanted to know how she managed to survive through the entire ordeal and still manage to keep hoping and to keep living. Riva is one of the most strongest characters I have ever read so far.

I admired Riva for having to take care of her brothers through the hardships of living in the ghetto. Then having to be forcefully separated, she had to survive on her own and she never lost hope. It's as if she drew strength from losing her mother to give her the will to stay alive. Although the situation was always bleak and survival is never guaranteed, it was amazing to see how Riva managed to continue to hope even in the face of this kind of adversity.

There were a few things with this novel that I did not quite agree with. First I noticed it's somewhat catered to children and I sort of have to wonder about that. I realized children should be taught about this moment in history but I think this book really should be catered towards teens as this story surrounded Riva in her teenage years. It just seems to make more sense. Also, I found the flow of the narration to be a little jumpy throughout the first half of the book. It was first one major event then it just skips directly to another there wasn't real flow to put the two together into one smooth transition, it felt almost as if it was the writing was rather haphazard.

Overall though, a touching Holocaust story and not one to be missed. The story tells you that without hope, there really is nothing to live for and it's a lesson to learn for everyone in future generations to come.
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LibraryThing member hmmn
I loved this book, Ruth Sender makes you really feel the events that she writes about. I read this book so long ago, but I still remember how touched I was by Riva's struggles.
LibraryThing member JanaRose1
Although this book states that it is for 12 year olds, I, a 29 year old, highly enjoyed it. It is a holocaust memoir about Riva and her life in the ghetto and concentration camps. Riva is only 16 years old, however when her mother is sent to a concentration camp, she becomes mother to her younger
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brothers. Joined by love, Riva is able to keep the family together for only a short time before she is separated and sent to a labor camp. Riva injures her hand and becomes seriously ill. Miraculously, the camp commandant allows her to leave the camp and meet with an outside doctor.

This book is well-written and engaging. The reader comes to care for the family and pulls for their survival. Overall this is a good holocaust memoir, which I would recommend for anyone.
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LibraryThing member JeremyCarlson
The Cage is a heart breaker. Ruth Minskey Sender is the author of this book, and explains what she went through. She explains many different things when she lived in Poland at the time, as a child. Ruth was a Jew. She was locked up in a ghetto and caged in. Jews at the time had to wear a yellow
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star on them, so the guards would know that they were Jews. Ruth's family was in deep trouble. The three older siblings flee the country and went off to Russia, leaving the rest of their family behind. All who is left of the Minskey family in the ghetto are Ruth's mom, her, and her three brothers Moishele, Motele, and Liabele. Eventually, there mother gets taken away from the Nazis because, they suspected her being sick. Which of course her mother was not sick, they sent her mother to a concentration camp Ruth does not know where at all. All who is left know are the children. Everything happens so quickly. They are starving for food and sickness runs very fast throughout the ghetto. Liabele gets Terberculosis and is very sick. Ruth is forced to work in a sewing shop, which they sew warm clothing for the Nazis. This is sad because the Nazis do not let them have warmth or food. Liabele eventually dies and all who is left is Ruth, Moishele, and Motele. These three children become very sick because they have not had food in a long time. On a specific day the government of Germany came out and said that if the Jews would meet at the train tracks the next morning that they would receive food and care. The three young children did this and ended up becoming in Cattle Cars. These cars took days on end, and the Jews at the time did not know where they were even going. It was hot in the summer and cold in the winter, no food on the cars, and no toilets. They arrive, but someplace they do not want to be at... Auschwitz Germany. The biggest concentration camp ever stood. Of course these three children are scared and Ruth gets separated by her brothers which became a terrible thing. Ruth goes through many horrible sights such has seeing people get shaved such as herself, and being in clothes that don't even fit... This was horrible for her. They got wiped on end everyday. Torture, torture, torture occurred each minute of their lives until some couldn't even handle it one more minute and just fell asleep forever. Eventually Ruth gets a infection on her hand and gets very sick. At the time those who were sick got sent to the gas chamber to die. But, the commander over her group had some human in her and sent her to an outside hospital. She became better but still torture. Ruth created poems and shared them with other Jewish prisoners. She was known for love. She soon got rescued by the Russians with terrible news. The Russians had said that every camp that they had been to, there was only ashes, ashes, and dead bone. This all was a real, true, sad story in the cage.

My opinion about this book is incredible. First Ruth explains how she is now with her daughter then she goes and explains how her friends betrayed her for the Nazis and left, and how they were stuck in a ghetto. Then sent to a concentration camp where they got tortured. The author really explains how she went through this. The pain... that she explained I almost could feel it myself in my heart. It was a really powerful story, which I would love to share with my kids some day, of how the Germans were treated then by the Nazis and the cause of it all Hitler.
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LibraryThing member khooper
The Cage is about a family split apart because of Hitler and the Nazis. The First three born left befor the Nazis arrived, they escapes to Russia. But Riva and her three younger brothers stayed with their mother. Soon a nice town in Poland turned in to a Ghotto.
LibraryThing member mitchell.shaver
This is a book about a woman who survived the Holocaust. Her name in the book is Riva, but she changed it to Ruth. Riva is a Polish Jew. Riva lived at the uprising of Hitler and the start of WWII. Her mother gets taken away when they are in the Ghetto. Her brothers and her are forced to go into
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hard labor to survive. They get a little bit of stale bread after a day of work. Riva gets a disease caused by malnutrition and she can't walk. Her brothers sell their bread for one tangerine and a bottle of milk. One of her little brothers dies of teburculosis and Riva and her other brothers are forced to move when they find out that their apartment building is being torn down for fire wood. Riva and her brothers are barely surviving when the Nazi's ofer to sent them to a work camp and say that they will be togeather when they get there. When they get to the camp Auschwitz her and her brothers get sepearted. Riva is at Auschwitz for about two weeks when she gets sent to Mittelsteine
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LibraryThing member Kyle.Torres
The Cage is by, Ruth Minsky Sender. Ruth Minsky Sender is the main charater, her real name is Riva Minska. She lived in Lotz, Poland with her mother and younger brothers. Riva used to have older brothers and a sister, but before the war started, they moved to Russia. Riva's neighbors got taken away
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from the getto, because they were German. Riva's mother got taken away from Lotz, because she looked sick, and the Germans took her away. Riva became the youngest person to adopted her younger brothers. One of Riva's brothers was sick with Tuberculois. He died when he was 13. Riva's also got sick, she couldn't walk. Her legs wouldn't let her stand up. Her brothers bought her some medicine to make her stronger. She got better and started to walk again. Riva and her brothers decided to go to a concentration camp.
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LibraryThing member Bryon.Hancock
This book about Riva's life during Holocaust. In the very begin whe loses her mother and her young brother dies of Tubercluoesis. She forced to a labor camp where she is separated from her brothers. She stays near to the people she knows. Then the girls are tranfered to another labor camp in
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Austria. There they hand buckets of dirt. She got infection from the bucket and got blood poisoned from it. Then are sent to one more labor camp where which is where is was saved by a Jewish Russian.

I liked this book because it gave a picture in my head of what was happening during the holocausr. If you were to ask me what the holocaust before I read this book, I be like what is the holocaust. Is it a roller coaster? But now I understand that it isn't a roller coast instead it is a horroable thing that happen which should have not happened but it did.
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LibraryThing member mckenziegregg
This book is written by a holocaust survivor and is telling the story of what happened to her and her family during the holocaust. Ruth Minsky, know as Riva in the book, is living in a ghetto and is caged in by the NAZIS with her three brothers after her mother and sisters are deported to somewhere
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Ruth does not know and still does not know. After Riva's landloard takes away the furnis that heats the house, her brother becomes very ill and then dies of tuberlucosis. After, Riva and her two brothers are deported to a concentration camp. when she is done showering and getting sterilized and is given a number to be known by she gets separated from her brothers and can never find them again. She tells how the worked at the labor camp, sewing suits for the NAZIS, and how she is fed, watered down soup and stale bread, she even tells how the NAZIS torcher her and other people. In the end she is liberated by the russians after the NAZIS tell them they will kill all of them in the woods but before the NAZIS actually kill them.
Anyways, I loved this book and would read it again. But beware, this book will make you depressed and it will make you cry because of what all these people had to go through and how many people died from Hitler and the NAZIS. This story is a great way to express what the horrible things Hitler and the NAZIS did to not only Jews, but many other people. For instance, the handicapped, the old, babies that came into camp were instantly killed in gas chambers, the homosexuals, and many other people were killed in thease concentration camps. If you have been to a concentration camp you know that when you walk in you atomatically feel depressed. So, this book is a great book and you should read it.
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LibraryThing member billybobjoeysileo
The Cage is a true life account of a Holocaust survivor, who tells about her journey from the labor camp called Lodz, and how she with her mother and two brothers moved to the death camp, Auchwitz. "Riva" tellls about her brother being sent off, and she nevers sees them again. Her mother also
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perishes at Auchwitz. She never saw any of her family members again. The book explores her life at Lodz, and then in Aushwitz.
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LibraryThing member Joslynn
I really liked this book but it’s sad, reading about the holocaust is a lot to take in.
This book the cage was a really good book, it’s about a girl and her family who are Jews and they have German friends, but later on in the book there German friends are made to join the
Nazi military. The
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Nazis raid Jews houses and steal there this, the things that are valuable. The Nazis also broke windows, took out the heaters, and it was winter and very cold. The Nazis made the Jews ware the yellow Star of David on their clothes to show that they were Jews. The Nazis would play games like how to see what was easier to hit, a yellow star or a window and they would shoot their guns and it would hit the yellow star and the person would die just because they wanted to play a mean game. Later on the Jewish girl loses her brother, he dies from tuberculosis, and she and the rest of her family are taken to concentration camps to work. Her mother was taken to the gas chambers, and her brother died from hard labor and she lived but she felt dead, because of everything she lost.
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LibraryThing member TFS93
I read this right after finishing "Night". This story was not as graphic, but it was interesting to read a young girl's perspective on the Holocaust. What a lucky girl Riva was!! It was amazing that she was able to keep her brothers and that so many people looked out for her. Most of the stories
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about the Holocaust are full of horror but this one showed you that good things could happen, even when the bad was right around the corner.
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LibraryThing member SarahRamon1416
The Cage is about a young girl, Riva, that lives in Poland during the Holocaust. Her three older siblings were sent to Russia by her mother to protect them. Her Mother became sick and was taken away by the Nazi's. Not to long after, her youngest brother, Liebelle dies from tuberculosis. Riva adopts
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her two younger brothers even tho shes only 16 and they become their own family. If Riva wouldn't have adopted her own brothers they all would have been taken to separate homes. Eventually Riva and her brothers are taken away from their town and separated. Riva was all alone in a labor camp for women. She made friends and wrote poetry to lift the spirits of the girls. The Nazi's treated them all bad, beating them with clubs and whips. Riva gets blood poisoning and its a miracle some of the Nazi's actually go out of their way to help her. And she lives. One year in May, the gates open and they leave not knowing what els to do. The war was now over. The terrible thing is, non of her family members survived except her. She soon met up with her other three siblings that went to Russia.

Hmm, The Cage was an extremely sad and heart breaking book to read. It was amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how many times i cried. I love it tho. It tells about the stugles a jew went through during the Holocaust. I feel bad for Riva because she had to grow up SO fast. i think its terrible how non of her family members didn't survive. I think its important that everyone reads these kind of books. Mainly because I don't think its something that should be forgotten. And should never be repeated. No human being deserves to be treated the way these innocent Jews did. If you haven't read this book yet i suggest that you do.
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LibraryThing member mekennahooper
The Cage by Ruth MInskey Sender, is about a young girl who starts the fight of the holcost at the age of 13. Her family had sent her 3 youngest siblings to russia at the beginning of the book. One day her mother is pulled away a nerver tobe seen again. this left her and two other brothers trying to
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survive the hollocast. the youngest of the two caght a bad deises wich caused him to die. Also Riva the narrator of the story had the pleaser of having tuberculosise. to try and help her at the beinning the two brothers bought her a tangerian. THen they got he medicine finally a boy that liked her took her to the doctors. in the middle of the book a socail service worker comes to split up there amily to help them survive. Riva says no and she was one o the first legal gradian at a age 16. They head of to the transittion camp on a train and arive ther and a slpit by gender and wither they will live or die. They all make it to the living. First she gose to auswits. then another where on May 4 she and fellow personers were relised. she ound her younger siblings but never ther others.

Thisbook was very sad and heartbreaking. it almost made me cry twice. oi believe it a great way to make sure that kids know what not to do. WE MUST CONTINUE TO TEACH THE NEXT EGERATIONS AFTER GENERATIONS. it was in my opion a perfect book Mr poppe choose the perfect time to teach it a nd what grade.
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LibraryThing member Ryanne.Thompson
This book is about a young girl who's life is torn apart by WWII. Her name is Riva and the Nazi's hve taken everything away from her. Her mother was taken at the ghetto they were living. People were going to take her siblings away but she somehow got them to stay with her until they were all moved
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to another place. They arrived in cattle cars. The first thing they saw were the chimneys and the smoke. Riva was later taken to a labor camp where she had to help build bomb shelters for the Germans. Eventually some other Jews fighting for freedom came and Riva was set free. She never saw her family again but she was alive.
I loved this book. It was very inspirational. Before Riva's mother was taken away, she kept telling them to never give up hope.That was important then an it still is. Riva never gave up hope but she turned out okay and alive. She could tell the story to thousands of people who were maybe to proud to admit there was ever anyone hurting besides themselves. This book should be something that schools give kids to read. It was so amazing to read the story of a young girl going through things I hopefully don't have to go through.
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LibraryThing member kaiserestates
A young girl is taken captive during the the time that Jews were being sent to the concentration camps. Ruth was taken to the camp and became somewhat of a survival tool. Ruth wrote poetry on scraps of paper and shared them with her bunk mates. Many counted on this to survive the awfulness of the
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camp. When Ruth got sick a German guard convinced the warden to allow her to take Ruth to the doctor. Ruth was nursed back to health and was able to survive the camp experience and was eventually freed. World War 2 study novel. Use with the unit when we read books about the holocaust and the effects of the wa
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LibraryThing member SabrinaMatos3
This book, The Cage, is about her girl named Riva who is going the many probelms. Her mother was taken away when she was young and she has to take care of her three younger brothers. After awhile one of her little brothers ends up dying because he had tuberculosis. Then they have to go to a
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concentration camp. And when they are about to get sent out she looses her two brothers in the crowd. When she gets to the concentration camp she ends up in immediate torture. After many years she is set free and later finds her brother and sister. They had gotten sent to Russia in the beginning. And all is well.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a pretty sad book but it really showed me how good my life is right now. I cant imagine going through all the things that she had to go through. I really was an eye opener and I am happy that I took the time to read this book.
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LibraryThing member jasmine.gomez
This book had a lot of meaning and dedication. I got touched by this story of a young girl. She was my age and almost died sevral times. Her family was taken away from her. She was scared for her life but she brought the "human" in many Nazis. She wrote poetry and made many Jews have hope. She got
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freed by the Russins. She got freed on May 7th.

I gave this book a 5 because it is a true story. I love true stories no matter how sad they are. This story showed how she told her self she would survive. She moved to two or three camps. The author put much sympathy into this story. The Cage helped explain to me how life was back then. It also showed how unfair life really is at times. These books show how we should not take advantage of life.
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LibraryThing member Bobby3457
I thought that this book showed what happend at the concentration camps that the Nazi's had very well. It is from the point of one prisoner not in a group over all her personal experience. The narrator of the books name is Riva she lives with her mother and her three brothers. During the book her
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mother is taken away and one of her brothers gets a disease that ends up killing him. She adopts her other two brothers even though she is very young and she becomes weak and cannot go to work. Half way through the book Riva and her brothers leave the ghetto and go were the Nazi's want them to go and that could have been wherever. They could have sent them to death camps or labor camps the death camp meant what it it says but in the labor camps people could survive for a longer time period. Riva and her brothers are sepreated from each other and she gets blood poisining in her right hand. She is treated more special than most of the other prisoners that are at the camp, but in the end she is liberated by the Russians and she is saved.

It tells about her experience in the concentration camp instead of the overall population of the people that were in them. It showed me personally that it is one of the most horrible things that any people have ever done. Even though I thought that she had it easier than most of the people since she was in the hospital and got rest for part of the time she was in the camps I still don't think that it was a picnic for her. Most people would not last as long as she did and most people would not have survived at all I am not sure that I would have been able to survive I think I would have died along with millions of others. I liked that this was a true story and not something that other people made up to make some money off of. I also liked how the book was split into two different parts the part when Riva is in the Ghetto and the other when she is in the concentration camps. It has a sad ending to it that most of her family dies during this tragic event, but you cannot fake what actually happend. I thought that this was a good book that people that want to learn about history would want to read.
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LibraryThing member brandon.brown1
The book The Cage is about a girl named Riva. Riva is Jewish and is forced out of her house with her mom and 3 brothers. They then live in the ghetto. Then her mom is taken away from them. Then she is sent to a concentration camp were she has to work. Then she is freed one day. That's what the book
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is about.

The rating I gave this book was a five. One reason i gave this book a five is the its a really good book. Another reason that it was i would get excited to see what happens next in the book. The book always made me wanting to read it. The book was a true story. The book was very sad. That's why i gave it a five star book.
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LibraryThing member Hailey.Parker1234
The Cage is a sad story about a girl and her family. Riva Minsky, is the oldest of her siblings. When her mother is taken away to a Sick Camp and killed, Riva has to take in her family and be the mother. Riva's brother becomes sick and dies of Tuberculosis. Riva and her brothers are taken from
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there homes and sent to the Concentration camps, but Riva and her brothers are seperated. Boys go one way, girls go the other. Riva goes through lots of pain, and sorrows, but she will never forget the time they were freed. Riva goes back to the town to see if her brothers are there, but they werent. Riva never finds her siblings until she is 20. She only found 1 of her brothers and 2 of her sisters.
This book is a really good book. It touches your heart, and shows you the real pain the jews had during the Halocaust. I think that nobody shoulod ever be treated like they did in this book. If you are looking for a sad story, that will keep you reading and eventually brightens your day, then this is the book for you. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member John.Fougere
This book tells the story of a girl named Riva, and her struggle to survive the Holocaust. At the begining of the book Riva is living happily in Poland until the Nazis invade, and take her mother away. Soon Riva and her three brothers are taken to a ghetto. In the ghetto there is little food,
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water, medicine or heat in the homes. One of Riva's brothers die of turburculosis in the ghetto. Soon after that, Riva and her two brothers are packed into cattle cars and are taken to a labor camp. There Riva gets separated from her two brothers. In the labor camp, Riva's head is shaven, she is constanly rushed in and out of the bunks by the guards, and she is trying as hard as she can to survive. Later she gets sent to another camp where she get a blood disease in her arm. Very quickly she gets sent to another camp, but the Russian very quickly liborate the camp and Riva is finally free.

This was an emotionally powerful book. To emagine that someone would have to endure these things in this book sound unbelieveable. The book has much sorrow in it too. Yet the main character constantly reminds herself to survive and stay alive. I have never read about the Holocaust before, and this was a big eye-opener for me about WWII. This book was assigned to me in Language Arts class, but I enjoyed it. This would be a book that I would actually get from the library and read. I recomend this book for people who want to know about the Holocaust.
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LibraryThing member abby.wonnacott
This book is about a young girl, Riva, who is living during World War 2. She is surrounded by discrimination because she is a jew. After her mother and a few of her siblings are taken away to a concentration camp, Riva and three of her brothers are forced to live together in horable conditions for
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a while. Finally they have to willingly leave their home and be taken to one of the camps. Riva is seperated by her family and taken to the camp auswich. This is a book about all the trials she faced until she was finally freed by the Russians. She is the author of the book. She also explains how life was after she was freed and all the things that she was never able to forget and never will.
This was a very great book. It helped learn about history and helped you realize how real it really was. I think it's important to read things like this so we are all aware of what happened in order to make sure that it never happens again. This book is written very well. It explains all that happened to her when she was only in her teenage years. I never knew how horable the holocast really was until we started learning about it and when I started reading this book. It truly is a remarkable story.
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LibraryThing member samiSami..
Part One: The Cage is a book about a girl, Riva, who survives the NAZI's and Hitler. Riva was young, a teenager, and she had three brothers. In the beginning, Riva lives with her mom and her three brothers. They live a happy life until, the NAZI's move the Jews into a place called, "Ghetto". Her
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youngest brother, becomes sick. He cataches a desease. Her mother gets orders to leave and go to a concentration camp. After her mom leaves, her youngest brother dies. She turns 16 in all these years, to save her two brothers lives, she has to give up her legal childhood and become an adult, a legal guardian of her brothers. Then eventually less and less Jews are in the Ghetto and sent to concentration camps. Then, it is Riva and her brothers turn, so they head off towards the Camps.
I personally think this book is a very amazing book. I love it! I would have never read this book, but my language teacher made me, so i did and i couldn't put it down! It was sad at times and it made me not want to finish it. It's sad, but very good, it teaches you of what Hitler did to Jews. It's a very messed up thing of what Hitler did to the Jews.
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Call number

YA Holocaust 738.33 Sender


0553270036 / 9780553270037


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