The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne

Hardcover, 2006



Call number

131 Byr



Atria Books/Beyond Words (2006), Edition: 10th Anniversary, 198 pages


Argues that The Secret, a way of thinking, has been found in oral traditions throughout history and that by understanding it and using it in every aspect of life, money, health, and happiness will follow. Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it. In this book, you'll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life -- money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You'll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that's within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life. The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers -- men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible. -- Book jacket.… (more)

Media reviews

“The Secret” is not really a book but a series of misquotations from historical figures and fraudulent maxims from no-count hucksters. And yet something in that gooey red waxy seal on the front of “The Secret,” and the book’s believe-in-magic glitter, takes me to a happy place.

User reviews

LibraryThing member Clueless
The Secret’s new Clothes

Okay I admit I didn’t read this book from cover to cover. I just skimmed it. I don’t think I could have read every word because it just made me too angry.

Let me explain. Do I believe in positive thinking? Absolutely. I think that affirmations can be scary they work so
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well. Do I think that everything is connected? Yes. But I do believe that Buddha had this idea first some time ago. Do I believe that all people who get sick actually make themselves ill with ‘stinkin’ thinkin’’? No. If only the universe was simply ordered. Do I think that our thoughts create waves that go out into the ether and can do things like make a distant butterfly wing flap? No. That is call magical thinking in my book. And while it can be fun I wouldn’t mistake it for reality.

If Oprah admires and promotes people like Rhonda Byrne and Gary Zukav she’s an idiot. They are just regurgitating new age hippie voodoo bullsh*t.
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LibraryThing member UnderMyAppleTree
The first few chapters held some promise. The author emphasizes the power of positive thinking and how individuals can achieve greatness by believing in themselves. About half way through however she begins placing blame on people for circumstances they often have no control over. As if truly
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"believing" were enough to make things happen. Hard work must go along with desire and thought. From there it devolved into a bunch of garbage and I couldn't even listen to the last third. Horrible.
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LibraryThing member PghDragonMan
Psst! Wanna know a secret? The Secret is a money making scam based on a lot of information you’ve heard before . . . for free. “Keep a positive image and it will come to be. Imagine what you want, imagine you already have it and it will come to be. You attract what it is you really want.”
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There. That’s it. And I won’t even charge you for it, like Rhonda Byrne wants to.

While I have no objection to self help books or trying to change anyone’s life for the better, I do object to the money making scam the author has turned this idea into. There’s a website for the book. Nothing new here. Want to watch the trailer for the movie? That’s free. Want to see the movie? Show her the money! Want to get positive reinforcement messages daily to your phone? Show her the money! If this message is so good and so important for everyone to know, why not take a page from your own playbook and share it with people for free!

Redfield’s first Celestine Prophecy book at least had an entertaining story to help keep your interest. After Disc 1, I gave up on The Secret, despite the author’s vibrant voice and the endless endorsements. In the beginning, I thought this was going to be a mocumentry of the author finding some long lost manuscript that changed her life overnight. Even the name of one of the experts providing an endorsement, Bergman, conjured up images of Procter and Bergman, the core of the quintessential audio comedy team known as Firesign Theater, reinforcing my expectations of a mocumentry.

You know, though, Rhonda Byrne is correct. I did not expect anything serious and I did not get anything serious. Excellent use of the audiobook medium and technical recording earns this recording a full star. I give it a zero for content.
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LibraryThing member tom.gsgc
Puh-lease!!!! The idea that we can control the outcome of Universal events by simply believing it is so is ridiculous. Especially since the writer clearly has no understanding of quantum physics and completely misuses the theories of the subject. Terrible book for which, thankfully, I never payed a
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cent and would never recommend to anyone. I would have preferred to give it a score of zero stars.
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LibraryThing member PJMazumdar
If we think good thoughts, good things will happen to us. But this is not because of what she says. The external world will not rearrange itself for us. What will rearrange is our internal world.

When we think strong powerful thoughts, we can change a lot of things, but it is within ourselves. We
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will change into stronger, more confident individuals and thus be better able to attain success, wealth, etc. We would also no doubt be more on time just by being more positive, but I don't know about find a parking place also, as the book claims!

And that's really why this book doesn't work. Its claims are absurd. That the universe is paying attention to what we think and rearranging itself at every moment for us is a claim so preposterous that it attains a respectability simply by being so far out that many people will actually pause and ask whether it is true.

And that's why the book works for so many people. Far out claims have the advantage that they can attract people. And most importantly, thinking positive thoughts will work for its readers, so in that aspect, the book deliver on what it promises. But it works, not because of its premises, but because of the power within ourselves.

This book in fact devalues us as human beings. It ignores the essential message, that we can achieve so much when we believe in ourselves only because there is this tremendous energy within us. Thinking positive thoughts releases this power, and then we can achieve virtually whatever we put our minds on. We don't need the universe's help to achieve success, we are quite well equipped to help ourselves, thank you!! But no matter how positive our thoughts, we are still bound to miss the occasional parking space though...
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LibraryThing member jojoma
Repetitious to the point of being brain numbing.Regurgitated material.
LibraryThing member dianemb
Nothing new here. Just in a different package. A bit too much of a sales job for me.
LibraryThing member Sandydog1
A pop cognitive behavior manual that describes unoriginal but important concepts: positive thinking, visualization, gratitude and self-talk can change people's behavior and lives. That's all nice and true and uncontroversial. The way these themes are conveyed is well, flaky. The author relies (too)
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heavily on physics and attraction analogies. I think the author actually believes electromagnetic radiation and metaphysics are related. It is an uplifting book, but I am always tempted to change my "brain frequency" to a more "negative channel" when I read all that attraction stuff.
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LibraryThing member fufuakaspeechless
Positive thinking does work. However, blaming people for the bad things that happen to them is disgusting.
LibraryThing member kidrah
I know the concept has great potential behind it (positive thinking), but the book is terribly written - it's just a collection of quotes without any explanation - it treats it's position as dogma. The whole book can be boiled down to three points: 1) think about your wants, not your "don't wants";
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2) assume and act like you already have what you want; 3) be open to receiving the changes that come. I'm going to try some of the other books that talk about this "Law of Attraction" - hopefully, they'll speak to me in a more intelligent way
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LibraryThing member tiagodll
Possibly the worst book I have read, completely pointless.
The whole thing could be resumed in 1 sentence: believe in yourself.
There, you know all this book tells you, now go do something better with your time...
LibraryThing member nabeelar
This book totally sucks. Everyone in my Neighborhood Book Club hated it, included the woman who felt duped into picking it out.

However, if you want to know how a depressingly large population of people actually think, then this book will give you tremendous insight.

There was a hilarious parody
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review of this book on I highly recommend reading that review!
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LibraryThing member LadyBlossom
If you wish to change your life read this little book, it is very inspiring and positive.
LibraryThing member seph
The five stars I give this book aren't for brilliant writing or ground-breaking research; they're for providing an intense spark of inspiration, hope and joy. I was fortunate enough to have wise parents who required I read the likes of Napoleon Hill, Og Mandino and Norman Vincent Peale as part of
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my early education. It's taken me a long time to pick up this new book because the title put me off. I guessed, from all I heard about it, that "The Secret" is simply the law of attraction, which is no secret at all. Even after I finally decided I should read "The Secret", just to make sure I wasn't missing anything, I found myself reading the first chapters thinking that it was just the same old stuff. The problem with "the same old stuff" though, is we tend to let it slip from our minds, so reminders and fresh perspectives on the most important things in life are always a good thing. Even if you are quite familiar with the law of attraction, this book is a lovely and joy-filled reminder that the course of your life really is all up to you. This isn't heavy reading, but it is happy reading, and happy is very important.
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LibraryThing member volvomom
I totally went into reading this as a skeptic. I thought it was going to be another Oprah-esque book. The Secret does have wonderful things to say. I very much recommend it!
LibraryThing member JayKovach
I love the concept. Perspective is a big deal and I believe in much of what Covey says and you get what you first create in the mind. If you ignore the pyramid-scheme-esque, purple-haired, old lady, televangelist feel of the whole thing it will have a beneficial effect on your thinking.
LibraryThing member BookConcierge
ZERO stars
OMG! This REALLY works! While I was listening I thought I would win the solitaire game I was playing – and I DID. Then I thought of chocolate, and I ate some! Then I thought of Coffee Ice Cream, and I remembered I had some in the freezer, so I had some of that!

Okay … all kidding aside
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…. Not only did I NOT learn anything, but I think part of my brain has atrophied from listening to this.

The Audio book is narrated by the author, and several other contributors. First it starts out with this “eastern” meditation music and a deep-voiced male (ala the voice of God). Really? I know this is supposed to be inspirational and motivating, but I really do not understand the immense popularity of this drivel. There’s nothing new here, nothing that most of us (if we paid attention in school or life) wouldn’t have come across on our own. All Byrne is doing is regurgitating the thoughts and philosophies of many others … over and over and over and over again, ad nauseum. Kudos to her for making a living at this. Still, it just gave me a headache.

Here are a couple of my “favorite” quotes: “We used The Secret to create The Secret.” “The Secret has been used to attract all manner of things, from a specific feather to ten million dollars.” Like I said … absolute drivel.

Okay … I’m off to “change my frequency” and transmit only good thoughts. The next book I read will be FANTASTIC! (Repeat to self, until it comes true.)
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LibraryThing member tonile.helena
This book was really interesting. I feel like a bit of a weirdo for reading it, but it came highly recommended and I can understand why. I'm on the fence with the concept of the law of attraction, but the book does contain many good tips for positively changing your life. I have just picked up the
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sequel (released yesterday in Australia) called the Power, so we'll see how it compares.
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LibraryThing member inkcharmed
Love the idea but not all the details of it. They take it kind of ridiculously far, and frame it in this silly black and white, which I can't completely agree with.
LibraryThing member quixotic-creator
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, other than there was alot of hype and buzz, and I must say it was a HUGE disappointment. Certainly the main principal/theme/philosophy being proposed is not a new one - it has existed for thousands of years, but the delivery stinks. The book is
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categorized as Mind-Body-Spirit but it comes across as campy and highly commercial. Although the book is easy to read as the ideas are presented in blocks and bites, there is little substance; it's a bit like someone telling a suicidal person to look on the bright side of life because the sun is shining. I think there are far better re/sources for this type of material.
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LibraryThing member carlienichole
This book is absolutely phenomenal! I love it. It has help my life so much. It teaches you how to turn your thinking and your whole life around. How your life can be better and your disposition better also. And it actually works! It really does! That's the amazing part. I encourage everyone to read
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LibraryThing member chickalea
This book is ridiculous.
LibraryThing member ammichaels
I love this book!

I've been studying metaphysics and spirituality since I was about ten years old, and I've read just about everything out there from Catherine Ponder to Neville to Seth to Richard Bach, as well as the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, et al. I have studied with Bob Proctor, studied A
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Course in Miracles for eight years and have been studying Abraham-Hicks for the past six years.

This book sums it all up so well. Whether you have been into this stuff for years or are just discovering it, I can't recommend a better place to start. I recognize so much of what's in the book from what Abraham teaches, but of course, they are universal truths so it's the same no matter who is teaching it. I'm excited that this book (and the DVD) is making these kinds of teachings mainstream. I'm so thrilled that Oprah just featured it on her show.

I actually got the audiobook version and I highly recommend it. I put it on my iPod and listen to it every night as I'm falling asleep.
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LibraryThing member Rfaulk
This book is about faith. The format of the book is not that of a novel. You sort of have to skim and find what you are looking for. I would suggest a better format. However, there are some very powerful passages in this book.
LibraryThing member jhedlund
A little bit too focused on the material aspect of the Law of Attraction for my taste. I hope that most people picking up a book like this are looking to attract more than a new car and a good parking space. It would be a good introduction to the concept of the Law of Attraction for people without
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any previous exposure.
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Original publication date


Physical description

198 p.; 5.5 inches


1582701709 / 9781582701707

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