Journey of souls : case studies of life between lives

by Michael Newton

Paperback, 1994



Call number

133.9/01/3 New



St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn, 1994.


New Age. Nonfiction. Now considered a classic in the field, this remarkable book was the first to fully explore the mystery of life between lives. Journey of Souls presents the first-hand accounts of twenty-nine people placed in a "superconscious" state of awareness using Dr. Michael Newton's groundbreaking techniques. This unique approach allows Dr. Newton to reach his subjects' hidden memories of life in the spirit world after physical death. While in deep hypnosis, the subjects movingly describe what happened to them between lives. They reveal graphic details about what the spirit world is really like, where we go and what we do as souls, and why we come back in certain bodies. Through the extraordinary stories in this book, you will learn the specifics about: -How it feels to die -What you see and feel right after death -When and where you learn to recognize soul mates on earth -Different levels of soul: beginning, intermediate, and advanced -What happens to "disturbed" souls -The purpose of life and manifestation of a "creator".… (more)

Media reviews

«Vi entrer planeten Terra på ny og på ny som stadig høyere utviklede åndelige vesener. Hensikten er ikke bare å gjøre oss mer og mer utviklet og avansert. Det handler om en evig pagående utvikling av hele skaperverket. Hver gang vi dør her på jorden, drar vi hjem og rapporterer om våre
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bragder, eller mangel på sådanne. Vi går igjennøm alle erfaringer sammen med våre veiledere og mer utviklede sjeler i sjelegruppen vår, trekker lærdom og legger opp nye strategier for vår neste inkarnasjon på jorden...» Det er slik det foregår, hevder Michael Newton, regresjonsterapeut og autorisert hypnoterapeut. I Sjelereiser skriver han fascinerende og detaljert om livet mellom livene, den reisen vi som sjel foretar i åndeverdenen mellom inkarnasjonene. Newton er overbevist om at hans egenutviklede hypnoseteknikk fungerer som en nøkkel til det overbevisste sinn - senteret for vår høyeste visdom - som han betrakter som vår sjel. Og at innblikkene i livet mellom livene, formidlet via en rekke av hans klienter, gir forklaringene på mønstre og utfordringer i livet vårt på jorden.
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Spennende og tankevekkende om sjelens liv mellom jordlivene. En populær bestselger. Hva skjer med sjelen etter døden og før den gjenfødes på nytt? Hundrevis av hypnose-regresjoner på egne klienter gjennom mange år har gitt Newton omfattende innsikt i livets og dødens mysterier. I
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Sjelereiser gjengir han en rekke beretninger fra personer med ulikt forhold til reinkarnasjon. Beretningene viser seg imidlertid å være forbløffende samstemte. Sjelereiser begynner der andre bøker om livet etter døden slutter!
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User reviews

LibraryThing member IndigoWings
Journey of the Souls

This is the first of two books that Michael Newton published on his remarkable journey, that shared insights gained from several decades of working with Life Between Lives Clients.

This review however is going to be a general review of Both books as it is difficult to separate
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With both books Newton has indicated he has selected Case Studies that reflect a large number of similar experiences he encountered during his more than 7000 cases spanning over 40 years. Providing a good overall view of client experiences to draw information from.

I have been studying metaphysical & paranormal concepts along with a variety of spiritual beliefs for many years now. What I found reoccurring with all spiritual authors, gurus, mediums, psychics etc... was that their views were most often based on perception of their experience only. On rare occasion when they did take considerations of the clients experience it was heavily influenced with their original perceptions.

With Newton things transpired from a perception of non-belief to curiosity then acceptance based on thousands of experiences he encountered from his client work. As with anyone I can only believe that he has over time created his own perception (albeit largely in part of his work) that may still limit complete unbiased recall of his case studies (or choice of which studies he works with in his limited publications). Overall however, I do find it much easier to accept truth in his writing if for no other reason than the fact that his work is truly no different than any other scientist who is looking to find answers and uses repeat attempts to see if they get the same result or something different.

I personally have a pretty solid perception of my 'view of the afterlife' which although is ever evolving, was greatly developed long before I ever read any of Newtons work. What I found with Newton's work was similar to what I have experienced with many books/authors I have come to enjoy over the years. Most of what he writes about were already concepts I had accepted as something that felt right to me before I ever read his work. Making his work more a validation than something I had to find a way to accept.

For many people who read books they are not 'ready' for they may experience complete aversion to them, or like myself just not 'feel' the book so after a couple chapters put it aside to try at a later date. When I know a book has something special to offer me in that moment; I almost always find that it offers one of two things to me. Either it answers specific questions I have been asking for guidance on OR it provides validation to things I have been feeling but just wanted to experience from someone else's point of view. Often times it does both as Newton's books do.

Mostly providing a lot of validation but also answering many questions I had been recently asking to make sense of.

Newton's books may not be for everyone, but for those who have opened their mind/souls to believing there is more to 'life on the other side' than we have been lead to believe and would like another point of view this might be what you are looking for.

Michael Newton is currently my favorite author. My only disappointment is that he has not publish his case studies in their entirety for those of use with a more in-depth interest in the matter. Which would allow for greater scientific exploration on the subject. I hope one day he does this.
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LibraryThing member talltrickster
This is one the best books on the between-life state available. A must have for anyone interested in what people describe while in a deep hypnotic state about their lives between incarnations.
LibraryThing member MrStevens
This book was simply amazing. If you have ever wondered what happens to you when you die, like I did, then this book is a fantastic read. The author publishes a selection of hypno-therapeutic sessions he has given to clients. Through these sessions he details a picture of the after-life (or life
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between lives as he calls it) as seen through his patients superconsciouses. I'm sure the philosophers will have much more to say about this topic but as for me I was blown away. I'm very surprised more people have not read or reviewed this book.
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LibraryThing member princeigor
So you think you know what happens in the hereafter?
LibraryThing member dwsampson
Pretty interesting ideas about the afterlife. I would have liked more details about the patients' experiences, though.
LibraryThing member Consciousness_Cafe
The author was a certified Master Hypnotherapist who discovered some of his clients could recall what happened in non-physical realms between physical incarnations. Similarities in recollections provided evidence that there are recurring patterns of existence after death. Think of this as being
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akin to Raymond Moody's findings that there are recurring patterns of events among people who have had near-death experiences. The book presents examples of actual client experiences under hypnosis. For many people it would be easy to dismiss these experiences as not being worthy of study. However, having undergone my own hypnotic between life review, I think there is something to this. If there is truth to this, it adds value in understanding why we are here on earth. You might also consider reading Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz for another author's take on this subject.
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Physical description

276 p.; 23 cm


1567184855 / 9781567184853
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