Fragile Beasts: A Novel

by Tawni O'Dell

Paperback, 2011



Call number




Crown (2011), 416 pages


When their hard-drinking but loving father dies in a car accident, teenage brothers Kyle and Klint Hayes face a bleak prospect: leaving their Pennsylvania hometown for an uncertain life in Arizona with the mother who ran out on them years ago. But in a strange twist of fate, their town's matriarch, an eccentric, wealthy old woman whose family once owned the county coal mines, hears the boys' story. Candace Jack doesn't have an ounce of maternal instinct, yet for reasons she does not even understand herself, she is compelled to offer them a home. Suddenly, the two boys go from living in a small, run-down house on a gravel road to a stately mansion filled with sumptuous furnishings and beautiful artwork-artwork that's predominantly centered, oddly, on bullfighting. And then there's Miss Jack's real-life bull: Ventisco-a regal, hulking, jet-black beast who roams the land she owns with fiery impudence. Kyle adjusts more easily to the transition. A budding artist, he finds a kindred spirit in Miss Jack. But local baseball hero Klint refuses to warm up to his new benefactress and instead throws himself into his game with a fierceness that troubles his little brother. Klint is not just grieving his father's death; he's carrying a terrible secret that he has never revealed to anyone. Unbeknownst to the world, Candace Jack has a secret too-a tragic, passionate past in Spain that the boys' presence threatens to reveal as she finds herself caring more for them than she ever believed possible. From the muted, bruised hills of Pennsylvania coal country to the colorful, flamboyant bull rings of southern Spain, Tawni O'Dell takes us on a riveting journey not only between two completely different lands, but also between seemingly incompatible souls, casting us under her narrative spell in which characters and places are rendered with fragile tenderness.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member womansheart
This is a good book. No Bull!

How does the combination of two teen-aged boys, and a wealthy, elderly woman with an interesting history and a massive prize bull, yes, BULL, living on her property in western Pennsylvania sound for the take off points of a novel?

The author of "Fragile Beasts", Tawni
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O'Dell, brings these seemingly disparate parts together in a clever fashion.

I liked it for the believable characters, the story, the excellent dialogue, the premise, the entertainment value, the life lessons offered and not rammed down my throat. Enough said.
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LibraryThing member Beecharmer
Kyle & Klint live with their unsophisticated janitor father. Their mother abandons them and their father taking their little sister. Their father idolizes Klint who is a local baseball star, although he doesn't understand or condone Kyle's talent as an artist. When their father dies in a drunk
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driving accident, their mother comes back to claim them, although she doesn't seem that excited about the prospect. Klint absolutely refuses to move away with their mother and threatens to run away before he will. Kyle is friends (and secretly in love with) Shelby, the granddaughter of Miss Jack who is a rich recluse. Shelby talks Miss Jack into taking in the boys. Much to everyone's surprise, they learn to respect and care for each other. Klint seems to be sinking deeper and deeper into depression and when he finally cracks, a terrible secret comes out. Wonderful book!!
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LibraryThing member tammathau
After Klint and Kyle's dad is killed in a car accident, they go live with Miss Jack, a rich, old recluse. Miss Jacks withdrew from the world after her lover was killed in a bull fight in Spain years before. After the boys' family secrets threaten to destroy lives, Miss Jacks must decide whether to
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remain withdrawn or let the boys into her heart.

The story was told from all the main characters viewpoint which gives insight on why each character behaves the way they do.
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LibraryThing member kateiyzie
Sorry, Tawni, found this a little juvenile and soapish. Liked the story, characters, etc., but felt like I was reading a modern day gothic novel. Two brothers, bad mom, recently deceased not so hot dad get taken in by rich, lonely old lady.
LibraryThing member plm1250
Great book Gladly re-read 9-21-10 A strong willed single,wealthy matron lives in PA in a Spanish entourage as she recalls memories of her youth, loving a matador. Inot her tranquil life she finds herself the surrogate mother/caretaker to two troubled, rebellious teen age boys
A multilayered
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LibraryThing member jdavis2068
Excellent read. I found it difficult to put down and walk away.
LibraryThing member maryjomac
This was a great book, esp how all the stories blended together. Many different backgrounds, much pain, but all the same realization.

Quote," That day I realized God or no God, Fate or no Fate, it didn't matter. All the centuries of man looking for answers with his philosophy and politics, his
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science and his arts; all it was meaningless because none of it could help us cope with our most devastating enemy: the randomness of life." Candace Jack p 329
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LibraryThing member drewbydoo
The father of two boy's dies. Their mother is unfit so an elderly lady in their town invites them to live with her. Mother comes back into town and wants her sons to live with her which brings out a secret one of the boys has been keeping bottled up for a long time.
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
I listened to this book and really enjoyed the story. Although there were multiple points of view, the use of two narrators really helped me to keep track of who was speaking. I love the image of the title, "fragile beasts" that suggests that one can be brutal and yet at the same time can be broken
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so easily. This novel is about grief and how we cope with it, but it is also about how we help each other and how we can find grace in the oddest and most unexpected places.
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LibraryThing member snat
When I read Tawni O'Dell's Coal Run a few years ago, it became an instant favorite. So I was certain that I would love Fragile Beasts. I hate it when I'm wrong. In fact, three stars is probably a little generous. However, parts of it were compelling so I can't quite give it two stars. I guess I'll
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just settle on 2 1/2.

Set in Pennsylvania coal country, Fragile Beasts tells the story of the wealthy and reclusive Candace Jack, a woman who has tried to recreate the Spain of her youth in the remote mansion where she makes her home. Her obsession for all things Spanish begins as so many obsessions do: with a loss. The love of her life, a Spanish bullfighter, was killed in the ring, leaving Candace to forever mourn what could have been. Understandably, the town sees her as the crazy old spinster lady that nobody ever sees--although, in lieu of cats, she keeps a bull. That's right. A bull. She bought the bull that killed her lover and has always kept one bull from each generation.

So, we have an old woman nearing the end of a life created from walling herself off from her own emotions and from other people. We've been here before. There's only one thing to do: create a plot device by which she is forced to interact with a young person who is damaged himself/herself and through this unlikely pairing, both will be forever changed. In this case, Candace agrees to take in two teenage boys who have recently lost their father in a drunk driving accident. Their mother left years ago and is clearly an unfit parent, even though she returns to collect the boys and move them to Arizona. Candace reluctantly agrees to take the boys in mainly to spite the mother, to whom she takes an instant dislike. The rest of the novel follows the uneasy relationship between the two boys, Kyle and Klint, who are coping with the death of their father, and Candace, a woman whose motherly instincts are non-existent.

My main complaint is that there was simply too much going on. There are two stories, one set in the past during Candace's experiences in Spain and one in the present. The present day story is narrated from 3 points of view: Candace, Kyle (the sensitive, more emotionally open boy), and her Spanish butler/friend Luis. However, the "voice" between these three perspectives isn't varied enough. Kyle in particular seems inauthentic as his chapters don't always read like that of a young teenager. Sure, he's mature for his age, but I've never known a teenager to be that insightful. Candace Jack is exactly what one would expect of a wealthy older woman--always concerned with the proper way of dressing, speaking, eating, behaving, etc. If she had been more salty and cantankerous it would have given the novel more energy and perhaps more suspense. She has flashes of humor, but they're sparse. These first person points of view also led to a lot of telling and not showing. Most of the chapters were internal dialogue in which the character reflected on the progress being made in forming the tentative bonds that would eventually bring them together as a family. Instead of reflections, I would have preferred to see more in the moment interactions between the characters. The Luis chapters serve primarily to explain what happened in Candace's life decades ago.

Despite its predictability and its flaws, there were some compelling moments, some witty dialogue, and I admire O'Dell's refusal to shy away from the dark corners of life. For me, the back story of Candace and the bullfighter were the most interesting, as were Luis's stories about being a boy in Spain. These stories made me wish an entire novel had been dedicated to Candace's youth. As it is, the competing storylines never seem to get the breathing room they need to come alive.
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LibraryThing member BonnieP
This book was one I had trouble deciding about and mostly because in the back of my mind, I was trying to decide whether or not I would recommend it for my book club. My book club is fussy about what they want to read and look to read books that have a "raised bar" so to speak.

That said, I quite
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enjoyed parts of it - loved the straight talk and subtle humor of Candice, Luis and Kyle. I enjoyed too the two stories intertwining but did struggle a bit with the reality of those two stories actually happening as a scenario in real life. Feelings were well portrayed I thought and too, and I was struck about the naturalness of how close the siblings were - including the boys sister who really was quite removed from the main body of the story for the most part but the boys, especially Kyle never dismissed as his family. the mother was "another story" and one the reader could easily dislike I think.
Klint's struggles were evident to me despite his talents with baseball and when he finally "cracked", I was touched with Kyle's support for him - actually, all along.

The story unfolded a bit predictably but I must say that the references to Candace's being "old" came on much too strong for my taste. Is 77 really that old and does one go from a supposed vital, in charge woman to one so frail, so fast? ( wishful thinking on my part?)

One other part I had a chuckle about was Luis saying that one of the things he would like to teach Americans was that Ernest Hemingway knew nothing about bull fighting. I imagine Hemingway would be insulted by that given how much he experienced and wrote about the subject.

So, will I recommend this book to my book club? I'm still not sure although one could find several opinions to share I'm sure. I did love the title of the book though - very apt given the story of the bulls who are really fierce beasts who can be very destructive but too,in the end can be as fragile as turning away from a supposed threat ( Candice in the field) and the humans in the story who interact with them with their fragile natures but can succumb to the pressures of their lives.

I give it a 4.
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LibraryThing member indygo88
Like most of O'Dell's novels, this one is set in rural, coal-country Pennsylvania, but the reader also glimpses brief flashbacks of an alternating storyline in Spain, where bullfighting reigns. Brothers Klint and Kyle, estranged by their mother a few years earlier, and now orphaned due to an auto
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accident where their father is killed, have nowhere to go. Candace Jack, a local and wealthy spinster of sorts, offers to take them in. Kyle adapts pretty well to this and much of the story is told through his point of view. Klint, on the other hand, is cold and non-communicative, and seems to be carrying around a grudge, but the reader isn't sure what this grudge is all about, until it's revealed later in the novel. In the meantime, Candace's story, in regards to her time in Spain, is also slowly revealed.

I normally am a fan of Tawni O'Dell's writing, although her more recent novels have missed the mark with me. I would describe this one as mediocre. I never really felt pulled into this story and none of the characters particularly grabbed me. I'm not sure the two storylines really melded all that well, and I can't say that the bullfighting aspect was a big draw for me. I won't give up on O'Dell's writing, but I don't think this one was her best effort.
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LibraryThing member susan.h.schofield
4.5 stars - this book sat in my to read pile for a couple of years! I'm so glad I finally got around to reading it - I loved it!


Original language


Physical description

416 p.; 7.91 inches


0307351696 / 9780307351692
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