Without Warning

by Lynette Eason

Paper Book, 2016



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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Christian Fiction. When someone is willing to go to any lengths to put restaurant owner Daniel Matthews out of business, it's up to bodyguard Katie Singleton to keep her handsome but reluctant client alive.

User reviews

LibraryThing member alekee
This is the second book in the Elite Guardians series, and as with the first, you are going to have your heart in your throat. Why would someone want to hurt, and kill Daniel, he seems to care and go beyond in helping people.
When a former employee is found hanging in the basement of one of his
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restaurants, and then another restaurant is torched, his niece hires the Guardians to help, in particular Katie, we met her in the first book.
Seems like there is danger no matter where they turn, and someone is stalking? Why? The answers are here, but I was really surprised as to whom the culprit was. I kept changing who could possible be consumed with so much hate, and yes there are clues that make you feel you know who is doing this.
Daniel does live a rather rich life, he has a runway and a plane in his back yard, and I sure don’t know anyone who has that. We find both Daniel, and Katie also fighting there demons, and wonder if they will be able to help one another.
I received this book through Revell Publishing and was not required to give a positive review.
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LibraryThing member Robin661
Without Warning
Lynette Eason

Book Summary: Katie Singleton, a partner with the Elite Guardians Protection Agency, stumbles upon her next assignment quite by accident. Spotting blue lights at a familiar restaurant, she stops to investigate, only to discover that owner Daniel Matthews has become the
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target of someone who will go to any lengths to put him out of business. Daniel might be concerned, but he's not convinced that a bodyguard--and a female one at that--is necessary. A new attack and his niece's urgings are enough to make him reconsider. He and Katie must figure out who's behind the intimidation and threats--before a would-be killer strikes again. Witty dialogue and a simmering attraction will have readers flying through this tension-laced thriller. Eason exercises complete control of her readers' emotions as they race through the pages to discover the truth.

Review: Great fast paced story. A great follow up to Always Watching and yet a good stand alone book. It was a thrilling mystery and with some intense moments. While the who done it was easy to solve the ‘why’ was the biggest mystery for me. Even the final surprise was something I expected. But, Ms. Eason taught me in her last series to expect the unexpected!! Her books hit to the quick and make turning pages the only way to make my heart stop pounding!! I loved Daniel, he was a great hero. He needed protecting and yet not really. He was able to take care of himself and yet when the assault comes from a distance no one can defend themselves. Definitely a memorable story!

I would like to thank Net Galley and Revell for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: Without Warning (Elite Guardians #2)
Author: Lynette Eason
Pages: 347
Year: 2016
Publisher: Revell
My rating is 5 stars.
Daniel Matthews is a former marine turned CEO of six restaurants. He is alone one night catching up on some paperwork at one of his restaurants when he hears a noise. He
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doesn’t give it much thought, but the noise continues. He investigates and makes a gruesome discovery. Not long after that one of his other restaurants burns to the ground. His teenage niece who lives with him after the death of her parents is concerned for his safety so she hires the Elite Guardians to protect her uncle. One of the guardians is her teacher in a self-defense class, so she knows about what they do for a living.
Katie Singleton is plagued with PTSD from an incident three years ago that killed her brother. When she meets Daniel Matthews, she discovers he can relate. He also suffers from PTSD from his service in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he has learned some coping techniques to help lessen flare-ups. He and Katie find they have a lot in common. Daniel is very involved in the investigation of the crimes committed at his restaurants and admires Katie’s strength of character. He has been angry at God for the death of his brother and sister-in-law, but witnesses Katie’s faith in action and begins to think more about God. Can they catch whoever is out to ruin him before he hurts someone else? Why has Daniel been targeted?
I like the women portrayed in the Elite Guardians because they are tough women who can take care of themselves, but can accept help when they need it. They struggle with emotions, doubts and insecurities just like other women; they deal with very real issues. I also really like how faith is interwoven in the story without being preachy. The good guys in the stories are protective, but not obsessive. The third book in the series, Moving Target, is to be released in the spring of 2017 and that can’t come soon enough for me! This is a series filled with action, suspense, romance and faith that readers won’t want to miss, so pick up a copy for yourself or a friend for some exciting reading!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
This was a wonderful second book in the Elite Guardians series. Kate Singleton and Daniel Matthews are wonderful characters and work well together. They both learn many things from each other. Bad things keep happening to Daniel and soon he thinks that it may affect his niece. This is when he and
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his niece hire the Elite Guardians. There are many twists and turns and it keeps you on your toes. I received a copy of this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion.
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LibraryThing member vintagebeckie
If you like fast-paced, grab-you-from-the first-sentence romantic suspense, then you really need to check out Lynette Eason’s latest novel, Without Warning. Like the title says, the attacks come out of nowhere for main character Daniel Matthews. This former Marine turned restauranteur can handle
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himself in any crisis, but to calm his niece’ fears he hires the services of the Elite Guardians, specifically Katie Singleton. With her ATF experience and his Marine know-how, the bad guys don’t stand a chance. As bullets fly and bombs explode, fireworks ignite between the two, making this book a highly recommended read for those who love their romance with the spice of danger!

Without Warning is told in the third person and includes insight into the bad guy’s psyche allowing the reader to get the full picture without giving too much away. The book grabbed me from the beginning, and I found it hard to put down to work or do housework. So hard, that I let other things slide to get this book read. Both main characters suffer from PTSD which was handled in a realistic and credible manner. The action never stops — sniper bullets, bombs, emergency landings — but I never got the sense that it was too much, if you know what I mean. Characters struggle with survivor’s guilt along with anger towards God — also very credible emotions and reactions. Daniel’s teenaged niece had the strongest faith and her character shares some wisdom beyond her years:

“[we] . . . don’t have to understand everything about God to believe in Him.” (p. 133)

“But sometimes He answers our prayers in ways to just say ‘I’m here, I haven’t forgotten you’.” (p. 324)

The ending brought a big surprise, although a happily-ever-after does come at last.

Without Warning is another great book from award-winning author Lynette Eason. A highly recommended read from me.

Highly Recommended.

Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Revell for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
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LibraryThing member polarmath
Without Warning is book two in the Elite Guardians series, but it is a stand alone book. Katie Singleton finds herself with another job as she finds herself protecting the uncle of one of her students. She finds herself taking the job almost by accident as she finds herself with the uncle when
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there is trouble as some of his restaurants. She finds herself drawn to Riley's uncle Daniel in several ways and vows to figure out what is going on.
As I read this book, I did not see the ending coming. It was very much a twist and much worth reading the book for. I liked how Daniel was a good uncle keeping his niece in the loop and not wanting her to find out about things in a way that was not through him.
I received a copy of this book to read and review from the publisher.
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LibraryThing member lcarter11
Katie's tough but kind. Strong and smart. Add that to the fact that she's attractive, and how's Daniel supposed to resist? Unfortunately, the reason she's become more than "the lady who teaches my niece's class" is that Daniel's being targeted.
By whom? Why? They haven't got a single, solid clue.
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Their mutual frustration grows as the enemy burns one of Daniel's restaurants, uses Daniel for target practice, and eventually, resorts to kidnapping.
Together, they overcome the impossible. Including overcoming the demons in Katie's past.
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LibraryThing member SarahGraceGrzy
This book. Wowza! Action, suspense, drama, and sweet romance all rolled into a 346 page book. My second favorite in the series, the first being Always Watching.

The characters were by far the best part of this book. Katie was a very well-rounded and complex character. I empathized a lot with her
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various struggles and could really relate to her, which is the mark of a good character in my mind. Then, there's Daniel. The best character, hands down. Compassionate, honest, loyal, former military named Daniel? That's a pretty good mix if you want me to like a character. But amidst his awesomeness, he still had his struggles and issues, just like any normal human being. I loved his relationship with his niece. Who, speaking of which, was also a pretty great character.

The storyline was intense, action-packed, and just downright crazy, but amongst that, there was still room for some heartwarming scenes between characters or characters and their emotions. I love a book that has physical conflicts, (aka, action-packed crazyiness) as well as emotional and spiritual conflicts (aka, inner issues the character needs to deal with.) that need to be resolved. Adds so much more depth to the story. The romance was so sweet and not at all in-your-face, which I appreciated. It wasn't sudden, unexpected or unwelcome. Just sweet, slow, and natural feeling.

The main thing I was not a fan of, and the main reason I docked a star, was the storyline with Riley and her 'boyfriend'. It just felt rather wedged in, and unnecessary. Riley was more of a background character throughout much of the story, so it felt jarring to be suddenly thrown into her POV and to witness her issues and such. Honestly, you could have taken that storyline right out of the story, and it would have worked just as well - probably more so. Another thing I wasn't big on was the identity of the antagonist. It was unexpected (yes, that was kinda the point, but it didn't feel like a "good" kind of unexpected.) and the motive behind said antagonist didn't really make a ton of sense. I don't know. It just didn't feel right to me.

I loved the glimmerings into Quinn's and Maddy's characters that were given in this book, setting things up for book 3. Nice foreshadowing. And the ending was the best ever! So sweet! Katie and Daniel are one of the best couples!

All in all, I really enjoyed this book! If you are looking for a clean suspensethriller, with a touch of romance, this would suit perfectly! I think I will be buying some paperback copies very soon! Recommended for ages 16 for some pretty intense stuff, as well as mild romance.

CONTENT NOTE: There is a good bit of violenceintensity. Bombs, murder by hanging, lots of guns and threating to shoot people. Characters are nearly crushed in a car as someone uses a backhoe to flip it over and crush it. Also, various injuries. None of the above things are graphically described in any way. Also some mild attractionromance, and kissing. Also not graphic.
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LibraryThing member JenniferRobb
I've read a number of books by this author and she usually does a good job. Though we're not dropped into the action on page 1, the story drew me in quickly. Both Daniel and Katie are good people.

Given how many of this author's books I've read, I guessed who the villain was--though I did have to
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wait to see if my guess was correct (well, partially correct, but in retrospect, I should have realized there was a team given some clues in the story itself.)

I agree with Katie saying Daniel was a trusting person--perhaps a bit too trusting, though he did say his trust usually was given after knowing the person for a time.

I was glad to see that Riley's and Steve's relationship seems to have survived the craziness. Also glad that Maurice tried to do the right thing and that Daniel chose to help Maurice's daughter. Also glad that Katie and her family reconciled.

My biggest issue is that Katie and Daniel haven't really known each other that long and he's already proposed to her. This is an issue that I find is common to the genre.
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Elite Guardians 2


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