A Noble Groom

by Jody Hedlund

Paper Book, 2013



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Bethany House


"Widow Analisa Weiss needs a husband fast to help pay her land contract. Will her mail-order groom arrive before a mysterious new farmhand steals her heart?"--

User reviews

LibraryThing member SusanGibsonSnodgrss
I've been reading Jody Hedlund since her first book and I'm always satisified with my purchases. She draws the reader into the story early on and has the amazing ability to make you feel a part of the story. The characters in this book were very real and believable.
Her books are always based on
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something in history and I very much enjoy that aspect of them because I'm a history buff.
She never fails to deliver on her books.
I always preorder her books and will continue to do so based on the strength of her name on the cover alone.
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LibraryThing member hollysing
Best-selling author Jody Hedlund doesn’t just write engrossing stories and characters. She makes them sing. A Noble Groom delivers what we long for and then some.

Annalisa Werner is a woman alone on a forty-acre farm after the death of her gambling husband. Having a bad husband was better than
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having no husband. She is desperate to find a strong man to help her reap a plentiful harvest and save the family farm. German nobleman and scientist Carl von Reichert leaves Germany (via an entertaining sub-plot scheme) to escape the guillotine for a crime he didn’t commit. Hiding amongst a German farming community in Michigan as Carl Richards seems his only way out. And so, we have a noble groom—or do we?

Although the reading is light, the characters are invested with depth. Annalisa has to find her worth before God by fighting the corrosive effects of a society who undervalues women. Carl is ruefully aware of his ineptitude as a farmer and must come to terms with his guilt over hiding his true identity. Even though he chemistry between these two people from completely different cultures is obvious, Annalisa and Carl exercise restraint.

The book succeeds partly because the author writes what she knows. Running through the narrative is the experience of nineteenth century German immigrant farmers. The book is dedicated to Hedlund’s father, “the German farmer.” The book is not overly preachy, but faith in God is a major theme. The multitude of questions used in the narrative is a minor flaw but doesn’t detract from the impact of the story. The book will reaffirm your faith in how God gives resilience to us less-than-perfect humans.

Bethany House Publishers graciously supplied the advance review copy for my unbiased opinion.

Reviewed by Holly Weiss, author of [Crestmont]
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LibraryThing member l_manning
Annalisa has dreams, like every girl. She longs for a "fairy tale" marriage and love. Being a dutiful daughter, she married the man her father approved of. It was not what she wanted, but she has survived. Her husband has recently died though, and Annalisa hopes she can see a way out. Her father
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writes back to Germany to find a family member for her to marry, but instead a stranger comes. Just to help out. His name is Carl, and he's clearly not a farmer. However, Annalisa and Carl begin to work together and grow together. Just as Annalisa begins to think her dreams may be coming true, they all discover that Carl may have a secret. Annalisa must work to keep her farm and her dreams alive.

I found this book to be rather interesting. I liked the study of the pull between tradition and family and Annalisa's wants and needs. She really wanted a love story for herself, but she was willing to pass on this to please her family. She only begins to see that she can have happiness when it is basically thrown at her in the form of Carl. I also enjoyed watching Carl's transformation from spoiled nobleman to hard-working farmer. I think that Carl at the beginning of the books would have had a hard time doing the things that Carl at the end of the book did. I was kind of disappointed that the mystery of Annalisa's husband's death was wrapped up so neatly. I think there was an interesting dynamic there with consequences that would have been interesting to explore.

Annalisa had almost "modern" views on love, but I enjoyed that. It wouldn't have been near as interesting to read about otherwise. I didn't really get Annalisa's father's beef with Carl. That was all solved in the end though, so that was good. Overall I found this to be a fast read. I also really enjoyed all the real historical touches that were in this book. That helps to make the story more real and teaches me a bit about things that I didn't know about. Readers interested in a sweet love story with some real history behind it will find this book entertaining.

Book provided for review.
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LibraryThing member SAMANTHA100
A NOBLE GROOM by Jody Hedlund ISBN 978-0-7642-1047 Bethany House Publishers

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
10:34 AM

Life in Forestville, Michigan in 1880 was filled with struggles and hardship. This was especially true for Annalisa Werner. A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund is a historical, romance novel that
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transports the reader back to this time and into Annalisa's life. Her family had immigrated to America from Germany for a number of reasons. The family bought land that was difficult to farm and if they weren't able to produce enough to sell they could not earn enough to pay their loans. Annalisa's marriage was loveless and disappointing. Her husband was murdered and she was left with a young child and pregnant with another. She needed a husband and fast as she cannot farm the land herself. Her father sent a request to his brother in Germany to find and send a suitable husband for Annalisa. The uncle lets the family know that a suitable man named Dirk will arrive as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, in Germany, Carl von Reichart sat in a jail cell waiting to be executed. He was the son of a Baron and he had been falsely convicted of a crime. After a daring rescue and escape he made his way to Forestville. For good reason he had been warned not to reveal his true identity. He took the name of Carl Richards. Initially upon meeting Carl, Annalisa and her family believed him to be the new groom and the wedding was to take place immediately. He manages to convince Annalisa's family he is only amongst them temporarily and that he will help Annalisa with the farm until the real groom arrives. Totally lacking the knowledge, skills and experience needed for farming he tried to keep his word. His learning process proved challenging and he questioned if he would survive it. Even though he harbors a secret about his true identity he finds himself drawn to Annalisa and her daughter. She began to hope that perhaps it was possible to have a marriage based on love and kindness. However, complications arose. Tragedies struck, truths were revealed and as a result lives changed drastically.

The author's mastery as a storyteller has created a wonderfully readable novel. Even amidst an appalling accrual of hardships and personal loss, the vividly depicted characters are inspiring. I recommend reading this book.

I received this book free of charge from Bethany Publishing and I provide this review of my own free will.
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LibraryThing member FHC
Action, adventure, anticipation...
I loved this intro to author, Jody Hedlund's historical writing.

Well researched info infused the story with authenticity and well crafted characters that readily induced like/dislike from this reader. Attitudes and actions that wouldn't be tolerated in our day and
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culture suffused the life realities for women such as protagonist AnnaLisa, her sister, mother yet seemingly bypassed the pastor's wife. She seemed to be living the ideal in the settlement of German immigrants to this area of Michigan and provided a much needed Godly influence and example for the women and men to see modelled before them. I struggled with the outspoken remarks of Annalisa's own father to her would be suitor when encouraging a wedding that evening,to the effect, "then you can do whatever you want with her after that". What would any woman have to look forward to knowing there was no support or valuing of her as a person other than her ability to work and provide for the husband's needs?

Definitely well written, capturing my interest with the intrigue of the escape of the nobleman and his impact on the rest of the story... Not a book to miss if you're a historical fiction reader with romantic notions. EnJoy!

And thankyou, Jody, for providing readers with a great read!
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LibraryThing member deanna13
A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund is a wonderful historical romance novel that is set in Michigan and takes place from 1880 to 1881. Annalisa Werner is a recent widow with a young daughter and another baby on the way. She feels that her husband was murdered but she cannot prove it. She cannot take care
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of the farm alone so she agreed to let her father write to his brother in Germany asking him to send a man to America to be her husband. Carl Richards, a nobleman in disguise, arrived at the farm after fleeing England where he was accused of a murder that he did not commit. Many thought he was the groom and were set for a wedding but being a Christian and an honest man, he told them that he was not the anticipated groom. He knew absolutely nothing about farming or any kind of manual work but he agreed to help Annalisa until her groom would arrive. Annalisa’s late husband was cruel and unloving and she thought that was the norm and did not expect to have a happily ever after marriage. As can be expected, Carl and Annalisa began to care for each other but she had a groom coming and he wanted to leave the farm and go to Chicago to teach.

The author did a great job in developing all elements of the story. The characters came alive on the pages of the book and the plot had several twists and turns that provided a good deal of suspense. The dialogue had German words scattered throughout the book and it is very evident that the author did a great deal of research before writing this story. Not only was I entertained by the reading of a very good story but I also learned some history at the same time. I was very impressed with the way the author showed exactly how hard life was for the German immigrants in the late nineteenth century. Her development of Carl’s character added so much to the book with one example being how his strong beliefs in God helped Annalisa regain her faith. She kept the suspense going through the entire book with destructive fires, childbirth, lice, murder, Carl’s fear of his identify being revealed, attempted extortion, lack of rain, and waiting for a groom to arrive. I thoroughly enjoyed the descriptions of some of Carl’s “inventions” that made life and work easier for Annalisa.

I highly recommend this book to everyone who enjoys a well written and heart warming historical book that also shows God’s love and forgiveness throughout the story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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LibraryThing member staciewyatt
I chose this book, based on the description. Annalisa has given up on love, but willing to marry for convenience. I have had this thought as well. I am getting older and I have two young kids. Sometimes, I am willing to re-marry for other reasons besides love (like stability and help with the
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kids). I also have read Hedlund's book, Unending Devotion, in exchange for review from Bethany House. I loved the imagery and scenery in Unending Devotion.

A noble groom is also a historical piece, set in the late 1800's. The first scene was powerful. Annalisa's husband had stolen her money. Her daughter was also helping her gather nuts for the pending winter. Annalisa had to save all she could, especially with out a stable husband, helping to bring in income. She was angry and frustrated. Her husband, Hans, had a gambling problem. He gambled off their farm profits. I definitely understood where Annalisa was coming from. A few hundred years ago (sometime in the early 2000's), my ex-husband got laid off. He told me that he did not qualify for unemployment. My check was also being garnished for student loans, so I already had to work more to make up for the missing funds plus still pay bills. I was working 7 days a week to cover all the bills, in addition to borrowing money from family and friends. Found out months later, my ex was collecting an unemployment check, but was not contributing to the household. He left the cash and receipts in his car. I was hurt. I don't know where his money was going or who, but it definitely hurt me.

Annalisa needed a husband to help with the family and the farm. Annalisa went to confront her husband with child in tow, and found her husband dead. (amazing scene). Annalisa's father wanted her to have a new husband to help out.
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LibraryThing member catherine.m.johnson
Annalisa Werner is treated poorly by her husband whose death leaves her with a farm to run all on her own with two children to support. Annalisa holds out little hope that she will ever find true love and her father doesn't help when he sends away for a groom for her. A stranger running away from
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his own bad luck calls by one day and Annalisa rues the fact that a groom her father chose is already on his way.

Jody adds drama, tension and twists and turns like no other story teller I know. This is her fourth book and they just keep getting better and better. I read this one in a flash.
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LibraryThing member tiinaj1
What I loved about A Nobel Groom is the choice little nuggets of spiritual wisdom that is added to the book and designed to encourage Annalisa (and thus the reader). Annalisa isn't a fighter (at least not on the outside) and believes that men have the right to use her as a doormat and Carl opens
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her eyes to how God sees her and that she can be cherished, loved and blessed with a loving husband and a good life. This is a beautiful book and one that will have a special spot on my shelf. I would personally love to see a sequel that features Idette, Annalisa's 17 year old sister, who is abused and treated terribly by her new husband. I will also say that there is a surprise ending that really shocked me and saddened me - not to tears but for the loss of opportunity and future for one of the young characters in the book.

I would of loved to see a book discussion list of questions in the back of the book - this would be a great book for a book club!

Disclaimer: I was offered a copy of the book to read and review on GivingNSharing. I was not required to have a positive review and no money exchanged hands. Thanks for reading!
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LibraryThing member PamelaJo
"A Noble Groom" by Jody Hedlund
Published by Bethany House

A Heart Touching Novel...

"A Noble Groom" tells the tale of German immigrants who settled in Michigan in the 1800's. The focus is on Annalisa Werner, a young woman married to an uncaring and cold man. She tells fairytales to her young
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daughter, yet lives with the reality that hers is not a fairytale life. Then her husband dies...or was he murdered?

Needing to save her farm, she agrees to allow her father to write to his brother in Germany, asking him to send a groom for Annalisa. Carl Richards arrives. A schoolteacher from Germany. That is the story he tells, but is he being deceptive?

Carl helps Annalisa on the farm until her "real" groom arrives. Annalisa is drawn to Carl, yet she has learned not to trust any man. Can she trust Carl? Will he betray her as her husband did? Carl proves to be a gentle soul who shows Annalisa nothing but kindness. However, the secret he harbors about his identity does not allow him to form a long term commitment to Annalisa.

Add to all of the plot twists an evil man intent on having Annalisa's farm, the terrible destruction of natural disasters (very well researched, by the way), a typhoid epidemic, and you will find a book you won't be able to put down. There is suspense, romance, heartbreak, and a theme of abiding faith within the pages of "A Noble Groom." I cheered, I cried, and I was sad when the story ended.

I was graciously provided with a review copy of this book from Bethany House. It arrived on Saturday morning and I finished reading it by Sunday afternoon! "A Noble Groom" is a heart touching story. Will this tale have a happy ending and find Annalisa finally marrying for love, or will "happily ever after" continue to elude Annalisa? Read this wonderful book and discover the answer. You will not regret it!
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LibraryThing member mattidw
I loved this book. From the moment I started reading it I didn't want to put it down. I fell in love with the main character and saw so much of myself in her. I find it sad how things were back and then and how hard the people had to struggle. I felt like I was there with her and I understood
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everything she was feeling. The author did a great job of explaining things and making it all come to life in my head. I can't wait to read more books from this author.
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LibraryThing member BeautyintheBinding
Life as a German immigrant is hard, but when Annalisa Werner's husband dies, she is left to contend with the man who wants her land, the rigors of a struggling farm, the responsibility of raising her daughter and the preparations for her unborn child. Her father arranges for a distant cousin to
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marry Annalisa and take over the farm. Love is not needed. Carl Richards lived an easy life as a nobleman's son until he was falsely accused of murder. He travels to America as a fugitive and finds shelter and food as hired help for Annalisa. Their views on love and marriage are as different as their past lives. As Carl and Annalisa work together to grow a harvest to save her farm, they both find that they have much to learn about love. Can this relationship survive the revelation of Carl's past and the arrival of Annalisa's groom? Read more in A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund.

A Noble Groom is the first book I've read by Jody Hedlund and I'll definitely be on the lookout for her books in the future. I love it when I'm surprised by a book. I expected a romance with a medium-level of tension. The progressively playful banter and spark of attraction made for a sweet blossoming of love that maintained my interest throughout the book. However, quite unexpectedly, I found high drama interlaced with healing and growth. This marvelous combination was an excellent complement to the story line. I confidently recommend A Noble Groom to any fan of Christian romance.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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LibraryThing member judyg54
A story set in Michigan in 1880. I found the story to be full of "what could happen next" moments, and also got a glimpse into the people who left their home country of Germany and tried to make a life for themselves in Michigan. I enjoy the way this author writes.

Annalisa Werner knows from
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experience that there is no "fairy-tale love". Her husband, like many she has observed, only used her as more of a slave than a wife. When he dies her father sends for someone from Germany to come and marry her and take over her farm for her. Carl Richards is running for his life and escapes Germany, and delivers a message to Annalisa's father that her future husband will arrive later. So Carl offers to help Annalisa run her farm until her husband arrives. The problem is Carl is really a nobleman, disguising himself as a common man. But he has a heart for the Lord and believes women should be treated with respect and honor and love. Watching these two get to know one another and observe one another was very interesting. And the book never lacks for something always happening. Even up to the very end. As it says on the back cover: "Hedlund intricately balances romance and drama "
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INSPY (Winner — Historical Romance — 2014)





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