Making Waves

by Lorna Seilstad

Paper Book, 2010



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Nineteen-year-old Marguerite Westing finds two new loves--sailing and sailing instructor Trip Andrews--when her family summers at Lake Manawa, Iowa, in 1895, but a family crisis forces her to make a difficult decision.

User reviews

LibraryThing member ReviewsbyMolly
I absolutely LOVE getting to read debut novels by new authors. Lorna Seilstad had got what it takes to create a novel to fully capture the reader instantly, and make them feel right at home with the wonderful characters. Ms. Seilstad has the skills to pen novels that are sure to be best selling!
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Making Waves is the first book in this amazing, brand-new series, Lake Manawa Summers, and oh what a start it is! It's 1895 in Iowa and Marguerite just wants to live life adventurously for herself and not like some of the high society women attending dinners and balls. And that's just what she tries to do. She was such an adorable character. She had that real-to-life feel and reminded me of myself at that age, wanting to do what I wanted to do and not meaning to cause raucous. And oh what raucous she caused! Let's talk about her "intended" Roger....DID NOT LIKE HIM! Come on, really? Did he have to be so boring? Oh, and how about Trip? Now THAT was a DREAMY character! I fell in love with him at the first description of his tender hearted, yet strong soul! He really completed the depth to the characters and made the book that much more fun!

Lorna Seilstad packed this series start full of laugh-out-loud humor and antics, a hint of mystery, lots and lots of love, and a spiritual message of never settling for less than God's will in your life, no matter what or whom may think otherwise.

If you like a story full of love, laughter, and God, than this is a 5 star story you won't want to miss. It's a perfect start to a new series and book 2, A Great Catch will be at the top of my wish list until it's Summer '11 release! Great job, Lorna!!

*This book was provided for review by Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Company*
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LibraryThing member tarenn
MAKING WAVES by Lorna Seilstad is an amazing Inspirational Historical Romance set in 1895 Council Bluffs,Iowa and Lake Manawa, Iowa. This is this author's first novel and what an amazing story this is.This is the first in the Lake Manawa Summers. It is well written with details, depth, full of
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historical information on sailing and lake workings of this era. It has gambling addiction, deceit, betrayal, faith, sailing, trust, young love,romance, wit, lakeside vacation of the era, hurt, family responsibilities and Christian values. The hero, Trip, is strong, a sailing instructor, holds to his beliefs, his faith even in the times of great sorrow and disappointment and is true to his friends and family. The heroine, Marguerite, is to some comely, her parents are wealthy, settled with a boring, bland boyfriend soon to become betrothed to him. She does not want to be betrothed to him, but her family is insistent she be so. She has a eye for adventure, a heart for sailing and wants to be happy and have fun. When her family goes to Lake Manawa for vacation, she learns of deceit and betrayal by her father. She falls in love with the young, handsome, bewitching sailing instructor, Trip. She soon learns of the betrayal and deceit and to want extend the deceit is involved. Finally, she follows her heart and does the right thing but trouble happens. Trip, has fallen in love with Marguerite and learns of her deceit to him, but stays true to his word and helps her. This is an amazing story of true love,and sacrifice to keep Marguerite's family wealthy.Will God intervene and lighten the hearts of Marguerite's parents in time to save her heart? You should really pick this book up for it will keep your attention from the first page to the last. This is truly an author to watch for, I can hardly wait for her next story. I would highly recommend this book, especially if you enjoy romance, christian values with real villains and bad people. This book was received for review from Revell and details can be found at My Book Addiction and More.
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LibraryThing member dk_phoenix
Publisher’s Synopsis:

Sun, summer, and a scrumptious sailing instructor. What more could a girl want?

When spunky Marguerite Westing discovers that her family will spend the summer of 1895 at Lake Manawa, Iowa, she couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s the perfect way to escape her agonizingly boring
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suitor, Roger Gordon. It’s also where she stumbles upon two new loves: sailing, and sailing instructor Trip Andrews.

But this summer of fun turns to turmoil as her father’s secrets threaten to ruin the family forever. Will free-spirited Marguerite marry Roger to save her father’s name and fortune? Or will she follow her heart–even if it means hurting the family she loves?

Full of sharp wit and blossoming romance, Making Waves will whisk you away to a breezy lakeside summer holiday.

My Thoughts:

I honestly thought this book was going to be dreadful. I regretted asking for it the moment I hit the ‘send’ button, and put off reading it over and over again until I couldn’t wait any longer.

But guess what? It turned out to be my favorite of the three books from Graf-Martin’s blog tour this past month. Don’t let that hideous cover fool you – there’s a fun story inside with a likeable heroine and a hero who has a hard time doing anything right, let alone come along to save the day!

In short, here are the things I loved about this book:

- a heroine with serious flaws who has a full family (no/dead missing mother or father!)
- a hero who is anything but, and as likable as he is, continues to make mistakes
- a villain whose moral compass kicks in when things turn grim – he’s bad, but he’ll only take it so far and continues to act within his established character
- the heroine’s younger brother plays a large role and helps to save the day
- an unusual setting makes for a very different atmosphere

Mostly, I was impressed with the character development and how each character stuck to who they were – they didn’t act out of character or act in an uncharacteristically drastic fashion toward the end of the novel, which I find tends to happen in a lot of Christian historical fiction.

No, this was just a fun, fast-paced read with good characters, a forward-driving plot, and just a touch of the ‘inspirational’ side of things so as to fit in with the time period but not overwhelm the story. In fact, I was a bit surprised at that, because Revell (the publisher) tends to be the one with “preachier” books, but not so in this case!

Don’t let the unremarkable back cover copy (could they have made it sound any more cliché or dull?) or the front cover stop you from reading this one (honestly, did they really HAVE to choose the image where she’s making that expression?!?!). I’ll be passing this one on to others, and will gladly read more from this author in the future.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
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LibraryThing member KObooks
Good beach read; warmed my heart. Predictable and fun, light-hearted with a little romance.
LibraryThing member BarbsReviews
The book was ok, but the characters were not so great. For me the story was slow in the beginning. It isn't till about the end of the book it starts taking off. The heroine, Marguerite is a bit reckless and comes across as a woman with no brains. She doesn't have a problem lying or flirting with
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other men after she gets engaged. The plot was too predictable and the characters were shallow. The book did not hold my attention therefore, I did not finish the book.
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LibraryThing member lexiesmom
Set in the late 1890's a wealth family decides to spend the summer tenting at the beach “the place to be”. Their version is so unlike the camping we do it adds an undercurrent of amusement to the whole book.

The characters are wonderful. The wealthy moustached villein must have his way
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regardless of who gets hurt in the fall out. Our heroine, a sweet young girl with a penchant for adventure is so likeable, I couldn't help but be on her side. The father is hiding a secret and it appears his only way out is to force his daughter to make a tough choice. The book is filled with surprises, including the outcome.
The book is Christian fiction and tells the gospel story without being preachy. It's a perfect fit for any church library

I received this book for free in exchange for providing this honest review.
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LibraryThing member knotbox
This is not what I expected...

It’s 1881. Marguerite is going to have one last summer of adventure before even considering marrying someone boring. Hearing her father’s plans to camp them on the shores of the newly developed Lake Manawa seems perfect. Falling in love with the sailboats that
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glide across the lake, nevermind the charming captain of her proudest yacht, she concocts a risky plan to get sailing lessons and do what she wants for one summer more. When her mother’s choice for fiancé turns out to be almost as dangerous as he is dull, Marguerite may finally be ready to admit that she is in over her head. It’s a little late for swimming lessons once you’re drowning though.

This book shines with historical color. The boardwalk that Marguerite and Trip stroll along doesn’t exist, but is as modern and stunning as a recreation in a Rogers and Hammerstein production on broadway. And Lorna Seilstad’s attention to detail, and affection for this period of time on the shores of Lake Manawa is really impressive. When the fuzz clamps down on sin on the shoreline, it’s thrilling, when yachts pull out and race a regata, you hang on to hear every dip and tug of the ropes, when Marguerite puts on her most modern outfit - all white, slightly masculine - you feel the forwardness of the fashion, when she stands close to Trip and points out the stars in the sky, it’s definitely romantic.

One great review on GoodReads slammed this book in ways I didn’t even think of when reading it, taking it down as a member of the Christian Romance subgenre because the prayer was self-serving and felt added in. She also poked at the late night lakeside revivals that the two lovers attend. In defense of them, revivals were historically hokey as a rule.

Have you ever procured a book for yourself thinking it was one thing and cracking it open to discover something else? I added Making Waves to my list after glimpsing it on Lendle and thinking it looked like a fun story of a girl in the (why not) Australian Outback. Like, on a lake that isn’t Lake Victoria. This book was set in Iowa. In my defense, Manawa is a Maori word, which isn’t actually relevant here, only tangentially related.

368pp. Revell Books. 1 Aug. 2010.
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LibraryThing member SueinCyprus
Set in 1895 in the USA, this features the lively and determined Marguerite, whose family spend the summer camping by a lake. Marguerite's mother wants her to marry the dull and rather slimy Roger, but Marguerite loves her freedom and longs to sail. Naturally she falls for someone quite different,
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and equally naturally there are clashes before the somewhat predictable ending.

The story is well-written, the plot moves along nicely, and the Christian theme is mostly believable without being too pushy. Not sure I'd have paid for this, but it was on special offer (free) for my Kindle, and made a pleasant light read.
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Lake Manawa Summers 1


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