An Hour Unspent

by Roseanna M. White

Paperback, 2018



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Bethany House Publishers (2018), 416 pages


Once London's top thief, Barclay Pearce has turned his back on his life of crime and now uses his skills for a nation at war. But not until he rescues a clockmaker's daughter from a mugging does he begin to wonder what his future might hold. Evelina Manning has constantly fought for independence, but she certainly never meant for it to inspire her fiance to end the engagement and enlist in the army. When the intriguing man who saved her returns to the Manning residence to study clockwork repair with her father, she can't help being interested. But she soon learns that nothing with Barclay Pearce is as simple as it seems. As 1915 England plunges ever deeper into war, the work of an ingenious clockmaker may give England an unbeatable military edge--and Germany realizes it as well. Evelina's father soon finds his whole family in danger--and it may just take a reformed thief to steal the time they need to escape.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member alekee
We are back in WWI England, and lucky for us back with some old friends!
I love the play the author uses on the title of this book, sounds impossible, until you find out how it is done!
We are given some non-stop action, and some new characters to enjoy, or not, but the book becomes a page-turner as
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we look for answers, and hope that all will survive to the end.
Now this is the third book in this series, but can be reads alone, there is enough information given, but you might want to treat yourself to the others.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review.
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LibraryThing member SarahGraceGrzy
Barclay's much-anticipated story is finally here! I greatly enjoyed his story, although maybe not quite as much as Rosemary's and Willa's. But it's a close call.

Barclay is the most fabulous character ever. I love his big-brotherness, his protectiveness towards his family and his desire to provide
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for them, his honesty, his integrity, his selflessness. He's just such a great guy, but he's real, too. He has his struggles just like everyone else, which is what I think makes him such a great character. The storyline with his mother and brother was incredibly well done, and so realistic.
Evalina, also, is an amazing character. Just . . . wow. I don't even know what to say. Since it's hard to say much about her without spoilers, I'll just say she's a fabulous character, and we'll leave it at that. Go read the book and find out for yourself.

Following hot on the heels of A Song Unheard, An Hour Unspent is also full of mystery, intrigue, and danger. While a little slow-paced at times, it still kept me reading and wanting to finish it as soon as possible. The ending felt a little abrupt to me, which I was rather disappointed about, but it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the book too much. Another thing I loved was seeing more of Mr. V, and hearing some of his story. He's such an intriguing character!

All in all, White pens another stellar novel of romance, family, intrigue, and history. This series is a must-read!

CONTENT NOTE: Recommended for ages 16 romance and mild violence. There are some somewhat-heated kisses, etc, and thematic material, mostly war-related, such as bombings, shootings, etc.

FTC disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.
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LibraryThing member Meganleigh844
You’ll want to steal some hours for yourself to read this wonderful conclusion to the “Shadows Over England” series! “An Hour Unspent” by Roseanna White is the third and final book in the series. I have read the first two books in the series and would recommend reading all three in order,
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as many similar characters appear in more than one book. But it could be enjoyed as a standalone as well.

Since reading the first two books, I have been eager for the remainder of Barclay’s story. Ms. White does a wonderful job fleshing out Barclay’s character and writing a heroine for him (Evelina). I love the relationship between Barclay and Evelina. Both characters go through journeys of faith throughout the story. Barclay is a fairly new Christian at the beginning of the book. It’s great to see how honest Barclay tries to be; he is struggling with trying to do the right things. It’s inspiring to see the way this thief grows in faith. Barclay realizes God doesn’t always take away the bad, but if we ask, God gives us the strength to deal with it. Evelina sees God as a Great Clockmaker, who sets things in motion but then leaves His creation alone. She learns that like a great clockmaker who is fine tuning his clock and continually working on it, God is doing the same with our lives. He really is involved with and cares about each of His children.

“An Hour Unspent” is all about family and relationships. Many of the characters in the story learn that people, not things, are what really matter. Family is what really makes you rich. One shouldn’t spend all their time regretting what they haven’t done, but instead, spend the time they do have with the people who count, especially family. I love the many ways family is portrayed in this story; with biological, broken families and a family of thieves who always looks out for one another. I don’t particularly like reading about war or this time period and I found the story a little slow at times. This is why I didn’t give it five stars, but it is worth the read for me!

Ms. White has employed well-written characters and universal themes in “An Hour Unspent!” This is one I would recommend, especially if you love historical fiction and this time period.

Content: This is a clean read with a PG rating. Some examples of the content are: a man notices a woman’s curves; talk of a man possibly having a mistress; mention of drunkards; people curse, but the word isn’t actually written; characters mention wanting to drink champagne.

Rating: I give this book 4 stars!

Genre: Christian fiction; Historical; Romance; Mystery

I want to thank Celebrate Lit, Roseanna White and Bethany House Publishers for the complimentary copy of this book for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I express in this review are my own. This is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR 16, Part 255.
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LibraryThing member Kris_Anderson
An Hour Unspent by Roseanna M. White is the third book in Shadows Over England series. Barclay Pearce has given up a life of crime and now uses his talents to help his country win the war. Barclay’s latest assignment is clockmaker, Cecil Manning who has an invention that would give England’s
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flying men an edge over Germany’s pilots. On the way to the Manning residence, Barclay saves a woman from a mugging. The woman turns out to be Evelina Manning, the clockmaker’s daughter. Barclay is intrigued by the independent woman and perplexed by the identity of her mugger. Evelina is shocked when her fiancé, Basil ends their engagement three weeks before the wedding and learns that he has enlisted in the army. Basil tells Evelina that she lacks warmth and the last thing he wants is a marriage like their parents. Evelina never thought that standing up for a woman’s right to vote and for safe working conditions would drive away Basil. She dreads telling her mother about the broken engagement. Barclay works with Mr. Manning on his invention in the evenings and makes a point of arriving early to spend time the clockmaker’s fiery daughter. It seems that someone else is interested in Mr. Manning’s device, and they will go to great lengths to acquire it. Barclay will need to dig deep into his bag of tricks if he is to complete this assignment and keep the Manning family safe.

An Hour Unspent is an intriguing novel. It begins in May of 1915 when England is at war with Germany. I recommend reading the books in Shadows Over England series in order. Each book builds upon the previous one and it will provide you a better understanding about the family and its members. The characters from A Name Unknown and A Song Unheard appear in this installment along with the rest of Barclay’s family. I enjoyed getting to know more about Barclay who is the head of his family. He has given up a life of crime, has become a Christian and is reading the Bible. When he is asked to acquire an item, he has a moral dilemma. There is only one way to get it and it is not legal. Barclay’s faith continues to grow as does his character. Barclay is issued a new challenge to steal an hour from Big Ben and the solution is unique (and practical). Barclay decides to follow the mysterious Mr. V one evening. Readers get to know a little more about enigmatic man. I thought An Hour Unspent was well-written and researched. The author captured the time-period with the character’s speech, clothing, items available, conveyances, books, music and the environment (descriptions of Poplar, the buildings). Ms. White provides detailed descriptions that brings the scenes to life. I wish, though, that the pace had been a little peppier (it drags along sometimes). Unique historical events are included in the story and it was fascinating to learn the origins of Rolex. Wrist watches were considered a newfangled idea that would not catch on. The mystery is captivating with its many twists and turns. I was happy the author provided an epilogue. An Hour Unspent combines a thought out plot along with great characters, drama, suspense, humor, romance, friendship, family, and faith.
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
I believe that this has to be my favorite book in this series. I did not want to put this book down. This had everything that I love about a book. I loved the characters, the romance and the intrigue. There were quite a few twists and turns. I love this family of thieves. I hope there might be more
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books about some of the younger siblings. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
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LibraryThing member SBMC
"But perhaps if one viewed God like a master clockmaker, then every cog, every gear, every spring was important. If one was out of line, no matter how small and insignificant, the entire device would fail."

Roseanna White never fails to deliver high-quality, well-researched, and intensely gripping
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inspirational historical romance. This book is number 3 in the Shadows Over England series and can definitely be read as a stand-alone, though I highly recommend the other two books for background stories of Rosie/Peter and Will/Lukas and just for the sheer joy of reading such well-written novels. The dialogue in this book is quite clever and witty. There is great history, such as women's suffrage movement in England and the birth of watch making from clock making, weaved into the fabric of the story. There is a good dose of intrigue and suspense and World War I espionage expertly mixed into great writing, intricate plot, and vividly memorable characters. There is even an intimate look at poverty, orphanhood, and racism that is still relevant today. The romance in the book is tender, the theme of faith and sacrificial love is real and down-to-earth, and emotions are so raw yet eloquent that quite a few scenes in the book made me cry.

I have to say I wasn't a huge fan of Barclay until this book. But he has changed dramatically since the beginning of the series and his noble character shines clearly in this story as he realizes whom God wants him to be. He's an incredible man - resolved to turn away from his life of thievery, resourceful, intelligent, devoted to his family, so so tender and loving, and exquisitely sweet even if a little too overprotective. He has such a big heart and Evelina can't help but fall in love with him. Evelina is a polio-surviver, brilliant, stubborn, and independent yet unsure of who she is. As the daughter of a renowned clock and toy maker, she feels like one of her father's automatons. When one of her father's ingenious designs brings the Navy's attention and Barclay to her family's door, sparks fly even as they all become entrenched in the dealings of war.
I really enjoyed the roles that Rosie/Peter and Willa/Lukas had in this book and loved being the witness to their happy unions. The mysterious V - Barclay's boss - actually reveals himself in this book and we learn about who he was and who he is now, which is so satisfying. And it's incredibly fun to see how Barclay actually steals an hour from the Big Ben!
I am so sad that the series has come to an end. It would have been wonderful to read about each and every one of Barclay's adopted siblings... but there is a new series on the horizon so I'm waiting in anticipation for the first book!

I received a copy of the book from Baker Publishing Group via Celebrate Lit Tours and was under no obligation to write a favorable review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.
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LibraryThing member Becky_L
An Hour Unspent. Prior to reading the book, I was convinced this was a very awkward title. Having finished the book, book three in Rosanna M. White’s Shadows Over England, I now applaud the author her doubly apt title.

Who could not fall in love with White’s portrayal of Barclay Pearce, an
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ex-thief, now spying for the English? He is constantly trying to square his new-found faith with the deception required to perform for his country. However, what really draws the reader into Barclay Pearce is the way he is so compassionate for others. He cares for almost anyone needy around him. He has even built his own family, chock-full of “adopted siblings” who have chosen to belong to each other. They care for each other, laugh with each other, and love each other. While not in the least bit related by blood, they would die for each other if need be. Pearce’s family is very reminiscent of the O’Malley family group created by Dee Henderson.
Evalina “Lina” Manning falls in love with this noble thief, but then waffles over who he really is. One of them deserves someone much better than the other.
“And if the Master Clockmaker took such care with each cog, shouldn’t said cogs have the good sense to obey him when they felt that nudge?”
“There’s no such thing as too late. Not with God.”
Intrigue in World War I; regrets of a splintered blood family vs. the riches of a cobbled family that values its members; knowing who you are; and seeking God, are all themes of this new favorite book of mine. Don’t miss Rosanna M. White’s An Hour Unspent. ( Note: I have not yet read the first two books. This story stood well on its own.)
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to leave a review and all opinions are my own.
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LibraryThing member Harley0326
This book has been a journey that I was sad to see end. It has a wonderful description of London in 1915. It was a time when war was prevalent and danger was everywhere. I enjoyed getting to know Lina and how passionate she is about the treatment of women. She has always wanted her independence but
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it wasn't easy . Lina has a good relationship with her father and I found her devotion to be sincere. Her mother can be somewhat of a snob at times and take her husband for granted. Does she not realize how brilliant he is? Can you imagine being on the brink of making something so important that could change how the war is fought? Someone recognizes how important his work is and will do anything to have it.

I was excited to learn more about Barclay. He has had a hard life and I liked the background on him and how he became known as a thief. He is a driven man and now has changed his ways. He has been asked to help the war effort which will include working with Lina's father. The author does a great job of giving details about clock making and I could hear chimes in the background as he worked on his secret invention. Barclay will do whatever is necessary to fulfill his orders.

There is intrigue and lots of danger in the story that keeps readers turning pages as fast as they can. When Lina's father is in danger, can she depend on Barclay to help her? What happens when Lina finds out that Barclay was a thief? Can she trust him to keep her safe? One of the things I really liked about the story was the relationships the characters had with each other. It was interesting to read how Lina and her mother had taken her father for granted for so many years. We can get so wrapped up in ourselves, that we forget to thank those who protect us and care for us.

Barclay has some issues he needs to work through as well. His years of growing up without parents has taken a toll on him. He wants to help everyone but a part of him wants to be accepted as well. His selflessness could get him killed as he tries to help Lina and her father. I loved his humbleness and how deeply he loved those around him. He has become a changed man and he will do what is right even if it means sacrificing his life. Get ready for an explosive ending that will have you on the edge of your seat. I hate to see the story end, but the author has done an exceptional job of giving her readers a grand closure to an epic tale.

" Love. The thing worth fighting for. Worth dying for. But more-worth living for'"

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
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LibraryThing member MaryAnnB1964
Once London’s top thief, Barclay Pearce has turned his back on his life of crime and now uses his skills for a nation at war. But not until he rescues a clockmaker’s daughter from a mugging does he begin to wonder what his future might hold.

Evelina Manning has constantly fought for independence
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but she certainly never meant for it to inspire her fiancé to end the engagement and enlist in the army. When the intriguing man who saved her returns to the Manning residence to study clockwork repair with her father, she can’t help being interested. But she soon learns that nothing with Barclay Pearce is as simple as it seems.

As 1915 England plunges ever deeper into war, the work of an ingenious clockmaker may give England an unbeatable military edge—and Germany realizes it as well. Evelina’s father soon finds his whole family in danger—and it may just take a reformed thief to steal the time they need to escape it.

My Thoughts: This is an intriguing and entertaining book. From the first chapter to the last, it has the reader completely enamored. This is the third book in the series and if the reader like myself hasn't read the first two, they will be able to read along easily. The setting takes place during the first world war and grabs the readers attention from the first page. The characters are fun, witty and down to earth.

I believe that this book is to teach us what family really is and to appreciate and to hold on tight and love our famililies. It's a book about serving others and putting family first.

I believe that readers will truly enjoy this novel, especially those who love historical fiction.
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LibraryThing member KimPotter
An Hour Unspent by Roseanna White is the third book in her Shadows Over England series. This is Barclay’s story. No longer a thief on the streets of London, he uses his expertise to help a nation at war. His job is to keep an eye on clockmaker, Cecil Manning, who may have stumbled on a
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revolutionary idea for the Admiralty. Rescuing his daughter from a mugging is a bonus he hadn’t counted on. I think this was my favorite in the series. I love how compassionate Barclay was and the way he took care of his family without being made to do it, it just came from his heart. “Family isn’t blood. It should be, but it isn’t, not always. Family is choice. Love.” The spiritual lessons woven through-out was an inspiration. The reference to God being the Master Clockmaker were inspired. The way Ms. White dropped in the little history tidbits really made it come alive without being a boring history lesson. I’m sad to see this series come to an end. I would highly recommend the whole series.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
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LibraryThing member Herenya
In 1915, Barclay’s new job is to discover if a clockmaker’s latest development could relevant to the war effort, and becomes friends with the clockmaker’s suffragette daughter, Evelina.

At first, the stakes seem lower than in the previous two books: unlike his sisters’ jobs, Barclay’s
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doesn’t take him away from home, and his family has more connections and resources than they had a year earlier; Evelina has faced danger and disappointment (an attempted mugging, a broken-off engagement) but she has the privileges of a comfortable home. But as the story progresses, circumstances become much more tense.

One of my favourite things about this trilogy has been Barclay’s large and loving found-family, and the way having chosen to be family to each other has made them a family. I enjoyed spending more time with them. And it was interesting to see Barclay reunite with members of his biological; and the acknowledgment of the difficulties of reconciliation.

The romance was sweet, too.

But then, he’d built a family from people in worse circumstances, on a shorter acquaintance. They’d pledged to stay together forever, and they’d done it. Sometimes sheer grit was enough.
And sometimes it wasn’t.
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Original publication date


Physical description

8.5 inches


0764219286 / 9780764219283


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