


On-site use

Call number

P1 O.02

Local notes

Volume(s) include:
no. 30 (October 1999) — Kelley, Mike. "Art, Craft, Sex and Man." pp. 2-3.
Artwork(s) illustrated:
Kelley, Mike. (1995). Playroom Décor. cover image.
______. (1991). Craft Morphology Flow Chart. p. 2.
______. (1994). The Thirteen Seasons (Heavy on the Winter) #5: Summer‘s Rage. p. 3.
______. (1994). The Thirteen Seasons (Heavy on the Winter) #12: Death. p. 3.
______. (1994). The Thirteen Seasons (Heavy on the Winter) #11: The Giving Old Man. p. 3.
______. (1990). Yarn #4. p. 3.
______. (1990). Arena #2 (Kangaroo). p. 3.
______. (1990). Double Figure (Polka Dot). p. 3.


[Paris]: Presses de la Cité, 1988-
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