Kunstforum International



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Call number

P1 K.01

Local notes

Volume(s) include:

no. 130 (May-Jul. 1995) — Kelley, Mike and Heinz-Norbert Jocks. "Mit Sex kann man der Bourgeoisie heute keinen Schlag mehr verpassen." pp. 273-293.
Artwork(s) illustrated:
Kelley, Mike. (1987). Close-up of More Love Hours than Can Ever Be Repaid. p. 272.
______. (1988). Pay for Your Pleasure. p. 275.
______. (1978). Catholic Birdhouse. p. 276.
______. (1987). Animal Self and Friend of the Animals. p. 278.
______. (1988). Devil Bush. p. 278.
______. (1986). Rainbow of Death. p. 280.
______. (1986). Nazi War Cave #2. p. 280.
______. (1988). Garbage Drawing #57. p. 282.
______. (1987). Homosexual Couple. p. 282.
______. (1989/2006). Liquid Diet. p. 283.
Kelley, Mike. (1982). Documentation of Confusion artworks. p. 284:
° Six-Seventh and One-Seventh Table Confusion I (the evolution of animal) [part of Confusion I (the evolution of animal)].
° Stage Curtain [part of Confusion I (the evolution of animal)].
° Linear Memory [part of Confusion II (the evolution of man)].
° Present To The Most Bored Person In the Audience [part of Confusion I (the evolution of animal)].
° Non-Linear Memory (The Road to Confusion with Empty Set) [part of Confusion I (the evolution of animal)].
° Lamp Shade [part of Confusion II (the evolution of man)].
° An Actor Portrays Boredom and Exhibits His Frog Knick Knack Collection [part of Confusion II (the evolution of man)].
° A Model of Association [part of Confusion II (the evolution of man)].
° Stagnant Pond [part of Confusion II (the evolution of man)].
Kelley, Mike. (1991-1992). Riddle of the Sphinx. p. 284.
______. (1990). Robin. p. 285.
Installation view of Mike Kelley at Jablonka Galerie, Cologne (Germany), Nov. 15-Dec. 21, 1991. p. 285.
Kelley, Mike. (1992). Orgone Shed. p. 286.
______. (1992). Private Address System. p. 286.
______. (1992). Torture Table. p. 286.
______. (1990). Bed. p. 287.
______. (1990). Alma Pater (Wolverine Den). p. 287.
______. (1990). Center and Peripheries #4. p. 288.
______. (1989). Duty Roster. p. 288.
______. (1991). Brown Star. p. 290.
______. (1994). Painting in Time: December 25, 1994. p. 291.
______. (1994). The Thirteen Seasons (Heavy on the Winter) #4: The Dawning of Sexuality. p. 292.

no. 34 (May-Sept. 1996) — Drohojowska, Hunter. "L.A.s Künstler auf der Jagd nach dem Teen Spirit." pp. 194-198.
Kelley, Mike and John Miller. "Die Depolitisierung der Hippiekultur trug zu ihrer Mystifizierung bei." pp. 199-205.
Artwork(s) illustrated:
Kelley, Mike, Anita Pace and Stephen Prina. (1992). Documentation of Beat of the Traps performance. pp. 194-197.
Kelley, Mike. (1974/1994). Fab Aura. p. 200.
______. (1975/1994). Teen Angel. p. 201.
______. (1974). New!. p. 202.
______. (1976). Love To Love You Baby (Jimi Hendrix). p. 204.
______. (1976/1993). Untitled (Psychedelic). p. 205.

no. 139 (Dec. 1997-Mar. 1998) — Kelley, Mike and Heinz-Norbert Jocks. "Als Kin war ich ein Bucherwurm, der davon traumte, eines Tages ein Erzahler zu werden." pp. 186-195.
Artwork(s) illustrated:
Kelley, Mike. (1988). Pay for Your Pleasure. cover image, p. 192.
______. (1990). Alma Pater (Wolverine Den). p.188.
______. (1989). Duty Roster. p. 190.


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