
by John Murray [1898-1975]

Paperback, 1975

Call number

BT707 .M8 1977; Locator: MS 139.


Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company

Physical description

iii, 122 p.; 21 cm



I. The Old Testament Provision.
II. The Teaching of Our Lord.
III. The Teaching of Paul.
IV. Practical Cases.
Index of Subjects.
Index of Authors.
Index of Scripture References.

From the Preface--
"It is quite apparent that the first biblical passage bearing upon the question is Genesis 2:23, 24. At the very outset this enunciates the nature and basis of marriage and clearly implies that divorce or the dissolution of the marriage bond could not be contemplated otherwise than as a radical breach of the divine institution. It is impossible to envisage any dissolutionn of the bond as anything other than abnormal and evil. Our Lord's comments with reference to this Scripture and the institution underlying it are to the effect of showing that the marriage bond is originally and ideally indissoluble. The rupture of this divinely instituted human bond is conceivable only if there is first of all the rupture of divine-human relations. The breach of the divinely instituted order of right and troth and love in the human sphere must presuppose the breach of troth with God."




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