The Bible and Social Problems. The James Sprunt Lectures [for 1929] delivered at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.

by Walter L. Lingle [1868-1956]


Call number

BS670 .L56 1929


New York: Fleming H. Revell.

Physical description

192 p.; 20 inches


I. Some Essential Definitions.
II. God's Ideal for the World.
III. Jesus' Sermon on the Kingdom.
IV. The Bible and Money.
V. The Bible and Poverty.
VI. The Bible and the Family.
VII. The Bible and War.
VIII. The Church and Social Reform.

"The invitation which came to me to deliver the [1929] James Sprunt Lectures carried with it a suggestion that the general subject of these lectures should be the Social Teachings of the Bible. This subject was probably suggested because it was known that I was deeply interested in this field, and because none of the many lecturers on this foundation who have preceded me has chosen this for his theme.
Ray Stannard Baker, who has since become the official biographer of President Woodrow Wilson, first introduced me to this great subject. One day, about twenty years ago, while I was browsing around in the Carnegie Library in Atlanta, I ran across a magazine article by Mr. Baker, in which he wrote very enthusiastically about Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch's book, Christianity and the Social Crisis, which had recently been published. I made haste to get the book, and read it with avidity. . . "

In 1911 Mr. James Sprunt, of Wilmington, North Carolina, gave to the Trustees of Union Theological Seminary, in Virginia, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, since increased by his generosity to fifty thousand dollars, for the purpose of establishing a perpetual lectureship, which would enable the institution to secure from time to time the services of distinguished ministers and authoritative scholars, outside the regular Faculty, as special lecturers on subjects connected with various departments of Christian thought and Christian work.
The lecturers are chosen by the Faculty of the Seminary and a committee of the Board of Trustees, and the lectures are published after their delivery in accordance with a contract between the lecturer and these representatives of the institution. The eighteenth series of lectures on this foundation is presented in this volume.
B.R. Lacy, Jr.
President, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.




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