A Treatise on Mercersburg Theology; or, Mercersburg and Modern Theology Compared.

by Samuel Miller Jr. [1815-1873]

Hardcover, 1866

Call number

BX9571 .M55 1866


Philadelphia: S.B. Fisher, 1866.

Physical description

131 p.; 17 cm


To dispel some confusion regarding the author of this work, we cite from the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia,

"Samuel Miller was a minister of the German Reformed Church, was born in Union County, Pennsylvania, March 23, 1815. He was licensed in 1842, and ordained the following year. He first labored in Dauphin, and then in Butler County, Pennsylvania. In 1852 he removed to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, where he stood in connection with the publication office of the Reformed Church as associate editor of the Messenger and Kirchenzeitung. After laboring in this capacity about six years, he returned to the pastoral work. residing for several years in Lebanon, and afterwards in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. His health failing, he removed to Philadelphia, where he died, October 11, 1873. Mr. Miller was a man of decided talent, genial spirit, and indomitable energy, patience, and perseverance. He is the author of a work of some merit, entitled Mercersburg and Modern Theology compared, and of quite a number of articles in the Mercersburg Review. See Reformed Church Messenger. November 5, 1873."

Chapter I.
1. Anthropology.
2. Central Idea.
3. The Person of Christ.
4. The Incarnation.
5. Redemption.
6. Hypostatical Union.
7. The Life of Christ.
8. Imputation.

Chapter II.
9. The Atonement.
10. Justification.
11. Regeneration.
12. The New Creation.
13. The Body of Christ.

Chapter III.
14. The Sacraments.
15. The Organic Law of Christianity.
16. The Church as an Object of Faith.
17. The Church and the Reformation.
18. Romanizing Tendency.

Chapter IV.
19. The Office of the Ministry.
20. Objective Faith--The Creed.

Chapter V.
21. The Rule of Faith.
22. The Sacred Scriptures.
23. Subjective Faith.

Chapter VI.
24. On the Nature of Evidences.

Chapter VII.
25. The Pulpit--Preaching.
26. The Altar--Worship.
27. The Keys--Discipline.
28. Confirmation.
29. The Witness of the Spirit.

Chapter VIII.
30 The Doctrine of the Trinity.
31. The Distinct Personalities--The Eternal Sonship.
32. The Trinity and the Church.
33. The Church of the Future.





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