One Hundred Years of Shenango Presbytery, 1808-1908.

by H.N. (Henry N.) Potter [1837-1923]

Paperback, 1908

Call number



Enon Valley, PA: The Presbytery, 1908.

Physical description

78 p.; 20 cm


Opening Words:
Remember the days of old. Consider the years of many generations.—Deut. 32:7.
"Memory is one of God's best gifts to man. The power to travel over the years of the past and reproduce the events then transpiring, to study the character of men of former days, is not only full of interest to us, but many usefull lessons can be learned. Good men lived in the past, good things were done. Good foundations were laid, noble structures of character were built, and it is our privilege as well as duty to gain as much inspiration from the past as possible, that we may be enabled to do better service for God and man in our day and generation. The hills and valleys in the bounds of Shenango Presbytery are pregnant with events, which, if they were given a voice to speak, would utter words freighted with blessings to the present generation."

Other works authored by Rev. Henry N. Potter:
(1.) History of Bethlehem Church, Beaver County, PA. (1877)
(2.) A Memorial for Rev. G.M. Hair. (1884)
(3.) Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Darlington, PA : Centennial Anniversary, June 23, 1898.




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