Predestination in the Old Testament.

by Gordon Haddon Clark [1902-1985]

Paper Book, 1978

Call number



Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1978.

Physical description

43 p.; 21 cm



"This study is a survey of what the Old Testament says about predestination. Even an Arminian knows that the New Testament uses the word several times, but many Christians think that the Old Testament says little or nothing at all about it. On the contrary, the Old Testament asserts the doctrine pervasively and explicitly. In particular, one will find there the two or three main points on which the Arminians argue most strenuously. One of these is the Arminian assertion of free will in opposition to Luther's and Calvin's denial of free will. But underlying this are two more fundamental doctrines : election and reprobation. Calvinists believe both; Arminians believe neither. That is to say, Calvinists believe that God is the cause both of sin and of salvation, while Arminians deny that God is the cause of either one. Yet the double denial makes a strange combination because one might think that those who dislike the idea of reprobation would be quite happy with the idea of election. But the whole matter is somewhat complicated, and no one can make the least progress without examining the Biblical details."




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