Salute Thy Soul.

by Clarence Edward Macartney [1879-1957]

Hardcover, 1957

Call number

BX9178.M172 S3


New York: Abingdon Press, 1957.

Physical description

144 p.; 20 cm


From the Foreword:

"Last words, especially when known to be such, are sometimes singularly impressive and full of meaning. As Dr. Macartney was lying on his bed of pain on the Sunday morning two days before he died, he said to his brother Robertson, who was leaving his bedside to preach in a nearby church : 'Put all the Bible you can into it.'

"It was the counsel of one who had spent fifty years in the gospel ministry, occupied three historic pulpits, preached to thousands, written many books, read and traveled extensively, and played a prominent role in the life of the Christian church. And with these simple words this famous preacher summed it all up : 'Put all the Bible you can into it.'

"This was what he had tried to do, and this was the secret of his success as an ambassador of Christ. He was a biblical preacher. He was a doctrinal preacher, and he loved to set forth the great doctrines of the Bible as they were illustrated in human life : in the lives of the men and women of whom we read in Holy Writ, in the great and significant events of history, and in the lives and struggles of the men and women who listened to his pulpit messages and who came to him for counsel and for help. He knew and understood the human heart because he knew the Word of God. He had compassion on the multitude and fed them with the bread of life. And only the registry of heaven will disclose the number of those who were blessed by his long and fruitful ministry of tongue and pen. Like all truly effective preaching his message had its center and focus in the Cross. Of these sermons there is no need to speak particularly. They speak for themselves!

"When Dr. Macartney realized that his days on earth were numbered, he requested that I, a seminary classmate and friend of many years, see this volume through the press. This was a labor of love which was gladly undertaken, with the hope and prayer that the voice which is now silent may continue to speak through the printed page to multitudes for many years to come, the everlasting gospel of the grace of God in Christ."

—Oswald T. Allis.




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