The Pioneer /​ the Pioneers Association of South Australia Inc : No. 166 Autumn 1998 to No. 188 Summer 2003 (2 copies)

by Pioneers' Association of South Australia

Magazine (paper), 1998 - 2003


Reference - Not for loan

Call number


Local notes

The Pioneers Association Journal is issued quarterly and is our way of keeping in touch with members all over the world.
For the most part articles concentrate on the time span between the late 1820's up until the middle 1840's. This provides our readership with some understanding as to why their forebears came to Australia and how the process of systematic colonization, as proposed by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, led to their emigration. Of equal interest too are the trials and tribulations of settling a new country that many endured, sometimes with limited resources. Here, we are sometimes treated, to anecdotal information of a personal nature that is both comforting and edifying.


Adelaide, South Australia the Pioneers Association of South Australia Inc.


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