Uncommon Criminals (A Heist Society Novel)

by Ally Carter

Hardcover, 2011



Call number



Hyperion Book CH (2011), Edition: 1st Printing, 304 pages


Fifteen-year-old Kat Bishop and her fellow talented teenagers work together to find and steal the "Cleopatra Emerald" from an unscrupulous dealer and return it to its rightful owner, while a former love of her Uncle Eddie tries to get the gem for herself.

User reviews

LibraryThing member MaryinHB
Kat Bishop isn't really a thief, although it certainly looks like that after her debut in Heist Society. This story resumes the tale of Kat and Hale with even more action and adventure. The triangle between her, Nick and Hale works so effortlessly that the sparks created really move everything in
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the plot forward and is not forced at all. Nick is a good boy overall, but he has a bad streak. Hale is ever charming and you know he just can't be right for Kat, but she still has a thing for him or was that Nick? Yes, dilemmas, although I think Nick and Hale care more for her than she does for them.

So Kat has decided to redeem herself by using her time on the road to return the Cleopatra Emerald to it's rightful owner. There is a curse on the emerald and everything Kat has ever done or conned in the past just won't work this time. She has to rethink her plans to make it work and boy, does this twisty plot work. The conclusion is well worth the price of the book! This book is for anyone who enjoys a light mystery and is appropriate for those over 11 years old. I just thought this is wonderful!
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LibraryThing member ylin.0621
Katrina Bishop is one of the youngest, smallest, but surely one of the best thieves in the world. Her currently heist is one of biggest thus far is for the world’s biggest emerald: the Cleopatra Emerald. Many thieves have attempted to steal the jewel and all have claimed that it is cursed. Even
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Uncle Eddie forbids Kat to even try. But things get personal for Kat when she gets conned. A thief does not get conned.

There is a low chance of me reviewing this book without gushing like a lovestruck teenager. Uncommon Criminals just hit that sweet spot that no other book for the past month had managed to strike. The prequel, Heist Society, was okay, decent, but no means better than Carter’s Gallagher Girls series. Uncommon Criminals, on the other hand, was almost perfection.

Ally Carter seems to enjoy teasing the audience by giving them enough clues that they think they’ve figured everything out. But then out of the blue, up pops an important fact that turns an entire situation around. A lose becomes a win. A clumsy fight because an orchestrated scene. A sweet innocent Kat becomes a focused thief playing her part without one thinking the wiser. And yet, it was just one single thread of the whole series that made my day. Kat kissed Hale. If I didn’t look so ridiculous fist-pumping, I would do it.

In the Gallagher Girls series, it’s taken readers several books for the romance to develop to be called a romance. I was expecting the same slow trickle of a smile, a touch, a hug, a kiss, for this new series. There was the same tension and the same voice in my head chanting “Come on, you know you want to kiss the boy”, but miraculously Carter decided to show mercy this time.

Ally Carter always keeps me in suspense in her well-crafted novel that screamed details. Her originality astounds me at times and the humorous names for cons leave me grinning. When Carter intentional leaves out very important facts, I found myself not being the slightest upset. Every author should have a trick up their sleeves and Ally Carter has many tricks. What came after each plot twist only made the reading experience more enjoyable.

Uncommon Criminals gave the readers a better glimpse of Kat’s inner turmoil about being a thief. It’s like delving into the murky mind of a brilliant girl who’s lost her own focus on her life. And as Kat begins to be submerged into her thoughts, her family and friends pull her out. The strength I found in their relationship was amazing and brought out some of the smaller character developments, which I instinctively search for in series.

I think you get the gist right? I loved this book.

The End.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
I'm a huge fan of Carter's books and I really adored Heist Society, so as soon as I could get a copy of the sequel, I did. I read it in about a day and it was as enthralling and engaging as I'd hoped. I'm a big fan of White Collar and more recently Leverage, so con artist books are appealing to me
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right now. What makes HS and Uncommon Criminals so good is that the main character (unlike both TV shows) is a young woman. She is smart, she is flawed, but she is also totally kick ass. What I also like about these books is the importance of her crew (or her friends) along with a mix of the same teen issues that all girls (thieves or not) confront when they're sixteen. While Kat is more mature than most of us at 16, she's still a girl and that's what makes the books so much fun. I really hope that Carter writes more, because Kat is probably one of my favorite characters in YA fiction.
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LibraryThing member tiinaj1
This is a great book! First you have a SMART girl raised in a family of thieves and con men. Then you have Gabrielle (her cousin), Hale (a love interest with money and the means to get where they all need to be fast), Simon (another cousin and boy genius) and a great tale about a emerald - that's
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Kat is tricked into stealing one of the emeralds when a older woman (with a connection to 'The Family") uses a forbidden name making Kat think the woman is for real and therefore deserving of being helped. When she finds out that she has been tricked she decides to steal the emerald back and from there we travel with Kat from Brooklyn, NY to Lyon, France and on to Monaco - the tiny country with the tightest security.

I really liked how the time line of the adventure is used to set up the story and each section of the story. It makes it easy to keep everything straight in the story and to keep both sections of the story apart. Ideal for kids 13+, the main character Kat in the book is a 15 year old girl. Trained in the "art" of thieving and belonging to a Family who has honed the craft for centuries.

Kat has left the family crime life behind to use her skills to steal from the criminals and give back to the original owners (picture paintings the Germans stole from Jewish families and kept or made to disappear). Now she needs to learn to tell the good from the bad to keep from being conned....

The Heist Society Series and another series "The Gallagher Girls" by the same author are a new type of series for girls 13+. You have strong female characters trying to solve crimes or mysteries in the way kids do. Brilliant, genius level kids trained to steal or be spies. The action is fast paced and never stops - you're kids will LOVE these books.
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LibraryThing member ethel55
Although I think I enjoyed the set up of the first novel, when Kat recruited her band of Ocean's Eleven like family and friends to help recover some purloined art, this was another great story. An emerald found in an Egyptian tomb proves to be a lot more trouble than anyone bargained for as the
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story races around the globe once again.
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LibraryThing member readingdate
I’m a big fan of Heist Society and have been eagerly anticipating the sequel. Uncommon Criminals happily does not disappoint and delivers the same brand of fun, adventure, romance and mystery found in the first book. I love when the sequel lives up or improves upon the original as in this case.
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This series is one of a kind, and so refreshing and fun. In Uncommon Criminals the familiar cast of characters is back ready to embark on another caper to exotic locales. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and surprises in this one as Kat and her crew attempt an impossible heist. Ally Carter once again expertly weaves a fabulous story with the twists and turns you would expect from a classic caper movie.

Katarina “Kat” Bishop is a professional thief, though she doesn’t rob for her own gain, only to return objects to their rightful owners. Kat just pulled off an impressive robbery at the famed Henley museum. She has been spending her time since then traveling solo around the world on retrieval missions. Her reputation gets the attention of a new client who is tracking down the elusive Cleopatra Emerald. The same Cleopatra Emerald that is said to be cursed, and hasn’t been seen in decades. To pull off this risky mission, Kat will need the help of her friends. Along for the ride are love interest Hale, Gabrielle, and Simon. Unfortunately the villain in this con is always one step ahead. Has Kat met her match?

Kat has grown in maturity and confidence with her thief skills but in her relationships she has some learning to do. She is still avoiding her family, particularly her father. Hale remains steadfastly by her side as her faithful friend and love interest, but he doesn’t hesitate to call her out on her people skills. This book does see some development in their relationship, and provides more romantic moments than in the first book. Hale is still sophisticated and kind, and a great match for Kat.

The audiobook production is top notch as narrated by Angela Dawe who also performed Heist Society. Ms. Dawe does an excellent job with the character voices and dialect. She masterfully handles multiple accents in her reading of the book, from British to Southern accents. She performs Kat’s voice with a quiet confidence and vulnerability that I would expect. She also handles the male characters voices with ease. I’m a new fan of this narrator, but she has over 60 titles listed on Audible.

Uncommon Criminals soars with mystery and surprises, fabulous characters, romance and adventure. If you aren’t going on holiday this summer at least you can live vicariously through Kat and her friends as they travel around the world. This is a good crossover series for teens, adults who like caper films, males and females. This series should be an easy transition to film and I’m excited to see how the movie turns out. Check out this sophisticated, original and refreshing series this summer.
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LibraryThing member madamepince
I've become a fan of this YA series. Kat is a believable heroine and the plots are just fanciful enough to intrique the post-Princess diaries group. Big thumbs up.
LibraryThing member lilibrarian
In this addition to the Heist Society series, Kat is conned by a woman who tricks her into stealing a priceless, and cursed, emerald. Determined to get the emerald back to its rightful owner, Kat and her crew travel to Europe to con the conwoman.
LibraryThing member KarenBall
Kat is back, and using her family talents for doing good. These days, she's all about re-stealing things and returning them to their rightful owners, and she's working through a list of things stolen by the Nazis during World War II. When she returns from Moscow, where she's quietly recovered a
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stolen Cezanne painting from a KGB party house (during a black tie event where she jumped out the window no less), Kat is approached by an older woman who claims to be the daughter of the archaeologists who found the Cleopatra Emerald fifty years ago. It was stolen by their assistant,Oliver Kelly, who now has a son running an empire financed by the rest of what he stole... and she wants the emerald back by any means necessary. The emerald is supposed to be part of a matched pair: the Antony and the Cleopatra stones, both of which were lost and supposedly cursed. Only the Cleopatra has ever been found, and it is protected by massive high tech security... and it will very soon be moved to the New York offices of the Kelly Corporation. Kat and her team of friends and family take on the job, and succeed at switching the stone with a fake, and returning the real stone to Constance Miller. But there's another huge con going on right under their noses... and Constance Miller is really Margaret Gray. Kat's been used, and the only way to right the wrong is to steal the emerald back again! From New York to Monaco, the jet set teen thieves have to think twice about every move they make, because Margaret isn't just anyone.. she's been a master thief for all of her life, and outfoxing her will be harder than anything they've ever done. Kat and Hale are great characters, and I can't wait to see what Ally Carter does with Nick's character in the books to come. This is a thriller with plenty of twists and turns, with lots of high society bling and high tech drama! 7th grade and up.
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LibraryThing member YABliss
Aw, man. This book is so awesome. So freaking fun and exciting without being any bit unrealistic. I was expecting it to be just another robbery or major 'job' just like the first book. Just another Kat-adventure. Some more action and adios. But no, what I got was a way better story, full of
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surprises, filled with twists and turns and shocking discoveries. I liked the first book, but didn't love it. But this was beyond that and beyond any expectations.

One of the things I love the most is the storytelling. The way the story is narrated as if it were a movie. At least that's how I see it. No narration I've ever read is as original and fresh as this one. Plus, in this sequel the action and the plot are fascinating! Not a single boring moment, not a single boring character, not a single moment of dullness. Just plain fun coming at you in all the forms, and complications to spike that fun and top it with some more.

With all its entertainment, Carter still manages to make a very layered story. You can feel Kat's fear of becoming what she doesn't want, you can see the deepness and complications in her relationship with Hale, you can taste a bit of the sweet friendship that exists in this uncommon crew and you can smell all the sneaky tricks that are to come. A seemingly just-fun book, is actually a very deep and provocative read. I cannot wait for more!
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LibraryThing member Annesanse
In Uncommon Criminals, Kat has been on her own righting wrongs. Pretty soon, though she learns that she really needs her crew to rely on. As far as teen action/suspense novels go, this series is the best I've read in a long time. There were lots of unexpected twists and turns, and Kat learns a lot
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along the way. I love the Ocean's Eleven-y-ness of these books and I really like Kat and Hale's relationship! I definitely want to see where they go from here. I'm wondering when we're finally gonna learn Hale's first name. Wendell? Wayne? Worthington? Can't wait to find out.
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LibraryThing member akmargie
Felt very much like a placeholder book. Setting things up for the next one, at least I hope. Romani needs to make an appearance in the next one or we'll be writing this series off. Which is too bad because I really like the cast of characters but Ocean's 11 clever chatter will only get you so far.
LibraryThing member K...
It was AWESOME!!! I loved it!
LibraryThing member Diavoletto
not where i expected it to go with Hale
LibraryThing member TheMadHatters
The second book in the Heist Society series. The first book needs to be read first.
LibraryThing member readingdate
I'm a big fan of Heist Society and have been eagerly anticipating the sequel. Uncommon Criminals happily does not disappoint and delivers the same brand of fun, adventure, romance and mystery found in the first book. I love when the sequel lives up or improves upon the original as in this case.
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This series is one of a kind, and so refreshing and fun. In Uncommon Criminals the familiar cast of characters is back ready to embark on another caper to exotic locales. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and surprises in this one as Kat and her crew attempt an impossible heist. Ally Carter once again expertly weaves a fabulous story with the twists and turns you would expect from a classic caper movie.

Katarina "Kat" Bishop is a professional thief, though she doesn't rob for her own gain, only to return objects to their rightful owners. Kat just pulled off an impressive robbery at the famed Henley museum. She has been spending her time since then traveling solo around the world on retrieval missions. Her reputation gets the attention of a new client who is tracking down the elusive Cleopatra Emerald. The same Cleopatra Emerald that is said to be cursed, and hasn't been seen in decades. To pull off this risky mission, Kat will need the help of her friends. Along for the ride are love interest Hale, Gabrielle, and Simon. Unfortunately the villain in this con is always one step ahead. Has Kat met her match?

Kat has grown in maturity and confidence with her thief skills but in her relationships she has some learning to do. She is still avoiding her family, particularly her father. Hale remains steadfastly by her side as her faithful friend and love interest, but he doesn't hesitate to call her out on her people skills. This book does see some development in their relationship, and provides more romantic moments than in the first book. Hale is still sophisticated and kind, and a great match for Kat.

The audiobook production is top notch as narrated by Angela Dawe who also performed Heist Society. Ms. Dawe does an excellent job with the character voices and dialect. She masterfully handles multiple accents in her reading of the book, from British to Southern accents. She performs Kat's voice with a quiet confidence and vulnerability that I would expect. She also handles the male characters voices with ease. I'm a new fan of this narrator, but she has over 60 titles listed on Audible.

Uncommon Criminals soars with mystery and surprises, fabulous characters, romance and adventure. If you aren't going on holiday this summer at least you can live vicariously through Kat and her friends as they travel around the world. This is a good crossover series for teens, adults who like caper films, males and females. This series should be an easy transition to film and I'm excited to see how the movie turns out. Check out this sophisticated, original and refreshing series this summer.
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LibraryThing member Tahleen
Great follow-up to Heist Society, with good narration in the audiobook version. This time Kat is the one who is conned, and she has to figure out a way to fix her mistakes.
LibraryThing member Mirandalg14
3.5 stars. I liked it, and I figured out how they were going to do it before they did it, but I had a hard time keeping all of their other stuff straight.
LibraryThing member barbiekait
Warning: This review may have a spoiler or two.

Kat seems to be confused over her feelings for Hale. She's kind of drunk on the rush that comes with stealing things as her Gabrielle said.

Hale Seems more protective of Kat in this book. He still hates Nick, that hasn't changed. Did anyone else
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thought it was awesome when Hale threw the punch at Nick? Cause I did. I still ship Kat and Hale really hard. Who doesn't?

Everyone else was awesome. I love Simon, the Bagshaw's, Gabrielle, and even Uncle Eddie.

And I'm kind of starting to ship Simon and Gabrielle as a couple.

I love what they did to Maggie at the end; that was so awesome! Best con ever! And I loved how Kat cornered Oliver Kelly in the elevator, and when they're on Hales ship, etc. The whole book is awesome! Well done, Ally Carter.
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LibraryThing member joanab951
Katarina Bishop is not your average 15-year-old girl--growing up in a family of con artists and thieves made sure of that. But she isn’t your common criminal either. Instead of stealing for herself, she steals back what was taken and returns it to the original owner. That is why, when approached
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by a woman and her grandson, she can’t resist helping them--even when it means stealing the Cleopatra Emerald. Everyone believes the emerald is cursed which is why every attempt to steal it has failed. Even her great Uncle Eddie was unable to do it. But when Kat and her crew do the impossible and return the stone to who they believe is the rightful owner, they congratulate themselves on a job well done. What they realize a bit too late is that they themselves have been conned and now they have just two weeks to get the emerald back where it belongs.

I enjoyed Heist Society, but Uncommon Criminals was so much better! I don’t know how she does it, but Ally Carter has once again made a book about teenage con artists seem completely believable. I went into this thinking it was going to be a repeat of the first book with a few changed details here and there, but boy was I wrong. I love how much detail Carter puts into these books and the back story. There are so many twists and turns that there is no time for a dull moment. Every time I thought I had everything figured out, new details would be revealed--things I had never even thought of!

Another thing I love about this series is the characters. They are all well developed and likable despite all of their flaws. Kat is, by no means, the perfect thief, but she is great at what she does. Her friends and cousin all look up to her and trust her completely. I think she is also a good friend, but has a difficult time showing it. And then we have, W. W. Hale the Fifth. Hale is smart, rich, and devilishly attractive. He also happens to be Kat's best friend. Despite growing up in a completely different world, he seems to fit in just fine with Kat and her thieving family. I love their banter and how Kat is always trying to figure out what the W’s in his name stand for. I won’t say much about it, but I’m glad their relationship is heading in a new direction. ;)
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LibraryThing member DanielleMD
For some reason. I couldn't make myself focus on the story in this book. I still don't really know what happened. Maybe someday I'll read it again, just to figure it out.
LibraryThing member kmartin802
Kat Bishop has turned herself into a recovery agent. She has given up stealing from the innocents and begun stealing from the thieves. When she is led to a woman whose parents were robbed of the famous Cleopatra Emerald, she is determined to get it back for her. Others have tried to steal the
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Cleopatra Emerald including her Uncle Eddie. But he failed and has told the kids that trying to steal it is forbidden.

Kat works with her cousin Gabrielle and her friend W. W. Hale to plan a con that will put the emerald in their hands. Everything works just fine. Except, Kat was conned. The woman she gave the emerald to was not the correct owner.

Now Kat, Gabrielle, Hale and her cousin Simon and her friends Angus and Hamish have to find a way to con a woman who has been running cons since before they were born. Now calling herself Maggie, she is planning to sell the Antony Emerald at auction in Monte Carlo. It takes all of Kat's plotting ability and all of the talents of her friends to con the ultimate con woman.

This was a fun story filled with action.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Kat is approached by a woman who asks her to steal Cleopatra's Emerald. A huge, gorgeous, cursed emerald that Uncle Eddie has always told her to steer clear of. She uses the Romani name and it definitely seems like a case of wrongful theft, much like the other works that Kat has recently liberated.
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Unfortunately there is more going on here then meets the eye, and there are definitely things going on between Kat and Hale.

This was another fun read. I liked that you got to find out more about Uncle Eddie's past and you get to see Kat, who is normally completely in control totally out of control. I was glad that this one wasn't just about a big score but in the end it is still a story of thieving. This series will always be exciting and fun and I hope that the characters continue to grow and that we get to know the Bagshaws, Simon and Gabrielle a little bit better.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Kat is approached by a woman who asks her to steal Cleopatra's Emerald. A huge, gorgeous, cursed emerald that Uncle Eddie has always told her to steer clear of. She uses the Romani name and it definitely seems like a case of wrongful theft, much like the other works that Kat has recently liberated.
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Unfortunately there is more going on here then meets the eye, and there are definitely things going on between Kat and Hale.

This was another fun read. I liked that you got to find out more about Uncle Eddie's past and you get to see Kat, who is normally completely in control totally out of control. I was glad that this one wasn't just about a big score but in the end it is still a story of thieving. This series will always be exciting and fun and I hope that the characters continue to grow and that we get to know the Bagshaws, Simon and Gabrielle a little bit better.
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LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
Kat is approached by a woman who asks her to steal Cleopatra's Emerald. A huge, gorgeous, cursed emerald that Uncle Eddie has always told her to steer clear of. She uses the Romani name and it definitely seems like a case of wrongful theft, much like the other works that Kat has recently liberated.
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Unfortunately there is more going on here then meets the eye, and there are definitely things going on between Kat and Hale.

This was another fun read. I liked that you got to find out more about Uncle Eddie's past and you get to see Kat, who is normally completely in control totally out of control. I was glad that this one wasn't just about a big score but in the end it is still a story of thieving. This series will always be exciting and fun and I hope that the characters continue to grow and that we get to know the Bagshaws, Simon and Gabrielle a little bit better.
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8.25 inches


1423147952 / 9781423147954


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