I Don't Know What To Say: How To Help and Support Someone Who Is Dying

by Robert Buckman

Book, 1988



London, PAPERMAC, 1988.


When people we love are dying, we all too often are unable to help them — or even talk to them — or face our own conflicting feelings about the impending loss. This authoritative and empathetic guide demystifies the dying process and offers practical advice for the friends and families of the terminally ill. In "I Don't Know What to Say..." Dr. Robert Buckman, a distinguished oncologist who was himself once diagnosed as having a fatal illness, confronts these questions: — What should a patient be told about his or her illness? — How can the patient's supporters cope with demands that may seem angry and irrational? — What are the crucial differences between caring for a dying parent, spouse, or child? — How can you help someone dying from AIDS, cancer, or a dementing illness?… (more)


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