ULTRA P.A.S.S. Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography Registry Review Flashcards

by Susan Guidi

Other authorsLori Green (Editor)
Flashcards, 2008, reviewed for content accuracy 2018




Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute


This set of flashcards contains 479 questions and answers (including assorted images, diagrams and charts) designed after the actual registry format. These flashcards also contain access to our online media center which includes audio narration of continuous questions and answers to further reinforce the study process. The decks measure 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 for convenient carrying, have space on each card for personal notes, and have two removable fastener rings to allow the decks to be shuffled to change question order. With audio narration access at the Online Media Center.


978-1-932680-98-0 / 9781932680980

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Flashcards; reviewed for content accuracy 4/23/2018 by Gulfcoast Ultrasound CME Committee


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