The 2022 Pride Treasure Hunt is over. Check back next year.

2022 Pride Treasure Hunt

It’s June, and LibraryThing’s annual Pride Month Hunt is back!

We’ve scattered a waddle of penguins around the site. You'll solve the clues below to find the penguins and gather them all together.

  • Decipher the clues below and visit the corresponding LibraryThing pages to find a penguin. Each clue points to a specific page right here on LibraryThing. Remember, they are not necessarily work pages!
  • If there’s a penguin on a page, you‘ll see a banner at the top of the page.
  • You have just under two weeks to find all the penguins (until 5:00pm EDT, Thursday June 30th).
  • Come brag about your waddle of penguins (and get hints) on Talk.

Win prizes:

  • Any member who finds at least two penguins will be awarded an penguin badge. Badge: .
  • Members who find all 12 penguins will be entered into a drawing for one of five LibraryThing (or TinyCat) coaster sets and stickers. We‘ll announce winners at the end of the hunt.
P.S. Thanks to conceptDawg (Chris Holland, LibraryThing developer) for the penguin illustration, which was inspired by the charming picture book And Tango Makes Three, about two male penguins in the Central Park Zoo who start a family of their own. Chris has made all of our treasure hunt graphics in the last couple of years. We like them, and hope you do, too!

You missed it

Penguin 1

Given out since 1989—
Ten awards, ten names that shine.
Sponsored by a publishing association—
A shapely LGBT organization.

Penguin 2

The course of lumbricine love never did run smooth!
But when One loves One, it must surely prove,
That it is love itself which is paramount,
Whoever the lovers, it’s their bond that counts.

Penguin 3

Young love blossoms across the rugby pitch,
Charlie has heart eyes for Nick.
Now watch it streaming, but for a switch–
It’s first in this sweet graphic novel that they click.

Penguin 4

Let’s gather! Let’s march! Let’s dance away!
It’s June and the rainbows are out to play.

Need some books to celebrate?
Search LibraryThing’s tags to investigate.

In fact, I have two for you now
Make sure you mash them up somehow.

First sounds like a group of big cats
Of course, you know, this isn’t quite that.

Next, add this well-known acronym
To find a booklist filled to the brim!

Penguin 5

This author’s been writing joyful gay lit
for over a decade, and his hits just don’t quit!

The most favorite work of all his readers resides
in an orphanage on an island with deep, sky-blue tides

A magical place, guarded by a sprite
and a caseworker who must explore wrong from right

The orphans, full of charm, wonder, and wit,
deserve much more than the local village emits

Add in some romance (as this writer often does)
and you’ll see why his 2020 book made a big buzz.

Penguin 6

This wonderful human won the hearts of most
In a 2018 show reboot as a host

With glamour, fashion, and witty humor on top
This gymnastics enthusiast can slay, groom, and hop

An activist and performer just wasn’t enough
This queen added an author role to her stuff

Their most popular work is this heartwarming memoir
So run to this page: I’d give it 5 stars!

Penguin 7

In Greenwich Village stands an inn,
The spot on which a movement did begin,
One June day back in 1969,
When NY cops went far past the line.

Penguin 8

A rhyming picture-book celebration—
Two mothers, two fathers, two children’s presentation.
Offered in our monthly batch of ER books,
Brand new, and free—come take a look!

Penguin 9

From Ancient Greece to the current day,
In subject matter, covering a vast array,
All the events and people of each foregone age,
You’ll find their stories on this page.

Penguin 10

LibraryThing members love to chat,
Our groups provide a space for that.
If you read Sappho or Radclyffe Hall,
This readers club might just enthrall.

Penguin 11

Including authors like Baldwin, Woolf, and Highsmith
A look back at old literature’s what you’ll find forthwith.

Want to add your own? 10 titles you’re permitted.
39 other members have already committed.

If you still need a hint, before you go roam,
start looking in an obvious spot, like your home.

Penguin 12

In a classic enemies to lovers trope,
These two young men walk a tightrope,
Between desire and duty,
To create a relationship, a thing of beauty.

Soon to be a movie on Amazon Prime,
We’ll be able to watch this prince & politico anytime!