Colonel Roosevelt

by EdmundMorris

Hardcover, 2010



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RandomHouse (2010), Edition: 1St Edition edition


This biography by the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award-winning author recounts the last decade of Theodore Roosevelt's amazing life.

Media reviews

With “Colonel Roosevelt,” the magnum opus is complete. And it deserves to stand as the definitive study of its restless, mutable, ever-boyish, erudite and tirelessly energetic subject.

User reviews

LibraryThing member chrissie3
Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president. There are several charts ranking the US presidents and in all that I have seen he places fourth or fifth from the top. Lincoln, Washington and FDR, they are the ones that sit at the top. Jefferson and Theodore vie for the fourth position depending on
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which chart you look at. Maybe for this reason I can convince you to read this trilogy, written by Edmund Morris. This book is the last of the trilogy. In my view they must all be read together. The trilogy reads like one book. Although the last does cover previous incidents in his life, it does this summarily with the assumption that you have read the previous books. To understand the true marvel of the man you must read all three books, which are in chronological order. It is in the details that you learn of his character. For me it is his character, not only his deeds as President, which makes him such a remarkable person. This is the second, and I believe the strongest reason, to read these books, ie to meet the man. At the end, when I knew he would die soon, I was in tears. Well, my eyes were damp, but I do not cry when I read sad books. What a man! A vituperative bully and a pain in the butt, but moral and hardworking and a cyclone of energy, and he always tried to do the right thing….. even if it wasn’t to his own advantage.

The first two books had little about his relationship with those in his family. That you find in this book, in good measure! His charting of the Amazon is found in this book too. In addition, you are given fascinating details concerning WW1. I believe that had he been president, rather than Woodrow Wilson, he may have been able to change the course of history. Just maybe. He was a tremendous negotiator, having received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending the Russo-Japanese War. He knew on a personal level almost all of the leaders.

There are paragraphs where I don’t understand the reasoning behind or the import of the lines or the conclusions drawn. Some words used are not the most typical, plenipotentiary rather than ambassador, is one example that threw me at first. Particularly if you are listening, there are parts where you must pay close attention and sometimes rewind. There are names and ideas quickly thrown at you, and the narrator who is excellent (Mark Deakins), speaks rather quickly. As I pointed out in my review of the first book of the trilogy, the voice he uses for Theodore is absolutely perfect! You can hear this for yourself by listening to the real Theodore on You-Tube. Deakins’ French isn’t perfect, but understandable. You hear that he is an American speaking French, and he does pronounce some of the French cities wrong.

I really did love learning about Teddy. You are making a huge mistake if you think this book is just too long and not worth your time. It is a delightful read, filled with humor and sadness…… and lots of interesting facts!

Completed July 1, 2013


Thoughts while reading:

Read carefully the GR book description. Look what I have ahead of me. Marvelous! AND, yes, a bad narrator can perhaps wreck a good book. The narrator of the second book, Jonathan Marosz, really was terrible. The minute I start listening to this, the third volume narrated by Mark Deakins, I began laughing again. YAY for Mark Deakins! I enjoy good non-fiction books that make you laugh, that teach you and are so very interesting.

I just wonder, if Theodore had been re-elected into presidency in 1913, would he / could he have averted WW1? He was perhaps the only one capable of doing this. It is utterly fascinating to watch the lead up to the war. Colonel Roosevelt, as he was called after his presidency, was present at King Edward VII's funeral. Everybody was there. Fascinating. And damn I was laughing at what he says to the kings, leaders, dignitaries and even the Pope while in Europe in 1910.

I just want to say I am loving this.
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LibraryThing member Schmerguls
I read the first volume of Morris' biography of Theodore Roosevelt on 16 June 1979 and the second volume on 22 apr 2002. I was fearful that I would not live to read the third volume, in view of the long time between volume one and volume two. Fortunately, the third volume is now here and I read it
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with unalloyed enjoyment, even though TR is not an appealing person in some ways. His Brazil trip can only be deemed extremely imprudent, and many of his pronouncements evidence more enthusiasm than wisdom. But his life is full of excitement and action so his biography is great reading and this biogaphy is full of interesting detail, and splendidly researched. This is probably one of the best books I have read this year..(Only error I found is that on page 484 Morris calls John Sharp Williams a "Missouri Democrat"! He was as most know a Mississippi Democrat.)
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LibraryThing member robertmorrow
A disappointing ending to the series. While the segments covering TR's African safari and journey through uncharted Brazil are vivid and compelling, the narrative lacks the connectivity of the previous works. The author seems to have tired of his subject, as there are long passages when Roosevelt
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is more of a background character than the focus of the story. The author also interjects occasional sarcasm and unnecessary French that came across as showing off. The book ends with a weak summary of Roosevelt's place in history that you could glean from Wikipedia. Even the section on the 1912 election lacks punch and a sense of dramatic narrative; perhaps Mr. Morris was discouraged by the recent publication of a book on that particular election. I found it a page-skipper, not a page-turner.
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LibraryThing member Doondeck
A very literate look at the last segment of TR's amazing career. It lives up to all the promise of the previous two volumes of this masterful biography.
LibraryThing member tuckerresearch
Colonel Roosevelt, Edmund Morris's concluding volume to his Theodore Roosevelt trilogy, which began with 1979's The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt and continued with 2001's Theodore Rex, is, like it's first volume, a prime candidate for the Pulitzer and just good biography. Like the previous two
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biographies, Morris delves into his research, meticulously documents it, yet writes a narrative history so full of verve and panache that you can not help but be sucked into it as if it was a novel. His short, staccato paragraphs followed by long, eloquent paragraphs, his switching of points of view, his willingness to coin new words: "dryasdust" (p. 563) and "wikipeded" (p. 567), all contribute to what, in the end, is not just historical biography, but literature. Why most standard historians, and Morris notes he is a writer, not a historian, can not write like this is a shame, and a pity. (In fact, mainline historians often denigrate historians with the ability to write well as not being "real" historians, e.g. Niall Ferguson.) These volumes will stand the test of time.

Pity that the book's subject, Theodore Roosevelt, a smart, strenuous man, went off the deep end into progressivism, whose main ideal is that government knows better than citizen, and citizens should be dictated to by their social and mental "betters." TR comes off, at times, as a petty man, willing to berate his once friends for one more shot at power and glory. Still, as evidenced by the feelings of his contemporaries, it is hard to come away from the man's story without admiring him. Intensely.

The First World War intrudes, and there are long passages concerning the start of the war. Yet these are, I think, well-tied to TR's 1910 tour of Europe and the sketch biographies of TR's children, most of whom served in the war in some capacity.

Again, I guess I must resign myself to fake "endnotes" without superscript numerals. But I guess silly old historians like me are the only ones interested in citations. Pity, as Morris sprinkles the endnotes with biographical, historiographical, and other digressions that are well worth the read. Such as the tangent on why TR seemed to loathe Winston Churchill, since they had so much in common (that's your hint). The epilogue sums up the historiography of TR in a nice short way, and the bibliography is informative. The images are well-chosen and unobtrusive.

A triumph, in my humble opinion. (And this is from someone who thinks that Dutch is an odd, but good work of history. Let us hope Morris turns his pen to another deserving biographee.)
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LibraryThing member billvtatty
Excellent and a good sequel to other Roosvelt bios.
LibraryThing member kymarlee
excellent biography. the writing style draws you into the life and times of the man.
LibraryThing member HadriantheBlind
Excellent conclusion to an excellent series about a very interesting figure.
LibraryThing member mattries37315
Edmund Morris' final volume in his biographical trilogy of Theodore Roosevelt, Colonel Roosevelt, is a fantastic conclusion about this colossus in American history. Morris' writing is an easy read and his research top notch thus making this a wonderful book for students of history of any age.
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Though like the previous volume of this trilogy, Theodore Rex, the book seems to be stylistically divided in two with the first stronger than the second.

Beginning with a wonderful prologue describing T.R.'s African safari, the first half Colonel Roosevelt shows Roosevelt seemingly having all the power and prestige of the Presidency without being in office. His 1910 tour of European, including being the U.S. special ambassador at Edward VII's funeral, looks like a victory tour even now like it seemed to be then. However, upon his return home Roosevelt starts to become disillusioned with this chosen successor William Howard Taft. This disillusionment turned into disgust and Roosevelt aimed to unseat Taft only for the Republican establishment to prevent his nomination in 1912 resulting in a party split. Even acknowledging defeat Roosevelt campaigned hard to score the best showing every by a third party candidate, showing up Taft in the process.

After 1912 not only does Roosevelt seemed to decline, but so Morris stylistic prose. The second half of the book begins with the South American expedition that almost cost him his life, however it relating what happened Morris seems to give the reader an overview of what it about to happen to his subject and the style of the book starts to feel melancholy. While Morris shows Roosevelt's resolve to prepare the country for entry into The Great War, he also shows how Roosevelt was losing is once famous balancing between extremes. The death of Quentin heavily foreshadowed almost in league with the stylistic change, Roosevelt's own death.

The epilogue of Roosevelt's funeral followed by the course of his place in history along with short biographies on his wife and family, is welcome stylistic change as Morris looks over the course of nearly 90 years to see how Roosevelt's 60 year life is viewed and did so in great effect.

After the first two volumes of this trilogy it was hard for me to give this book only 4 stars, however the second half of Colonel Roosevelt saw seemed so much of a disconnected with the first half and the epilogue that it was jarring. This stylist change could have been all in my own head as I knew where Roosevelt's journey was taking him, but there did seem to be change especially in comparing the second half to the epilogue. However, as I stated in the opening paragraph Morris writing and his research are first rate and I can not recommend this final volume of his T.R. trilogy enough.
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LibraryThing member jerry-book
Sad story of TR post presidency. It details his ill fated run for a third term. The author shows how Wall Street considered TR to be a radical after 1908 and denied him his third term. Even though he chose Taft as his successor the author details their estrangement. In 1912 TR fails to unite the
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business wing and the progressive wing of the party. He rightly sees Germany's growing militarism. He refuses to meet Churchill even though they are so similar. My wife says this is because they were both Alpha males. He sadly tries repeatedly to lead a brigade in WWI. I did not know that like Churchill he was a prolific writer. He also seemingly ate himself to death at the early age of 60.
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LibraryThing member dypaloh
Even the endnotes provide many interesting details that could well have been included in the main text. A grand concluding third volume to Morris’s life of Teddy Roosevelt.
LibraryThing member ibkennedy
One of the best biographies I've read, interesting, moving.
LibraryThing member Quollden
I can't believe I found a mistake in the authoritative 30-years in the making biography. Morris said the Lusitania had a 'majority-American manifest.' It did not. There were almost 2000 people on the Lusitania, and only about 140 of them were Americans. Roughly 1,200 people died, and only about 120
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of them were Americans. OK but setting aside minor issues like the contributing causes of the US entry to WWI...

The author has a colonial-African background, and it shows. It's one thing to quote a historical figure saying something derogatory and racist, ok fine, that's history and they really said it. It is ENTIRELY different for the 'narrator' voice to say something like Africa is a 'land without any culture at all' or make derogatory remarks about the 'primitive' people who live there, when it's NOT a quote. I suppose Morris would say 'Well that is probably what TR would have said.' OK, but he didn't actually say that. YOU said that, Morris, not TR. The author / narrator is supposed to present factual information in an unbaised way. Present the historical racist quotes, yes. Don't make up your OWN racist remarks and present them like they are facts. JFC.

Unrelated to the racism:
Ever since chapter five of the first volume, I have felt like the author has a huge crush on Roosevelt. Like, physically. Closing in on the last few chapters of volume three, I'm still getting that impression. There's nothing wrong with lusting after a historical figure. I'm just saying we should acknowledge that the author is suffering from that bias. In addition to the other biases he might be suffering from.
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