Alfie's Feet

by Shirley Hughes

Other authorsShirley Hughes (Illustrator)
Paperback, 2009




Alfie is proud of being able to put his lovely new boots on by himself but wonders why they feel funny.

User reviews

LibraryThing member dchaves
Splish, splash, splosh. New boots and puddles.
LibraryThing member Anthony2013
This book is about how Alfie breaks in his new pair of shoes. However, he had a hard time doing so, because they were on left to right. The plot has Alfie trying to figure out why his new shoes were so uncomfortable. Upon regonition of this lfie was able to do what he does best, play in the mud.
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Book Review, Pierce College, Ages (3-5)
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LibraryThing member RachelHollingsworth
Alfie got new boots after his shoes kept getting wet. He wore them on the wrong feet. Mom wrote an L on the left foot and a R on the right foot. Alfie wore them until they no longer could.
Source:ECE classroom
LibraryThing member quanhtran
On one day Alfie's identify his feet bigger then his sister's feet. He likes to the shoes walk through the puddle, even the shoes getting west. when his mom brought his a new shoes, he still likes walk through the puddle too.
Age group 4-5
Pierce college library
LibraryThing member sandratt
Alfie got new rain boots and had to be teach how to wear them.
From ECE Library
LibraryThing member iceangel456
t his book follows alfie as he goes around being a boy and enjoying new shoes.
LibraryThing member TaylorRankins
This story would be great for a kindergarten or pre-k class. Alfie's has yellow boots and he wants to splish and splash in the water puddles outside. Soon Alfie's realizes they are on the wrong foot. This book also talks about knowing your left from your right. Cute book!
LibraryThing member carmenbece
Alfie's feet where not comfortable when he put on his new yellow boots first time he realize that he put on his boots on the wrong way his father help him fix them and when off to play.
LibraryThing member JackieOttman
Alfie's boots don't fit, on the wrong feet. His feet are growing, Directional...left/right, self discovery that body changes
LibraryThing member 32BASKETBALL
This story is about Alfie putting on his yellow rain boot, but they seem not to fit. He realizes they are on the wrong feet. This is a great story that children can relate to and help them understand the difference between the right and left foot.
LibraryThing member khalilahbraylock
This book is for kids ages 3-5. It is about a boy who got new rain boots. Alfie loved jumping and stomping in the rain puddles. After playing he realized he had his boots on the wrong feet.


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