The Christ child : as told by Matthew and Luke

by Maud Petersham

Ebook, 1931


From the Gospels according to Mark and Luke

From the dust jacket:

This is a reverent picture book for the greatest and best loved story in the world.

It is an attempt to reproduce for children today the surroundings in which the little Christ child "grew and waxed strong."

To make the book, Maud and Miska Petersham journeyed to Palestine, visited all the historic places in Jerusalem, wandered about Bethlehem and Nazareth, sat in the fields with shepherds who live as the shepherds lived two thousand years ago and watched the spring come in Palestine, bringing the same loveliness of flowers and sunshine that are a never ending joy to children everywhere.

The book has the vividness of child-like faith, for Maud is a minster's daughter, and the Bible was the most familiar book of her childhood, while Miska came from a country where every crossroad had a shrine--most often for the Madonna and the Child.

Only the verses that give the outline of the story have been used here. It is taken for granted that Mothers and Fathers will supplement this as they may wish, by reading aloud the full text form the Bible.


Passages from the King James edition recounting Christ's nativity and childhood are illustrated to show how Palestine and Egypt may have looked 2000 years ago.


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