Stories of the Saints : bold and inspiring tales of adventure, grace, and courage

by Carey Wallace

Other authorsNick Thornborrow (Illustrator)
Paper Book, 2020



Introduction, Polycarp, Perpetua and Felicity, Cecilia, Lawrence, Sebastian, Valentine, Christopher, Nicholas, Barbara, George, Lucy, Catherine of Alexandria, Blaise
Helena, Anthony the Great, Pachomius, Martin of Tours, Moses the Strong, Basil, Monica, Ambrose, Augustine, Mary of Egypt, John Chrysostom, Patrick, Jerome, Simeon Stylites, Genevieve, Bridget of Ireland, Benedict, Gregory the Great, Cyril and Methodius, Wenceslaus, Stanislaus, Margaret of Scotland, Isidore the Farmer, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Becket, Dominic, Francis, Clare, Anthony of Padua, Elizabeth of Hungary, Celestine V, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, John Nepomucene, Catherine of Siena, Fra Angelico, John of Arc, Angela Merici, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, Philip Neri, John of the Cross, Camillus de Lellis, Aloysius Gonzaga, Martin de Porres, Peter Claver, Vincent de Paul, Joseph of Cupertino, Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney, John Bosco, Dominic Savio, Bernadette, Frances Xavier Cabrini, Josephine Bakhita, Therese of Lisieux, Maximilian Kolbe, Teresa of Calcutta, The Roman Empire and the Ancient World, Further Reading


From Augustine to Mother Teresa, officially canonized as St. Teresa of Calcutta, discover seventy of the best-known and best-loved saints and read their riveting stories. Meet Joan of Arc, whose transcendent faith compelled her to lead an army when the king's courage failed. Francis of Assisi, whose gentleness tamed a man-eating wolf. Valentine, a bishop in the time of ancient Rome, who spoke so often of Christ's love that his saint's day, February 12, has been associated with courtly love since the Middle Ages. St. Thomas Aquinas, the great teacher. Peter Claver, who cared for hundreds of thousands of people on slave ships after their voyage as captives. And Bernadette, whose vision of Mary instructed her to dig the spring that became the healing waters of Lourdes. Each saint is illustrated in a dramatic and stylized full-color portrait, and included in every entry are the saint's dates, location, emblems, feast days, and patronage. Taken together, these stories create a rich, inspiring, and entertaining history of faith and courage.… (more)


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