Heroes of the middle ages (Alaric to Columbus)

by Eva March Tappan

Other authorsKristine Bekere (Narrator)
Digital audiobook, 2008-05-11


Running Time: 5:04:40

Preface 00:01:43
Alaric the Visogoth Besieges Rome, 00:14:05
Attila the Hun is Defeated at Chalons, 00:09:22
Genseric the Vandal Sacks Rome, 00:05:14
The Teutons and Their Myths, 00:08:48
The Story of the Nibelungs, 00:07:43
Clovis Becomes the First King of Franks, 00:08:04
Theodoric the Ostrogoth Becomes Ruler of Italy, 00:03:52
Charles Martel Repels the Mohammedans at Tours, 00:13:42
Charlemagne is Crowned Emperor of the Romans, 00:08:23
The Coming of the Teutons to England, 00:07:59
The Story of Beowulf, 00:06:12
Saint Patrick Preaches in Ireland, 00:06:25
The Legend of King Arthur, 00:06:13
Alfred the Great Rules England, 00:06:59
Rurik the Norseman becomes Ruler in Russia, 00:06:28
Rollo the Viking Makes Settlements in France, 00:08:28
William the Conqueror Conquers England, 00:10:25
Leif Ericsson Visits the Coast of New England, 00:07:23
Henry the Fowler Founds the German Monarchy, 00:06:03
Hugh Capet Becomes the First King of the French, 00:04:34
The Cid Captures Valencia, 00:07:57
Magna Carta signed by King John, 00:07:35
The Life of the Knight, 00:11:13
Country Life in the Middle Ages, 00:09:37
Town Life in the Middle Ages, 00:07:05
Peter the Hermit Leads the First Crusade, 00:07:02
Richard the Lion-Hearted Leads the Third Crusade, 00:09:19
The Children's Crusade, 00:05:33
Roger Bacon, a Pioneer in Science and Philosophy, 00:05:47

Marco Polo Visits the Great Khan of China, 00:08:02

Francesco Petrarch and the Revival of Learning, 00:06:43
The Fall of Constantinople, 00:05:23
John Gutenberg Invents Printing, 00:06:12
Columbus Discovers America, 00:08:40
Vasco de Gama Reaches India by Rounding Africa, 00:04:41
Ferdinand Magellan Leads First Voyage Round World, 00:07:52
Robert Bruce Wins at Bannockburn and Frees Scotland, 00:06:40
William Tell and Arnold Von Winkelried, 00:07:01
The Black Prince, Hero of Crecy, 00:07:12
Joan of Arc, the Girl Commander, 00:07:01


Recounts the stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages and acquaints the reader with the most important figures in those scenes. The figures are grouped into seven periods: The Barbarian Invasion, The Forming of the Germanic Nations, The Teutonic Invasions, The Rise of Nationalities, The Crusades, The Time of Progress and Discovery, and The Struggles of the Nations. In the tapestry which the author weaves may be traced the history of the rise and fall of the various nationalities and the circumstances and mode of life of each.



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