Our island saints, stories for children

by Amy Steedman

Other authorsM. D. Spooner (Illustrator)
Ebook, 1912



From the "About This Book" by the author:
There was once a child who spent many happy hours in a beautiful garden. She loved to play among the flowers, to stand on tiptoe and look up at the stately white lilies, or bend down to search among the fragrant leaves for sweet-scented violets. Such rare and exquisite flowers blossomed all around her, that it was difficult to decide which was the fairest, and the child used to fancy as she passed along that each one whispered to her 'choose me.' But she would only shake her head and hurry on, until she reached her own little plot of flowers in a corner of the garden. It was not so sunny or so gay, perhaps, as some of the other flowerbeds, but belonged to her, and that make it beautiful in her eyes.

'It is you I love best, dear flowers,' she would say, bending down lovingly over the velvet pansies and sweet pinks, 'because you are my very own and grow in my very own garden.'

It is with us, as with that child. We walk through God's garden and look at the fair flowers we call His saints. Although they are all most fair and we love them all, yet we have a special love for those that have lived in our own dear land, because they seem to belong more particularly to ourselves. The saints of every land belong to God; but as He has given us our island home, so we feel that the island saints are our special possession, and like the child we say, 'We love you best, dear saints, because you are our very own.'

S. Alban, p. 1
S. Augustine of Canterbury, p. 10
S. Kentigern, p. 23
S. Patrick, p. 43
S. David, p. 65
S. Molios, p. 70
S. Bridget, p. 76
S. Cuthbert, p. 87
S. Edward the Confessor, p. 107
S. Columba, p. 119
S. Margaret of Scotland, p. 139
S. Hugh of Lincoln, p. 160


Gentle stories for children of saints who lived their lives of service in the British Isles during the Middle Ages. Includes tales of St. Alban, St. Patrick, St. Bridget, St. Cuthbert, St. Columba, St. Margaret of Scotland, and others. Attractively illustrated.




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