Freedom over me : eleven slaves, their lives and dreams brought to life

by Ashley Bryan

Hardcover, 2016


Publisher summary:

Using original slave auction and plantation estate documents, contrasts the monetary value of a slave with the priceless value of life experiences and dreams that a slave owner could never take away.

From the dust jacket:

They were but three of a houseful of slaves who were sold when a plantation's properties went up for auction. A herd of cattle was priced at $864. A handmill, $1. Stephen was worth $300; Peggy, $150; Qush, $100.

They were real people from a real plantation, listed in a real document discovered by Ashley Bryan. In his monumental tribute to the strength of human spirit and power of hope, Ashley, with his paint and poetry, has imagined these eleven lives beyond their simple descriptions, beyond their prices, for reams and hopes and loves can never be chained and can never be sold. Every slave was so much more than that cruel moniker. They were individuals, each a person, who had a dream.


"Using original slave auction and plantation estate documents, contrasts the monetary value of a slave with the priceless value of life experiences and dreams that a slave owner could never take away"--

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