Freedom on the Menu

by Carole Boston Weatherford

Paper Book, 2005


From the back cover:

THERE WERE SIGNS ALL THOUGH TOWN telling eight-year-old Connie where she could and could not go. But when Connie sees four young men take a stand for equal rights at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, she realizes that things may soon change. This event sparks a movement in her town and region. And while Connie is too young to march or give a speech, she helps her brother and sister make signs for Equality Now. Changes are coming to Connie's town, and her family is excited and a little worried. As for Connie, she just wants to sit at the lunch counter and eat a banana split like everyone else. That seems fair, doesn't it?


The 1960 civil rights sit-ins at the Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, are seen through the eyes of a young Southern black girl.


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