23 Minutes in Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in That Place of Torment

by Bill Wiese

Paper Book, 2017



Call number



Charisma House (2017), 256 pages


New York Times Best Seller and Over 1 million copies sold! Over 750 5-Star reviews Wiese's visit to the devil's lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Miracle Channel, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!, Sean Hannity's America, Charisma News, and many others.  Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it continues to captivate the world. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, smelled the putrid and rotting stench, heard deafening screams of agony, and experienced terrorizing demons. Finally the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit. Now Wiese shares his insights on commonly asked questions such as: Is hell a literal burning place? Where is hell? Do you have a body in hell? Are there degrees of punishment in hell? Are there children in hell? Can demons torment people in hell? Can "good" people go to hell?… (more)

Media reviews

What is hell like, and how does one avoid an eternity of torment? Bill Wiese shares his unforgettable experience during which God allowed him to see and feel the agony people endure in hell. Wiese's visit to the devil's lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned from this with vivid
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details etched in his memory. He records an accurate account of his experience in this book, presenting more than three hundred scriptures that verify the horrors he endured and observed. From the Author "Even if you don't believe my story, you should believe these Bible verses and avoid hell just the same. To me, it doesn't matter what causes you to understand the truth as long as it sinks in. My sincere hope is that this book is the closest you will ever come to experiencing hell for yourself," Wiese writes.
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User reviews

LibraryThing member benuathanasia
The story of a man's travels through Hell. Whether you read it as the God-given truth, or as a piece of fiction, it's still fantastically well written.Though I do believe in Hell and do
not believe all people will automatically be saved, I do not necessarily believe the authenticity of this book
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since the Bible says those who've seen hell can't testify about it:
Luke 16:27 Then he [the rich man in Hell] said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
Luke 16:28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
Luke 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
Luke 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

But the story is none-the-less a fantastic cautionary tale.
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LibraryThing member ShortyBond
Good book! He really describes hell well and whether or not this actually happened to him, Wiese really makes you think. And he really backs what he says up with Scripture. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting more information on hell.
LibraryThing member NemesisClaws
Very good book! It's about one man's true experience in hell, and subsequent return. Plenty of scriptures to back it up as well. I learned quite a few things from this that I didn't know before. A must read for those who still contends that hell does not exist!
LibraryThing member jontubaman
This book was an easy read, but I'm unsure how I feel about it. Ultimately I kept thinking of Luke 16:19-29 the entire time I was reading. The is the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. In this parable the rich man is not allowed to return to earth to tell his family about the terrors of Hell
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because "they have Moses and the prophets." This debunks the idea that the author would have been allowed to experience Hell in order to go back and tell others. Secondly, the parable tells us that there is a great gulf fixed between Heaven and Hell that no man can cross. The author claims to have been brought directly into Heaven from Hell, which doesn't align with the previous point. I do not doubt that God can do anything, but according to His Word, I do not believe the author's experience coincides with scripture. Read the book and make up your own mind, but I am not recommending this book as 100% sound theology.
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LibraryThing member torrey23
This book describes te author's supposed journey to Hell. The author claims to be a saved Christian, and that Jesus sent him to Hell for 23 minutes. He also claims to have talked directly to Jesus, and that Jesus told him to spread this message due to the impending return of Jesus. The author is
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claiming to have received special revelation from God, even though the Bible indicates that God's revelation is complete already. His claim that he was sent there in order to be able to deter others rings hollow also. Jesus told the story of the rich man and Lazarus. In this story the rich man went to hell, and then asked to be allowed to go tell his family. The answer was given thatpeople would not believe someone even though they came back from Hell. My question would be, "What has happened to change this view of God?" If people would not have believed someone who had been to Hell 2000 years ago, why would they believe someone in that scenario know. I do not believe that God had this in mind for Mr. Wiese. Finally, I find it extremely hard to believe that God would send one his own people, one who he says will never suffer his wrath, and who is immune from going to Hell, to this place of God's wrath. This seems to be in direct contradiction to biblical teachings.
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LibraryThing member IandSsmom
I understand the authors motive for this book but I think he went about it all wrong. I am a christian and attend church every Sunday but this was too much even for me. Way to much proving he saw what he saw and experienced what he experienced by proving it is in the bible. You had to flip back and
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forth with references it was very distracting and made it very hard to read. I really don't think this book would be the thing to convince someone hell exsist and to turn their life to Christ if they are not a believer to begin with. I wonder if in speaking engagments he is more charsmatic and more convincing but this book did nothing for me.
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LibraryThing member iamladyj
Arguable, not entirely biblical, misleading how you get there. Presumptuous. Friend feels it is exactly the way it is. Not reading it as she is. More to study and check biblical references , Many so far out of context.
LibraryThing member DF6B_DANIELC
This personally was one of my favorite books that i have read this year. It first caught my attention when this girl sitting beside me was reading it. My teacher commented on the book, so i decided to read it. At first i thought it was going to be a religious type of book but then the more i read
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it was a "true" testimony of Bill Wiese who said he had spent 23 minutes in hell. This book was really interesting and i would recommend it for age groups above 13.
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LibraryThing member Levina
A man's story about the time he spent in Hell.
LibraryThing member srghc8
A very good friend gave me this book to read. The intensity of Bill Wiese's experience is staggering. I've always believed in hell, but his description of it is far worse than the things I had pictured. The scripture that he later found that backs up his experience is so similar to his trip that is
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dispelled any of my doubts.
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LibraryThing member skraft001
Most people spend more time constructing their shopping list than considering where they will spend eternity. Hell is real and it is more horrific than one could ever imagine. This is a very powerful book and even if you can get a hold of one of the terrible aspects of Hell -- the utter ETERNAL
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darkness, the never ending pain, the eternal burning but never being burned up -- then you will be crying out in your heart and looking for God to save you. For the Christian or luke-warm Christian let this strengthen your resolve to reside in Heaven and grow closer to Him.
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LibraryThing member longhorndaniel
good description of his experience; too much opinions though; however plenty of Bible verses to point you in the right direction
LibraryThing member texicanwife
This is one of those rare books I could not put down reading! Once I started it, I had to finish it!

Wiese takes us on a wild ride! Declared dead, Wiese awakens to himself and spends 23 minutes in Hell. If you are a Christian, this is gonna scare you to death and make you reaffirm your faith in our
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Savior and send you on the straight and narrow path for Heaven! If you are not a Christian, this is gonna scare you to death and make you want to get born again so that you will miss this place of very real torment and torture!

Wiese writes in vivid clarity and detail of his experience. You are there with him as he is tortured and sees the people in the lake of fire! Never consumed but burning forever!

As a nurse, I have witnessed many deaths in my 30 year career. And I was made aware of how real Hell was with one patient's death in particular. (Perhaps one day I'll tell that story.) So, I had my real "aha" moment a few years back. But if I hadn't then,. I surely would have with Wiese's account!

I strongly urge you to read this book. It can change lives. Read the many reviews on Amazon regarding this book, and you will see what I am talking about! Lives have been changed. Entire FAMILIES have been changed!

I highly recommend this book! I even URGE you to get a copy right away and read it. It's not a long read, and you won't put it down!
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Physical description

256 p.; 6 inches


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