The Sivananda Companion to Yoga

by Lucy Lidell



The essential companion for beginning and experienced yogis alike! Now with fresh, colorful pages throughout, The Sivananda Companion to Yoga remains the classic guide to yoga. With easy-to-follow instructions, inspirational teaching, and detailed illustrations, this authoritative guide covers every aspect of the yoga lifestyle, including relaxation, exercise, dietary guidelines, breathing, and meditation. A highly regarded organization for yoga studies and practices, the Sivananda Yoga Center created the first edition of The Sivananda Companion to Yoga in 1983. Since its publication, it has sold more than 700,000 copies worldwide and has become a standard text for both yoga students and teachers. Whether you're using it in conjunction with a class or on your own, The Sivananda Companion to Yoga can help you: -Develop a fit and beautiful body -Boost your energy and vitality at any stage of life -Reduce stress and experience greater peace of mind -Eat nutritiously and responsibly -Increase your powers of concentration and discipline Yoga is a journey toward physical and spiritual wellness. With this beautiful, bestselling guide in hand, you will experience the health, energy, and vibrancy that yoga can bring into your life.… (more)

Library's review

The classic guide to yoga-clear, comprehensive and superbly illustrated. Easy-to-follow instructions and authoritative teaching cover all aspects of this timeless discipline-an inspiration for the beginner and expert alike.

Develop a fit and beautiful body.
Keep youthful in every stage of life.
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wisely and well.
Breathe for life and vitality.
Imrove your health.
Enjoy a troublefree pregnancy.
Banish stress and tension.
Increase your powers of concentration.
Experience peace of mind.


Introduction to yoga
1 Relaxation
The corpse pose
Final relaxation
2 The basic session
The sequence of asanas
The session begins-Easy pose; Neck and shoulders; Eye exercises; Lion pose
The sun salutation
Leg raises
The headstand
The shoulder stand
The plough
The bridge
The fish
The forward bend
The cobra
The locust
The bow
The hald spinal twist
The lotus
The crow
The hands to feet pose
The triangle
The basic practice charts
3 Breathing
Prana and the subtle body
Basic breathing-Kapalabhati (anuloma viloma); Brahman (sitkart; sithali)
Advanced breathing-The three bandhas (ujjayi; Surya bheda; Bhastrika; Samanu
4 Diet
The three gunas
Natural foods
Changing your diet
5 Meditation
Mastery of the mind
Principles of meditation
Starting to meditate
5 Asanas and variations
The headstand cycle-Leg variations-Scorpion; Arm variations; Lotus headstand; Single leg inverted pose
The shoulderstand cycle-Leg and arm variations; Plough variations; Bridge and fish variations
The forward bend cycle-Forward bend variations; Head to knee pose; Side splits twist; Leg and arm stretching; Inclined plane
The backward bend cycle-Cobra and locust variations; Bow variations; Wheel; Kneeling pose; Warrior; Kneeling wheel; Diamond; Crescent moon; Pigeon
The sitting cycle-Spinal twist; Lotus variations; Shooting bow; Leg behind head pose; Splits
The balancing cycle-Peacock; Handstand; Crow variations; Eagle; Tree; Standing splits; Lord Nataraja pose; Standing pose; Head to feet pose
Cycles of asanas chart
The kriyas
6 The cycle of life
Maternity practice schedule
Special asanas for pregnancy-Modified shouolderstand and plough; Wall stretches; Pelvic lift; Modified cobra; The cat; Perineal exercises; Relaxatio; Squatting
The later years-Warm ups; Modified asanas
7 Yoga and health
The body's frame-Muscles; Skeleton; Spinal movements
The nutrient cycles-Digestion; Respiratio; Circulation
The vital balance-Glands; Nerves
Glossary-Sivananda centres; Index
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