Bruce Tegner's Complete Book of Self Defense

by Bruce Tegner

Book, 1963


A basic primer on ways to defend oneself including hand blows and restraints.

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Here is a new method of self-defense that is so simple that even a child can learn it. It is so effective that it can be employed even against gang attacks. Developed in the famous Tegner Sckhool of Self-Defense, it unites the best of Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Savate, Aikido, and Ate-waza in one
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amazing, all-purpose method that can be used in any situation.

Bruce Tegner's Complete Book of Self-Defense. The book that can make you defend yourself like an expert in the art of self-defense in only twenty-one days!


About Bruce Tegner
Preliminary instruction-By the numbers; Basic stance; Fighting stances; Natural and unnatural grip; Length of practice sessions; Safety; Throwing practice; Hand conditioning; Coordination and accuracy exercises; Hitting with power; Trouble spots and the selection of techniques; Don't forget; Uses of yelling and other sounds
The First Day
Where and how to strike-The temple blow-side of the hand; The bridge-of-the-nose blow-side of the hand; The base-of-the-nose blow-side of the hand
Fist-fighting defense-blocking the attack
First fall-basic back fall
Hip throw-basic back fall
Hip throw-basic steps (balance only)
don't forget
The Second Day
Review instruction
Straight-arm bar
Where and how to strike
Fist-fighting defense-blocking the attack
First fall
Hip throw-balance
New Instruction
Pushing Defense
Where and how to strike--The ear nerve-center blow-side of the hand; The jaw nerve-center blow-finger tips; The side-of-the-neck nerve-center blow; side of the hand
Fist-fighting defense-blocking the attack and striking back
Second fall-basic side fall
Hip throw-execution the throw and learning to receive
Don't forget
The Third Day
Review instruction
Straight-arm bar
Where and how to strike-lessons for first and second days
Fist-fighting defense-blocking the attack and striking back
Falls No. 1 and 2
Hop throw-throwing and receiving
New Instruction
Back-choke defense-finger grip
Where and how to strike-The neck nerve-center blow-extended knuckle; The windpipe or Adam's apple blow-Y of the hand; The throat-hollow blow-fingertips
Fist-fightiing devense-block and throw
Third fall-basic side roll
Swinging-leg throw-basic steps (position only); Don't forget
The Fourth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, & 3
Straight-arm bar
Pushing defense
Back-choke devense-finger grip
Where and how to strike-lessons for first through third days
Fist-fighting devense-block and throw
Hip throw-throwing and receiving
Swinging-leg throw-Position only
New Instruction
Wrist-grab defense-one-hand grip
Where and how to strike--The base-of-the-neck blow-side of head; The inside-joint-of-the-elbow blow-side of the hand; The forearm-nerve blow-side of the hand
Fist-fighting defense-double kick, Block, retaliation, and throw
Swinging-leg throw-completion of throw and receiving
Don't forget
The Fifth Day
Review instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, & 3
Straight-arm bar
Pushing defense
Back-choke devense-finger grip
Where and how to strike-lessons for first through third days
Fist-fighting devense-block and throw
Hip throw-throwing and receiving
Swinging-leg throw-Position only
New Instruction
Wrist hold no. 2
Wrist-grab defense--one-hand grip across body
Where and how to strike--The wrist blow-forearm; The back-of-the-hand blow-extended knuckle; Tkhe side-of-the-body blow-side of the fist
Fourth fall-standing fall back
Bent-arm hip throw-basic steps (balance only)
Don't forget
First progress test-questions relating to lessons for the first through the fifth day
The Sixth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thru 4
Back-choke defense-finger grip
Wrist hold no. 1
Wrist-grab defense--One-hand grip; One-hand grip across body
Where and how to stike-lessons for second through fifth days
Fist-fighting defense-fourth-day work
Bent-arm hip throw-balance only
New Instruction
Wrist Hold no. 2
Wrist-grab defense-two hands gripping both wrists
Where and how to strike--The solar plexus blow-fist; The jaw or face blow-elbow back and elbow vertical
Fist-fighting defense-double kick, block, retaliation, and swinging-leg throw
Bent-arm hip throw-completion of throw and receiving
Don't forget
The Seventh Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 through 4
Wrist holds No. 1 and 2
Wrist-grab defense--One-hand grip; One-hand grip across body; Two hands griping both wrists
Where and how to stirke-lessons for third through sixth days
Fist-fighting defense-hip throw ending; Swinging-leg-throw ending
Bent-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
New Instruction
Reverse arm lock
Wrist-grab defense-two hands gripping one wrist
Where and how to strike--The base-of-the-skull blow-heel of the palm; The 7th-vertebra blow-side of the hand; The backbone blow-side of the fist
Fifth fall-forward roll and staying down
Neck-lock hip throw-basic steps (balance only)
Don't forget
The Eighth Day
Falls No. 1 thru 5
Wrist holds No. 1 and 2
Reverse arm lock
Wrist-grab defense-one-hand grip; One-hand grip across body; Two hands griping both wrists; Two hands gripping one wrist
Wkhere and khow to strike-lessons for fourth thru seventh days
fist-fighting defense--Hip-throw ending; Swinging-leg-throw ending
Bent-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
Neck-lock hip throw-balance only
New Instruction
Grab defense-thumb release
Where and how to strike--The kidney blow-extended knuckle; The back-of-the-knee blow-inside edge of the foot; The back-of-the-knee blow-outside edge of the foot
Fist-fighting defense-long range fist attack
Don't forget
The Ninth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thru 5
Grab defense-thumb release
Wrust holds No. 1 and 2
Where and how to strike-lessons for fifth thru eighth days
Fist-fighting defense-long-range fist attack
Bent-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
Neck-lock hip throw-throwing and receiving
New instruction
Grab defense-thumb release and arm lock
Where and how to stike--The calf blow-tow kick; The tendon blow-heel kick; The inside-of-the-upper-thigh blow-hooking kick
Front choke defense No. 1
Captured-arm hip throw-basic steps balance only
Stick or club defense-overhead attack
Don't forget
The Tenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thru 5
Grab defense-thumb release and arm lock
Front-choke defense No. 1
Where and how to strike-lessons for sixth thru ninth days
Stick or club defense-overhead attack
Fist-fighting defense-long-range fist attack
Bent-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
Neck-lock hip throw-throwing and receiving
Captured-arm hip throw-balance only
New Instruction
Finger pressure and arm lock
Where and how to strike--The inside-of-the-lower-thigh blow-bottom of the foot; The kneecap blow-heel kick; The side-of-the-knee blow-45 degree angle kick
Front choke defense No. 2
Sixth basic fall-forward roll to standing position
Captured-arm hip throw-completing the throw and receiving
Don't forget
Second progress test-Questions relating to lessons for the sixth through the tenth days
The Eleventh Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thru 6
Reverse arm lock
Finger pressure and arm lock
Grab defense-thumb release and arm lock
Front-choke defenses No. 1 and 2
Where and how to strike=lessons for seventh thru tenth days
New Instruction
Front-choke defense Nol 3
Where and how to strike--The shinbone blow-edge of the shoe kick; The instep blow-stamping kick; The anklebone blow-edge of the shoe kick
Fist-fighting defense-close-in attack-block and simultaneous blows with take-down
Straight-leg throw-basic steps (position only)
Don't forget
The Twelfth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thru 6
Front-choke defenses No. 1, 2, 3
Where and how to strike-lessons for eighth thru eleventh days
Stick or club defense -overhead attack
Neck-lock hip throw-throwing and receiving
Captured-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
Straight-leg throw-position only
New Instruction
Front-choke defense No. 4
Stick or club defense-side blow
Seventh fall-side roll and come up
Straight-leg throw-completion of throw and receiving
Don't forget
The Thirteenth Day
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
Front-choke defenses No. 1 thru 4
Straight-arm bar
Pushing defense
Back-choke defense-finger grip
Stick or club defense-side blow
Captured-arm hip throw-throwing and receiving
Straight-leg throw-throwing and receiving
New Instruction
Arm-pin defense-back attack
Knife Defense-stabbing attack
Fist-fighting defense-parry and forward trip
Sitting-down throw-basic steps-position only
Don't forget
The Fourteenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
Front-choke defenses No. 3 and 4
Fist-fighting defense-close-in attack--Block and simultaneous blows with take-down; Parry and forward trip
Knife defense-stabbing atack
Straight-leg throw-throwing and receiving
Sitting-down throw-position only
New Instruction
Back-grab defense-under arms
Knife defense-slashing attack
Eighth fall-standing and fall on side
Sitting-down throw-completion of throw and receiving
Don't forget
The Fifteenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
Arm-pin defense-back atatck
Back-grab defense-under arms
Reverse arm lock
Finger pressure and arm lock
Fist-fighting defense-parry and forward trip
Knife defense-stabbing and slashing attacks
Straight-leg throw-throwing and receiving
Sitting-down throw-throwing and redeiving
New Instruction
Close-in fist-fighting defense-block, leap, kick, and choke
Over-arm lock
Circle throw-basic steps (position only)
Don't forget
Third Progress Test-questions relating to lessons for the eleventh thru the fifteenth days
The Sixteenth Day
Review Instructions
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
Over-arm lock
Arm-pin defense-back attack
Back-grab defense-under arms
Close-in fist-fighting defense-block, leap, kick, and choke
Knife defense-stabbing and slashing attacks
Straight-leg throw-throwing and receiving
Sitting-down throw-throwing and receiving
Circle throw-position only
New Instruction
Back-grab defense-over arms
Gang-attack defense-front and back
Circle throw-completion of throw and receiving
Don't forget
The Seventeenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
Fist-fighting defense--Hip-throw ending; Swinging-leg throw ending
Close-in fist-fighting defense-block, leap, kick, and choke
Knife defense-stabbing and slashing attacks
Back-grab defense-over arms
Gang-attaack defense-front and back
Sitting-down throw-throwing and receiving
Circle throw-throwing and receiving
New Instruction
Bent-arm lock-rear
Knife defense-threat of attack
Ninth fall-forward fall from knees
Sweeping-foot throw-basic steps (position only)
Don't forget
The Eighteenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8
Wrist-grab defenses-all four types
Grab defense-thumb release and arm lock
over-arm lock
Bent-arm lock-rear
Knife defense-threat of attack
Circle throw-throwing and receiving
Sweeping-foot throw (position only)
New Instruction
Fist-fighting defense-parry and take-down
Gun defense-back attack
Sweeping-foot throw-completion of throw and receiving
Judo sparring using throws for give-and-take practice-free use of all basic throws
Don't forget
The Nineteenth Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 9
Wrist holds No. 1 and 2
Fist-fighting defense-parry and take-down
Gun defense-back attack
Knife defense-threat of attack
Circle throw-throwing and receiving
Sweeping-foot throw-throwing and receiving
Judo sparring-using throws in lessons 1 thru 6
New Instruction
Straight-arm lock and finger pressure
Gang-attack defense-front
Tenth fall-forward fall from standing
Knee-block throw-basic steps-position only
Don't forget
The Twentieth day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
Straight-arm lock and finger presure
Gang-attack defense-front
Gun defense-back attack
Stick or club defenses-overhead attack and side blow
Front-choke defenses-No. 1 thru 4
Sweeping-foot throw-throwing and receiving
Knee-block throw-position only
Judo sparring-using throws found in lessons 2 thru 8
New Instruction
Back-choke defense-arm grip
Gun defense-front
Knee-block throw-completion of throw and receiving
Karate sparring-using slashes, kicks, and blocks at nerve centers for give-and-take pracitce; free use of all methods
Don't forget
The Twenty-first Day
Review Instruction
Falls No. 1 thur 10
Back-choke defense-arm grip
Gun defense-front only and front and back
Gang-attack defense-front only and front and back
Fist-fighting defenses-vary the attacks and try various defenses
Judo sparring-using all the throws learned
Karate sparring-using all methods from 'where and how to strike' section
New Instruction
Fist-fighting defense-close in attack-kick, lock, and spin
Gang-attack defense-arm pin, front and back
Don't forget
Introduction to teachng women and children
How to teach self-defense to a child
How to teach self-defense to a woman
Fourth Progress test-Questions relating to lessons for the Sixteenth thru the Twenty-first days and the lessons on teaching self-defense to a child and to a woman
Nerve center chart (where to strike)
Index of techniques
Answers to progress tests
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Stein and Day New York
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