
by Joseph Conrad

Paperback, 1970



Call number




Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Classic Literature. Fiction. HTML: Nostromo is a classic anti-hero, who lives in a fictitious mining village on the coast of a fictitious South American country. Many regard the imagined setting of the novel to be some of Conrad's finest work. The characters in the novel are also more highly-developed than those of his other novels, and were inspired by a group of mental patients Conrad had met shortly before beginning the novel..

User reviews

LibraryThing member Aerodynamics
The story of 'Nostromo' hinges on the enormous wealth of treasure contained in the mountains of the fictional South American country of Costaguana. I felt as though I carried that silver on my back from page one to page four-hundred and fourty-four. Judging from his correspondence of the time
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(Nostromo was published in 1904), Conrad felt much the same about the writing of it.

The plot of this novel is tangled, its characters largely inscrutible. An early work of the Modernist peroid of literature, it's time line is fractured and scattered. Nearly every page contains words or lines in Italian, French, or Spanish. I read 'Nostromo' with a dictionary close at hand, in order to devine the meanings of such words as "stentorian" or "imprecation" or "execrable".

Despite its anguished genesis and it's dense and difficult nature, Conrad's prose is lovely and he litters the page with profound comments on society and human nature. There is much to think about here.

This is a novel rife with ambiguity. Conrad seems to be struggling to come up with answers, and arriving a none. Despite this, the struggle seems paradoxially worth the effort, as though the very act of raising these questions and battling these demons has value in itself, even if the battle is ultimately lost.

I know that the characters, places, themes, and ideas of 'Nostromo' will be with me for a long time to come. Lacking a satisyfing conclusion or resolution, the reading of 'Nostromo' was nevertheless a worthwhile endeavor. It has been said of 'Nostromo' that it is one of those books you can't read without having read it before. We'll, now I've read it once.
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LibraryThing member cbl_tn
Since Joseph Conrad's novels were mentioned in the last two books I read, I decided it was time for me to read him. The title story in Howard Norman's My Famous Evening tells of Marlais Abernathy Quire, a Nova Scotia woman who in 1923 left her husband and young children and made her way alone to
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New York just for the chance to hear Joseph Conrad read from his works at a rare public appearance. Marlais became acquainted with Joseph Conrad's works through her sister, who had traveled to Europe and brought back two of his books as a gift for Marlais. Nostromo was one of those two books. I thought reading it might help me understand why Marlais would abandon her home and family just to hear Conrad speak.

Nostromo wasn't an easy read for me. The sentence structure, while grammatically correct, was unusual, and I frequently had to back up and re-read sentences in order to interpret them correctly. I concluded it's probably because English wasn't Conrad's first language. As new characters are introduced into the novel, Conrad frequently weaves flashbacks into the text, but without the visual clues of font and/or spacing common in today's novels. Finally, this is a long novel. Conrad uses an omniscient narrator, who describes in detail the physical appearance, thoughts, and motivations of even the minor characters in the novel, as well as the back story of events. I much prefer novels that show rather than tell.

I'm glad I persevered and finished this book. I doubt it's one I'll read again, and it will probably be a long time before I pick up another Conrad novel. I'm no closer to identifying with poor Marlais Quire than I was before I started the book.
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LibraryThing member gypsysmom
In high school we read Victory by Joseph Conrad. Any one I have mentioned this to since can't believe that it was considered a good idea to have Conrad read by high school students. Certainly it did nothing for me and, as a result, I refused to read anything else by Conrad. Until now when some
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online friends were reading Nostromo and I decided to join them.

I am happy to report that as an adult I managed to make it through the book and even found parts of it to admire. The story can be summarized quite briefly. In a fictional South American country, a large silver mine run by an Englishman, Mr. Gould, flourishes and brings prosperity to the local economy. However, in the rest of the country political unrest is common. When Mr. Gould learns that the moderate president has been unseated and that the revolutionaries are going to come for the mine he decides to send all the silver bars off-shore for safekeeping. The person chosen to undertake this dangerous mission is Nostromo, an Italian sailor who has become indispensable to the town and seaport. In the dark the small boat carrying the silver is sideswiped by a boat of revolutionaries coming to take over the seaport. One man on board, a stowaway, manages to grab hold of the anchor rope and he is brought up onto the boat. He tells the master that the silver has sunk with the boat. In fact, Nostromo and another man have survived and manage to get the boat onto a nearby island. They hide the silver there and Nostromo returns to the town. There he is persuaded to undertake a hazardous ride and bring help which he does. By the time he returns the man left on the island has killed himself so no-one knows that the silver is safe. Nostromo decides to keep the silver for himself.

In the style of the times, I suppose, there is a lot of description and slow movement of plot. Conrad is fond of long, multi-phrase sentences that are often difficult to follow. Although Nostromo is the title character, he doesn't appear in much of the narrative. I found this strange and awkward.

However, having broken the curse of hating Conrad I may try Heart of Darkness which many people feel is his greatest work.
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LibraryThing member jwhenderson
With Nostromo Conrad plumbs the depths of human frailty, offering an intimate study in psychology and human relations. Unlike other of his novels he uses a greater canvas to consider the wider political and economic world.
The story is one of a silver mine in the Occidental Province of “the
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imaginary (but true)” Latin American country of Costaguana, and the crisis by which the province passes from the chaos of post-colonial misrule to the unquiet prosperity of Anglo-American imperial capitalism. With the country beset by instability and warfare, Senor Gould, the mine's owner, decides to remove the silver and keep it out of the hands of the warlords.
To do so, Gould turns to Nostromo, the top stevedore and the most trusted man in Sulaco. Nostromo is resourceful, daring, loyal and—above all—incorruptible. His illustrious reputation is his most prized possession. Says one character, "the only thing he seems to care to be well spoken of." Well, you can see the tragic flaw right there. Even the most incorruptible are, ultimately, corruptible.
The book's psychological depth and narrative structure, with its distorted timeline, were innovative for the era. The huge array of characters and interactions have been compared to War and Peace. Irony abounds: the non-chronological plotline tips us off to consequences before we know what led up to them—and results in a sense of inexorable fate pulling characters to their ultimate destiny.
This story combined with a love triangle between Nostromo and two sisters Linda and Giselle make for an entertaining and intriguing novel. Told in Conrad's inimitable prose style this is one of his greatest achievements.
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LibraryThing member hudsy
A bit of a snooze so far. Read Lord Jim instead.
LibraryThing member mkfs
The most interesting aspect of this novel - for myself, at least - is Conrad's reason for writing it, as outlined in his introduction. Having read the tale of a sailor who made off with a small boat and its cargo of silver, he thought to himself: "Can I write a tale of this episode, in which the
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sailor is not a craven thief, but rather a man of scruple and integrity?"

Yes, yes he can.
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LibraryThing member NaggedMan
I understand why some reviewers failed to finish the book; it's quite a contrast to most 20th century fiction. But worth persevering as one gets into the characters of both the place and the people, Conrad's style maing them real. I loved it - the three stars reflect its difficulties.
LibraryThing member 19vatermit64
See it on the blog if you are inclined, or read it here:


by Joseph Conrad

Sometimes the main reason for reading the book is more interesting than the book itself. Nostromo, by Joseph Conrad, is one of those books.


I refer to books like Nostromo as 'Sleepers,' my term for books which
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are guaranteed to induce sleep. Other common Sleepers are:

1. the Bible
2. any type of spiritual reading
3. the Rosary.

Granted, the Rosary is not a book, but it is a study or meditation on the life, death, and resurrection of Our Lord, and some of the events in the life of the Blessed Mother. Lately, when I have had trouble falling asleep, even the Rosary has not knocked me out. I have found that praying the 'Ave
Maria' and 'Pater Noster' in Latin do seem to put me to sleep.

I find that a good 'Sleeper' is necessary whenever I am on call at work. When I get to my call room, often I can't sleep because of several things:
1. an uncomfortable bed, 2. no wife in bed(it's really hard to sleep without her after 17+ years of marriage), 3. recent ingestion of coffee, or
4. just being a bit too wound up at work. After trying prayer and old copies of Homiletic and Pastoral Review, I would reach for Conrad's book

Why I Read This Book

It is ironic that the book induces sleep in me when you consider how I first got interested in reading the book. Back in 1979, a movie called 'Alien'
was released. I first heard about it from some friends of my grandparents in Florida. I can still recall this retired couple talking about the movie
in 1979. It sounded as if the movie was so disturbing that people were leaving the theater during the showing. I found it odd that this older
couple even went to it in the first place, let alone sat through it. Be that as it may, it wasn't until years later that I saw the movie and I agree
that it was rather disturbing to watch. One little bit of information that stuck in my head was the name of the space ship where most of the action
takes place: Nostromo.

I knew there had to be a reason for the odd name of the ship. Then one day I came across 'Nostromo' while looking for another book by Conrad - 'Heart of
Darkness,' the inspiration for the movie 'Apocalypse Now.' What the heck.
The book was cheap, and I ended up buying both of them.

When I got around to reading Nostromo, I noticed that it was a potent soporific. All I needed to read was a paragraph or two and I would be off
to restful sleep. After a few weeks of rereading the same two pages, I realized I had hit upon the perfect sleeper for the call room at work.

Sleep played an important part in the movie 'Alien' as well, which makes me wonder if the name of the ship was inspired by the effects on the screenwriter. In the movie, the main purpose of the ship is to transport ore from one place to another, while the crew is hibernating. Consider the
opening scene, where our ill-fated crew of the Nostromo is seen emerging from suspended animation. For the remainder of the movie, the crew of
Nostromo are bent on killing the alien and getting back to sleep. The movie even ends with the lone survivor settling in for a nice long nap. Sleep is
good, and the motto of the movie should have been 'In Space No One Can hear You Snore.'

The Book in Brief

Nostromo takes place in a fictitious Central or South American country called Costaguana. It is located on the West, or Pacific Coast. The port
city, Sulaco, is near the San Tome silver mine. During a rebellion, the mine owner puts a shipload of silver under the care of one Gian' Battista,
better known as Nostromo. The plan was for Nostromo to hide the ore until the troubles died down in Costaguana. The silver disappears, and Nostromo
comes back with a story that it was lost at sea. What really happened is that he secreted it in a place where no one else could find it. He realizes
after a while that the load of silver is not worth the financial stability as it changes him:

"A transgression, a crime, entering a man's existence, eats it up like a malignant growth, consumes it like a fever. Nostromo had lost his peace; the genuineness of all his qualities was destroyed. He felt it himself, and often cursed the silver of San Tome. His courage, his magnificence, his leisure, his work, everything was as before, only everything was a sham. But the treasure was real. He clung to it with a more tenacious, mental grip. But he hated the feel of the ingots. Sometimes, after putting away a couple of them in his cabin—the fruit of a secret night expedition to the Great Isabel—he would look fixedly at his fingers, as if surprised they had left no stain on his skin."

While I used the book more as a sedative than as a reading exercise, there are some redeeming qualities in this book. The change of Nostromo's
character after he adds 'silver thief' to his resume is a great study in how evil affects the 'totality' of man. Nostromo can be considered a metaphor for the soul, where sin corrupts all of the many aspects of a good man, and results in his ultimate ruin and death. Even at the point of death, the sins of Nostromo tarnish his last moments of life.

Seriously, this book was hard to read and keep my attention. I went so far as to record the first time something exciting happened – page 260. Conrad
spends a lot of time describing things, places, and people in rather beautiful language. It is remarkable to think that English was not his
first language.

I recommend this as a book with some reservations - for language which is offensive to various ethnic groups.
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LibraryThing member lucthegreat
This was a very good book, and I am only surprised that I did not consider it to be excellent. It felt fresh and immediate (though written a century ago), with an interesting story, engaging characters, and comments on society. I'm tempted to think that I needed to be in a different frame of mind
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to savour its full worth, but on the other hand one of the measures of a good book is the extent to which it draws the reader into its world. I damn this very good book with faint praise.
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LibraryThing member WorthyWoman
For now, I am not desperately impressed with this book. I'm also not anywhere near done with it…

This is one of the "Library for the Blind And Physically Handicapped" books on tape. I've set my options as widely as possible on this, so I can receive books that I would not necessarily otherwise
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think of reading. I listen after I'm ready for bed, before I am asleep. Think of it as a grownup version of "bedtime story."

This book has the effect of a mild sedative, so far. It starts, and I'm asleep in something like 10 minutes.

Update: I give up. I'm only getting about 7 minutes out of 45. In other words, I'm falling asleep within 4 minutes!

Maybe some books can be enjoyed that way. This one… Not so much!
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LibraryThing member BayardUS
I thought it a strange choice for Conrad to name this book Nostromo, as I found that character to be particularly problematic. He plays a very minor role in the beginning half of this novel, though the title makes clear that his role will not stay so confined forever. In this early segment people
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describe him, but we never see him act in line with those descriptions. Later, when he becomes important, he acts entirely contrary to how he is described.

It is bizarre to have a character described as one in a thousand, a paragon of virtue, and always perfectly honest when the character almost immediately contradicts all of those descriptions. Conrad gets no characterization points for Nostromo.

Nor does he get any points for a satisfactory climax to his story: just as the tension of the story reaches its zenith Conrad skips ahead in time to when everything has been resolved. Another bizarre choice.

Nostromo is nothing special, if you want to read some Conrad outside of Heart of Darkness try The Secret Agent instead.
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LibraryThing member mahallett
boring, hard to follow because nothing happened and people's names changed. characters were like stock characters. i liked the last 10 pages because things happened. i can't remember what the silver was all about. so long for nothing.
LibraryThing member whiteberg
Excellent book once you get into it. Liked the shifting perspectives and the thick irony. I don't understand why this has been labelled as a book on colonial exploitation - the capitalists in this book seems to be the only half-sensible human beings around, even though money only leads to more
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greed and more robber barons throwing themselves up as 'democrats'. Noone escapes Conrad's irony though and all characters are flawed and helpless in the end.
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LibraryThing member stillatim
This one's tough to review. I want to recommend it to everyone, but that's probably just a waste of a lot of time. I read this about ten years ago as a young college student, and just re-read it. Even while re-reading, the only things I remember are i) wondering to myself, if this book is called
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Nostromo, why is Nostromo absent for most of the book? ii) a short passage about bringing people into a paradise of snakes, and iii) Nostromo saying to himself "If I see smoke coming from over there, they are lost." I have no idea why I remembered iii), but there you go.

The trick is, this book is great, but only if you've already done a *lot* of reading, particularly of the late nineteenth and early century's best novelists. Proust helps a lot. So does James. Even the less difficult modernists, like Forster, are useful. But Nostromo is not like Ulysses. I didn't understand Ulysses, but Joyce's writing is nice and there are some jokes to keep you going. Conrad's style here is wonderful, but not the sort of wonderful that keeps you going on its own. You need to be able to follow the plot, and you have to learn how to follow it.

But if you're either well-read or dedicated enough, this must be one of the best 50 novels- maybe even 20- of the twentieth century. The characters are hard to get a handle on, but once you do, they're extraordinary. Conrad's way of presenting the story is formally amazing. I've also been reading Genette's 'Narrative Structures,' and the tools in that book help make sense of this one (although Nostromo also shows up the problems with Genette's concepts, since they function best in first person narratives and not so well with third person narratives). The narrative seems to be all over the place. You get the consequences of and event before you get the event; you get two line summaries of what seem to be (but aren't) the most important events... and so it goes.

So do yourself a favour. Read the first four chapters. If you don't get into them, just stop and try it again ten years later. But keep trying!
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LibraryThing member alen2379
Alongside Ulysses, my favorite novel of the 20th century. There is something so evocative in the life of this sailor, his thoughts and misgivings, in the middle of the political turmoil of a fictional Latin American country. A novel that explores the moral corruption of the most outstanding
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individuals, and the weaknesses of humanity, both in individual men and the community.
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LibraryThing member jackkane
'Nostromo' is good, but it is a difficult read. The thematic focus is uniformly dark and unpleasant. Every single character of the large cast is defeated. Conrad must have been depressed out of his mind when he wrote this work. The language is heavy but strong. On a technical level a very
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impressive novel.
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LibraryThing member libraryhermit
I took grade 12 English in High School from 1979 to 1980. During that year our teacher introduced Joseph Conrad and I read Lord Jim. I began a Joseph Conrad mania for the next while and ended up buying all of his books that I could find and read them all, including Nostromo, shortly after that. (I
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still haven't got around to the ones that he did with Ford Maddox Ford, although I have read that author's The March of Literature.)

All of the Penguins were being published with the light green covers, which I came to love, and I have 10 or 11 volumes in that style. Then they switched to orange, black and white, which I am not fond of at all. (As if it makes any difference to the text.)

In 2004 I realized that it had been about 25 years since I had read an appreciable amount of Joseph Conrad, so at that time, I selected Nostromo as the work that I would reread.

So it was very interesting to compare what I remembered of it after such a long interval. I am happy to say that I was able to remember quite a bit and that it was not just a complete blank. I had been fearful that the novel would have been erased from my memory since with my advancing age, there are some recent things that I don't recall as easily as I would like. However, since I was only about 19 or 20 when I originally read it, my youthful mental powers may have been able to create a more indelible record, retrievable even after 25 years. Perhaps it is only the recent records in my memory, created in my forties, that are too weak to begin with to then be retrievable even after an interval as short as a year or two.

Anyway, all of this has not too much to do with the actual book.

I am fascinated with learning of second languages, and am constantly amazed by Joseph Conrad's language and syntax in English, given that this was at least his third language (after Polish and French, apparently.)

If I can ever get as good at German, French, or Russian (all of which I have dabbled in to some degree) as Joseph Contrad was in English, then I will truly have accomplished something.
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LibraryThing member m.belljackson
Conrad's vivid and evocative descriptions of the land, sea, and sky can be overwhelming, even when read in short sections from DailyLit.

This is his third book in a row that I've read (Outcast of the Island and Lord Jim) while working up to deal with Heart of Darkness.
It is the first one where a
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Conrad character leaped out to be loved and admired > GIORGIO!

The plot of Nostromo's tangents is sustained through often confusing political turmoil, even though he is often missing from most of the action.

"Negro liberals" is still a mystery...

As is how Nostromo's character so radically changed from incorruptible to not calling the priest for his dying friend,
to his odd epiphany about loving Giselle, and, strangest of all, his desertion of Decoud.
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LibraryThing member TerriBooks
I read Nostromo for the book group at the library. I suppose it was good for me, but I didn't enjoy it. It seemed to take forever to get to the point, and then it wasn't clear to me what this book is really about. There are a multitude of characters, but no real central character to hold it
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together (despite the novel being named after one of them). Once I made my way past the first third of the book, it was at least readable. It would have been nice to have the multitude of Spanish terms translated.
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LibraryThing member burritapal
Capitalists clash with politics in a generic South American country that is constantly changing governments with military takeovers. Naturally, the natives are their innocent victims.
LibraryThing member hemlokgang
I did not finish this book. I have thoroughly enjoyed Conrad's other novels, but after 100+ pages and no sign of a plot, I gave up.
LibraryThing member missizicks
This is a wonderful novel, redolent with the atmosphere of 19th century South America, the coming of the railways, the exploitation of the land and minerals and the upheaval of revolution and dictatorship. The central character spends most of the novel in the background, a charismatic figure, more
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legend than flesh. The action centres on those who are reliant on his ability to get the workers to do what is necessary to make the colonials rich. Conrad as ever makes his characters believable. I felt very invested in the various stories. The only let down was the slightly OTT ending. The best bit was the plotting to become an independent state and Decoud's passion for that cause. I wish I'd had the time to sit and read it without interruption, though, because it did require a level of concentration I don't always have the luxury of affording a book!
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LibraryThing member eldang
After a year of false starts, I finally admitted I just couldn't get into this book. It's strange because I've loved a lot of Conrad's work, and I certainly see the same beauty of writing here, but this one just wasn't grabbing me. I don't know if it's the slower pace than most of his (but his
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other relatively long books also start slowly), that he was writing further outside his experience than usual, or that I've changed and some of the troubling things about Conrad now bother me more than they used to.
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LibraryThing member Kristelh
Reason read: Reading 1001, tbr takedown, TIOLI #2, Sept 2023.
The book was written in the early part of the 20th century and is probably Conrad's greatest achievement, a bridge to the modernistic novel and a fictional depiction of post-colonial global capitalism.

The setting is a fictionalized
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country on the eastern coast of South America like Columbia. The time period of over throwing dictators, puppet governments set up by European and US countries. It is also a time period of transition to steam powered ships.

The story is told by use of backstory, flashbacks, anachrony, metadiegetic narrative. Conrad relates a historical time period in just a few weeks of time. The long development of the backstory makes it hard to engage with the story and I did not fully engage in it until well past the midpoint. I listened to the audio and wonder if I could have made it through actually reading it. It may be soporific. Social and cultural issues include a cast of characters from all walks of life; business men, dictators, aristocrats, politicols, protestant, catholic, servants, employees. Capitalism is depicted as power and control and the reason for revolt and the birth of Marxism.

Characters; There are many characters. Nostromo is an Italian dockworker. Nostromo implies his work. His name is Giovanni Battista Fidanza. Charles Gould inherits the decrepit silver mine and becomes obsessed with it to the point of neglecting his wife. Martin Decoud is a man who has spent time in Paris and considers himself European even though he was born in S. America. He is a propagandist journalist. Ribera is the puppet governor set up have the overthrow of the dictotor. General Montero overthrows Ribiera. Nostromo and Dcoud are tasked with getting the lighter of silver out of the country. A task that they fail to complete but do to an incident at sea, it is believed that the silver was lost at sea. The silver is the pivot for the morals and politics of the book.

I finished the story but it was not easy, mostly because of the lengthy backstory and the stylistic writing. The story itself is not complicated. I am glad to be done with it and it is a book that should be reread, probably right away. But I will not be doing so at this time. It has achieved the test of time. It is listed as 47 of 100 best fiction of the 20th Century by Modern Library.
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LibraryThing member PilgrimJess
"for life to be large and full, it must contain the care of the past and the future in every passing moment of the present. Our daily work must be done to the glory of the dead, and for the good of those who come after."

Located just outside the coastal town of Sulaco, in the fictional South
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American country of Costaguana, the silver mine of San Tomé is a source of great wealth for its English owner, Charles Gould, the local economy and the Costaguanan government in the way of bribes. When yet another political revolution brings down the Government of President Ribiera, Gould’s initial inclination is to shore up the tottering regime. However, other voices in Sulaca have another suggestion- break up the nation and set up an independent state with the mine at its heart.

As forces of the leader of the latest revolution converge on the town, Nostromo, the incorruptible and indispensable “Capataz de Cargadores” is asked to take a lighter loaded with the latest shipment of silver offshore so that the revolutionaries won’t get hold of it. An accident as he is leaving port means Nostromo has to hide the silver on an island in the bay whilst he returns to the town to take on yet another perilous mission.

Set around the turn of the 19th/20th century, this novel looks at the destructive nature of economic colonisation by capitalist nations on those countries whose resources they exploit whilst taking no responsibility for the impacts of their actions. The major capital investment in the mine comes from America but neither Britain or Spain escape Conrad's scorn, Gould is English, and Spain, through its historical economic control of the continent. All the major characters in the book, and in Sulaca, are foreigners either by birth or heritage, while the indigenous natives are relegated to being poor helpless pawns and onlookers.

Costaguana is apparently based on Colombia, but in terms of its political identity, it could be any one of a number of Southern or Central American, or even African states who were colonised and their people and natural resources exploited.

Nostromo is an incomer, Italian, but for him wealth is not the major motivation instead he wants to be respected, for his character, integrity and courage. The leaders of Sulacan society trust him absolutely and turn to him whenever they have a problem but they never treat him as one of their own. This treatment eventually takes its toll on the very integrity for which he is so valued. However, the corrosive nature of greed is also a major element of this book.

Gould is a third generation resident of Costaguana, but sent home to England to be educated and when it’s time to marry, naturally selects an English bride. None of this makes him feel he doesn't have the right to use his economic power to influence the politics of this country with little concern for the needs of its people. Nostromo, Gould and his wife, Emilia, are particularly well drawn but then so too are many of the secondary characters.

In some respects this is one of the more straight forward Conrad novels that I've read, however, its fragmented time-line and a text that is sprinkled with Spanish terms meant that I really had to concentrate and back-track on a few occasions so as to keep a handle on what was happening. All of which meant IMHO it falls short in comparison with say Heart of Darkness or even The Secret Agent, a real shame because despite being written over 100 years ago I feel that Conrad's message is insightful and unfortunately still relevant today.
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Original publication date

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