
by Sawyer Bennett

Digital audiobook, 2014



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Tantor Audio (2015), Edition: Unabridged Audiobook, Downloadable WMA/ MP3 Audiofile, 9 hrs 57 mins


Hockey star Alexander Crossman has a reputation as a cold-hearted player on and off the ice. Pushed into the sport by his alcoholic father, Alex isn't afraid to give fans the proverbial middle finger, relishing his role as the MVP they love to hate. Management, however, isn't so amused. Now Alex has a choice, fix his public image through community service or ride the bench. But Alex refuses to be molded into the Carolina Cold Fury poster boy . . . not even by a tempting redhead with killer curves. As a social worker, Sutton Price is accustomed to difficult people like Alex, who's been assigned to help her create a drug-abuse awareness program for at-risk youth as part of the Fury's effort to clean up his image. What she doesn't expect is the arrogant smirk from his perfect lips stirring her most heated fantasies. But Sutton isn't one to cross professional boundaries-and besides, Alex doesn't do relationships . . . or does he? The more she sees behind Alex's bad-boy facade, the more Sutton craves the man she uncovers.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Books007
Cold Fury Hockey series...I am your newest fan! If you like a slightly potty-mouthed, smoking hot Alpha males - you have found your book! A contemporary, sports romance that doesn't disappointed.

Sutton and Alex have great chemistry and the story, while nothing shockingly new, is still interesting.
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Bad boy neeeds reforming, good girl needs his help. Favorite moments (after you read it, you will totally get it!): tapping on the glass (yep - you got my attention!!), the door scene (I honestly think that was one of the hottest moments I've read in a while) and last but not least, the signs...oh, those signs. *sigh* And there are LOTS of steamy scenes too, if that's your thing.

I definitely recommend this book and can't wait to read more in this series myself.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review for Netgalley.
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LibraryThing member JulieD2
I enjoyed this hot 'sports' romance very much, I say sports, but theirs not much in the sports action in the story at all really, but theirs plenty of hot steamy romance to keep the reader happy.
Alexander Crossman is the hot professional hockey player who's had a tragic past, being forced by his
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alcoholic father to be the best on the rink. Now that he is, he doesn't relish playing at all, and management want him to clean his public image up with community service or he's out on the bench.
Social worker Sutton Price can't believe her luck when she's told the Carolina Cold Fury hockey team are going to aid her in her drug-abuse awareness program until she meets Alex, who's very arrogant and doesn't really want to be there at all.
These two characters had a lot in common as both had had difficult upbringings
with drug abuse being the common factor. And as their relationship gets closer and they get to know one another I loved how story unfolded and we get to see the true characters, and Sutton's brother Glenn and family were great.
If you like a little sports fun with hot romance I highly recommend this book and I'm looking forward to the next book in this very entertaining series.
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LibraryThing member dlynch
Alex (Cold Fury Hockey #1) by Sawyer Bennett

Professional athlete, Alexander Crossman is a phenomenal hockey player, unfortunately the fans hate him. Cold Fury Management gives him an ultimatum to fix his reputation through a community service campaign as the Furies spokesman. Little did they know
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how the program they chose would hit close to home.

When I first started reading this story, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. I love hockey and Alex, the main character who is an excellent professional hockey player hates the game – sacrilege! As I continued reading there was a very good explanation for his feeling that alter by the end of the novel. To be quite honest, if having gone through Alex’s childhood, I would have felt the same way.

I felt for Alex. He had a horrible childhood being raised by an alcoholic abusive father who had affected him into adulthood. I could not believe some of the things he suffered through. After meeting social worker, Sutton Price, and seeing how she handled a similar upbringing, he wants to become a better person. I appreciate that he admits his jealousy and faults. Although not an easy journey, Alex transforms throughout the novel into a person that he wants to be.

Sutton is a remarkable character. She turned a negative situation into something positive, trying to help others that suffer through similar abusive upbringings. No longer living with her birth father, her step-father and family have a strong supportive relationship that helps make that possible. She is a light for Alex, that came along at the perfect time.

Sawyer Bennett wrote a powerful story, with real-world issues. Alex is a compelling and emotional novel that is well worth the read. I really enjoyed the ending, it was quite clever.

I truly liked Alex’s teammate, Garrett, in this book. He became a good friend, something that Alex wasn’t used to. I look forward to reading his story in: Garrett (Cold Fury Hockey #2) which is expected to be released on February 17, 2015.

Complimentary copy provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member amdrane2
I've got to admit, I really didn't like Alex when he was introduced. He was exactly what all the fans thought of him, MVP, which in this case stands for most valuable prick. But I can say with all honesty, even though there were still times I wanted to shake the crap outta him, I fell
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head-over-heels for him right along with Sutton. He turned from complete jerk to compete heart throb. Sutton was a great character, too. She had a bad childhood that she turned into a fantastic career instead of wallowing in a pity party the way a lot of people might do. I just loved everything about this book and can't wait for more of these guys from the Cold Fury. And of course, there was a good balance of actual hockey in there, which is always a bonus.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
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LibraryThing member arthistorychick
Alex by Sawyer Bennett
Series: Book #1:Cold Fury Hockey Series
Source: ARC from author
My Rating: 4½/5 stars

Holy hockey puck, Batman!!! Alex is the first book in Sawyer Bennett’s new Cold Fury Hockey series and it is one smonkin’ hot read that has me seriously considering becoming a HUGE hockey
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fan. This character-driven read is full of action, drama, lust and, some ice-melting (yeah, I went there ) naughty bits.

Alex: Super-asshole Alex Crossman is hands-down this is my favorite character!! From the minute I met Alex I knew I wanted to both punch him and lick him. Alex’s past, and in particular his childhood is one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Alex’s father was – and still is - a drunk bastard with little to no regard for his son’s well-being. The only interest Alex’s father has ever had in him relates to how good of a hockey player he is. In the years since he left his father’s house, Alex has hardened himself against any and all attachments. He is painfully clear about his feelings toward humanity and, everyone, including his long-time teammates know to steer clear. Alex is a self-described asshole with absolutely no desire to change until the second he meets Sutton Price.

Sutton: Sutton Price is the kind of character you either absolutely love or absolutely hate. She is pure sunshine with an effervescent personality that is hard to tame. Sutton works as a drug counselor and though she sees a lot of back sliding and falling off the wagon, she is optimistic and determined to stay positive and help where she is able. Like Alex, Sutton had a pretty terrible childhood but unlike Alex, she didn’t let it define her. Given what she has overcome in her life and what she faces on a regular basis with her job, Alex Crossman is nothing she can’t handle. In fact, Sutton makes it very clear the day she meets Alex that his asshole attitude is not only completely unintimidating but less awful than what she faces on a regular basis.

Alex is difficult and testy while Sutton is optimistic and able to give as good as she gets. Sutton refuses to let Alex shirk his responsibilities where their project is concerned and Alex refuses to allow Sutton to go one more day knowing nothing about hockey. Though Sutton is not at all confused about she feels for Alex and what she wants with him, Alex is definitely confused. Sutton opens Alex’s world and before he knows it, he is experiencing life in a way he never knew possible. On a purely physical level, Alex and Sutton are volcanic in their hotness. Once those two decide the time is right, there is no stopping them and it is some damn good reading. Of course, it wouldn’t be a truly good (dare I say great?) read without some drama and Bennett certainly heaps it on her characters.

The Bottom Line: I’m not afraid to say this twice – HOLY HOCKEY PUCK, BATMAN!! Alex is a thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish. While I don’t generally care for assholes, Alex owns his attitude and more importantly, when he meets Sutton, he proves to everyone that he can be a better man, he can change. Alex’s struggle with his past and his future plays a heavy role in this read and I liked watching his evolution. Bennett doesn’t make Alex perfect and she doesn’t give him an easy road filled with roses, bunnies and, chocolate. Alex’s road is hard and he screws up, a lot!! Sutton is completely delightful and yes, I fall on the side of loving her. She doesn’t take any sh*t off Alex and more importantly, she is patient and willing to help Alex. Sutton’s optimism is infectious and she has a wonderful impact on Alex and his world. If you haven’t already figured it out, I sort of really, really, really enjoyed this read. In fact, I actually squeaked a few times while reading this one 

P.S. I don’t often comment on the covers of the books I read but I feel compelled to in this instance. The cover of Alex is so completely tied to the read and I love it. The model and the pose both describe the character perfectly and I really do like it when a cover synchs up so perfectly with the read.
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LibraryThing member Obsessed-by-Books
I received an arc in exchange for an honest review.

First things first I have to say I loved MVP and the meaning, it's fantastic.

This book is like a breath of fresh air and so easy to follow and get involved in the story. It is well written and has fantastic characters.

Another fabulous read from
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this autho
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LibraryThing member mullgirl
Loved it. I'm trying to decide if it was entirely on its own merits or if some of that love came from my luke warm to active dislike of Taking Shots by Aleo (which I'm stuck at 80% on ).

This is really a good one for sporty luciousness. I'm usually fairly annoyed by the she's so sweet and good and
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he's so so bad, but her sacchariney goodness can turn him into a guy with a heart of gold story. But this one worked. I think it's because she seems real. She has dealt with the crap she was raised through and come out on the other side with some hope and optimism but enough of a sense of how the world actually works to not be too surprised when the crap still hits. She knows life isn't all rainbows out of unicorn arses.

He's flawed, deeply so from his upbringing as well and can't seem to shake it off as he grows. It's actually a little heart breaking to see how, we, all of us, yearn for parental approval--even when we as adults know that what our parent wants is not necessarily what is actually best. Alex is a complicated character. And Bennett takes the time to let them explore friendship a little. There's certainly instant attraction and chemistry, but you can buy into the progression and you have a little time to do it. I think it also helps that you get the sense that Alex was finally read for a major life/attitude change. Which *I* know is a real thing... you can have every special snowflake come across your path for days upon days, but until you're ready to let your guard down a little and let life change around you, the special snowflake is meaningless. Goodness, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy!

In any case, it was sweet, it was riveting and the characters were multi-faceted. I plan to read more in this series and other work from Bennett.
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LibraryThing member Bette_Hansen
An exciting read to kick off a new series! I loved, loved, loved this book. Incredible writing and characters. Alex is a big man with a big attitude that is taken down by a small loving woman. What more do you want? Can't wait to read Garrett's story. I highly recommend you start this series with
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Alex and then hang on!
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
A professional hockey player who hates hockey? I have to admit, the idea sounded more than a little far-fetched. But Ms. Bennett made me believe it could happen with Alex Crossman's story. Fortunately, she also gave him a way to pull himself out of the misery that his life had become--Sutton Price.
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I loved the connection the two had right from the start, when she didn't have a clue who he was (other than gorgeous, and late for their appointment) and knew nothing about hockey.

She had to Google "hat trick". After Alex got one.

I loved watching him start to like, and then love the game again, almost as much as I enjoyed watching their relationship grow. It did take an awful lot of work for Alex to finally get himself to the point where he realized that he actually did need to work on his relationships--with his teammates, with his family, and with Sutton. But when he finally committed himself? Watch. Out.

And his grand gesture to get Sutton back after he nearly ruined it all? Priceless. I'm going to be watching Love, Actually again very, very soon. :)

(And for the record, Alex, Garrett is in no way "a girl". I've already read his book, and I can attest to that fact wholeheartedly. Though that part was very amusing as well.)

Rating: 4 stars / A-
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LibraryThing member pcorrea3
Major hockey fan here and Sawyer scored a hat trick on this one. Loved how she took a star that hates the game and a girl that knows nothing and puts them together and makes it work. Alex was a real ass, and needed a serious attitude adjustment so his team’s management threw him into this
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community project that paired him up with Sutton. She was totally into her job and could care less that he was a famous hockey star, until she started to get to know the real him. The totally hotness that is Alex is not something that is pushing her off either. It was fun to read about Sutton learning about the game. I loved how her family took in Alex and treated him like any other normal person, except for her brother of course. And I loved how Alex took to Sutton’s brother and treated him like he was something special. This book was really great and I cannot wait to get my hands on book 2.
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LibraryThing member Narshkite
Sweet and sexy and light as air. Sutton was a saint -- if she had gotten mad on occasion it would have helped. Still I enjoyed it while I was reading it (though I assume I will completely forget it inside a week.)


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