Savor the Danger

by Lori Foster

Other authorsJim Frangione (Reader)
CD audiobook, 2011



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Recorded Books (2011), Edition: Unabridged audiobook, 11 CDs, 13 hrs 15 mins


Fiction. Romance. HTML:The one woman he couldn't have was the only woman he desired... She may be aloof, and more pretty than gorgeous, but Alani Rivers is the kind of woman a hot-blooded mercenary can't forget, no matter how hard he tries. So when Jackson Savor wakes up next to the naked, sleeping beauty�??with no memory of what happened�??he knows he's been drugged...even if Alani doesn't. After she was kidnapped, Alani vowed never to trust another man again. Still, something about this strong, sexy hero with the tender touch makes her want to believe him. As Jackson hunts down a mysterious intruder, he swears he'll move heaven and earth to keep Alani safe. But what really happened that night? And will the truth bring them closer than they ever thought possible�??or put Alani squarely in harm's w… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Received for Review
Overall Rating 4.00
Story Rating 4.00
Character Rating 4.00
Supporting Animals 5.00+
(It is one of the many things I love about Lori Foster is her support of animals and animal shelters)

NOTE: I will admit while reading this getting very mad thinking it was the end of the story for
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this wonderful group of people. Then I went to Lori's website and found out book 4 is in 2012 so I am happy again!

What I Loved: Can we just package up the whole group and give them one big group hug? The sense of family, friends, and strong ties that runs through this series is wonderful. The action is intense and well-balanced. The story-lines are paced really well and combine just the right amount of romance/action. The characters are all complex and incredibly loyal. The whole series was enjoyable to me!

What I Liked: In this specific story, I was thrilled at how the "action" part of the story played out. It was more reminiscent of the Dare/Molly storyline, in that we weren't sure who the villain was or really who they were after. I enjoy trying to figure out those mysteries as they roll along.

Complaints: None

Why I gave a 4.0: This was a fun summer action read with romance to die for. I think if you have liked the other books in the series you won't be disappointed in this one!
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LibraryThing member Urbanfan
Savor the Danger is my favorite book from The Edge of Honor series by Lori Foster. Jackson Savor, who is introduced to readers in Trace of Fever, is one of the most appealing men I’ve read in an alpha male series. He has a more southern way about him, an almost uncouth way of “in your face”,
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yet not offending. He has crazy fighting skills, and looks to melt any woman. Combine this with a good heart, sense of duty and honor, and how can you not like this character?

I have to say the reason this book is my favorite is all about Jackson. There is just something how Lori Foster wrote him that draws me in. I like a guy who doesn’t hold back and tells you like it is, but can also be sensitive and caring at the appropriate time. Somehow he pulls off crass, hot, and debonair all at the same time. And his sense of humor, I love it. I laughed out loud at one scene where another male character tries to be tough and starts bouncing around like a prize fighter. Jackson tucks in his chin and says, “What the hell?” I can just see the “what in the world” look on his face at this guy trying to prize fight a mercenary like Jackson.

Readers first meet Jackson when he helps Trace in Trace of Fever, and then we get a glimpse of his interest into Alani, Trace’s sister who we meet in book #1, When You Dare. I liked Alani from the start and her pairing with Jackson has enough tension and suspense to keep the reader engaged and wanting to know more. The fact that Jackson has had time to pursue and know Alani besides just this book is an element I appreciated. It felt more real for these two since there is a history there, not just a girl in trouble and the guy saves the day. I also like the added “complication” with Arizona. Not going to say much here, but we get a glimpse into what I’m hoping is going to be the next story with a true bad ass female!

I like how Foster has tied the books in the series together and it feels like one seamless story when going in order. The guys all working to end as much of the human trafficking organization is a great plot point. The ending to Savor the Danger I really enjoyed as well. It’s different than the other two books in the series and I’ve got to say, found myself jealous of Ms. Alani in the end. ;) I recommend Savor the Danger to any suspense and romance fans, but read the books in order. It is well worth the time.
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LibraryThing member dasuzuki
This is my third book from Lori Foster and let me just say her books are amazing! Her first book in this series blew me away, the second faltered a bit but she definitely came back strong in this one. In fact one of the only major faults I had was the cover. I know, I know, don't judge a book by
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it's cover. But come on! All through out the book we see how studly Jackson is and how he turns every woman's head from young to old. The guy on the cover definitely did not fit how I pictured Jackson. But let's move on to the actual story.

I loved Jackson when we first met him in Trace of Fever so I was over the moon when I saw this book was focusing on him. All the ladies will be swooning over Jackson as they read this book as he's almost like your dream man. He's hot, he's lethal, he fights to protect those who can't protect themselves and he stops to save a poor kitten even with craziness going on around him. How could you not love a guy like that? There are hints that he does have a secret that he thinks will turn Alani against him but that was pretty obvious what it was but the twist on this character's personality and actions did come as a surprise.

Alani was a fun character. She wasn't quite the force Molly and Pris were in the previous two books but that is quite fitting as she's young and has been very sheltered by her brother, Trace, up until the point she was kidnapped. The only thing that bothered me was she fell prey to the problem of a supposedly smart woman making stupid moves all in the name of trying to show no man is the boss of her. I really don't get why these women sometimes feel the need to shoot themselves in the foot to try and prove their independence. Still I did enjoy her character.

One of my favorite parts was watching the interplay between Alani and Jackson and Trace and Dare as they all learn how to deal with the awkwardness of Jackson bedding his boss's sister. Trace and Jackson are so similar that it's funny trying to see Trace be all disapproving over the relationship and realizing that his baby sister has grown up.

It's hard for me to say if this one was my favorite or if Dare's story was my favorite but either way this is definitely a series to pick up!
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LibraryThing member MaryinHB
No one does romantic suspense better than Lori Foster. This one will curl your toes, seriously. I thought I would take this one to the beach and maybe read a few chapters. I ended up finding shade just so I could finish it. Even with the ocean breeze I was hot. I didn't read the first two in the
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series, but that in no way ruined this one since it was easy to pick up on Alani and her world and how it collides with Jackson Savor. The story picks up on the sex trade and the evil behind it which is not an easy subject to take on, but Foster does an excellent job with something so unsavory.

Jackson is a man who can handle everything from romance to kicking butt and he meets his match in Alani. Ok, so he has a thing for strays, especially cats, but I can forgive this hunk almost anything. Alani is just as tough but has a terrible backstory and really needs the love and support she receives from Jackson even though he doesn't realize that the relationship is what his life is lacking. Rather than a true suspense, this one reads more like a mystery with a lot of heart stopping moments and some seriously hot romance. I need to go back and get the rest of the series.
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LibraryThing member cinful1121
I really liked this one. Jackson is a laid back alpha male type guy that you just can't help but like. Alani has been through hell and is a bit timid but she musters through with grit and loyaltly which is admirable. I am interested in both Arizona and Spencer who will be featured in the next
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installment coming sometime in 2012. I do hope Alani is preggo cuz I think that would just be cute and I think they are the best couple so far introduced to be the 1st to go down that road. I would definitly recommend this book it was cute and well paced. Oh and Jackson did have some hot parts that added some steam ;)
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LibraryThing member themusescircle
Wow. Let me say that again. WOW. I am not sure why I waited so long to read this book when I plowed through the other two in Lori Foster's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. Maybe I just needed a break or got distracted with something else. Whatever the reason, Savor the Danger was excellent! I
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absolutely loved the first book in the series, When You Dare. Even though I liked Trace's story in Trace of Fever, it still couldn't touch book 1. Now after reading the the third in the series, I am torn as to which book was better-- When You Dare or Savor the Danger. What I am even more excited about is the fact that the series is not ending. Foster did a good job introducing us to Arizona and her future Alpha hero Spencer.

This series, in my opinion, is quite refreshing. I love my alpha male--type romance novels, and lately real good ones are hard to find. Recently, I have been disappointed with my 3 "go to" authors when I need an alpha male fix-- Lora Leigh, Christine Feehan, and Sherrilyn Kenyon. These authors used to be masters at weaving hot, hunky, dominate male heroes and the women they fall in love with. Each of these authors have long running series that just are running out of steam.

In the meantime, Lori Foster put out these 3 great stories within months of each other and I can honestly say, hands down, she is my new favorite author when it comes to alpha heroes.

I look forward to A Perfect Storm, book 4 in the Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. It's just a shame I have to wait until 2012 to read it!
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LibraryThing member Conkie
Redundant. Relentless. Unimaginative. Could be reduced from 11.25 to 3-4 hrs without losing much plot-wise (except gratuitous sex).
LibraryThing member Nikk1s
I really enjoyed this book. Jackson was fun and sexy when he was introduced to us in Trace of Danger and his story really gave us his best. I think all the fans of the series wanted to see Alani find herself and overcome the tragedy that happened to her and I, for one, was not disappointed. I think
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the author kept the leads true to themselves and it created a fun and romantic story. This book offers enough backstory for any reader to jump in here, but I recommend you start at the beginning of the series so you don't deny yourself the pleasure of great characters and a fun and interesting storyline.
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LibraryThing member TabathaV
Holy Mother of… ALL THINGS HOLY!

You guys know how I feel about my Romantic Suspense & Foster seems to my blow socks off EVERY freaking time! I literally waiting through TWO books and lord only knows how many months to read Alani’s story, but it was well worth the wait! I knew I would fall in
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love with Spencer and Alani’s story, just as I did with Dare and Trace’s stories. I just didn’t realize how much I would fall in love. This story runs a very close second. right there behind Trace and Priss. Which is just a little interesting, seeing how Alani is Trace’s sister. Awesomeness must run in their family, because these two have it in SPADES.

Spencer happens to be part of the same – you are the scum of the earth, I would love nothing more than the make sure you stop breathing – group that Dare and Trace belong to. However, how he came about belonging in this group, is one amazing story in itself. It’s also one of those “you have to read it for yourself” type of stories, but make sure that you have some tissue handy when you do! Our amazingly hotter than sex itself, Jackson, has had his eye on Alani for awhile. Keeping his distance and letting her come to terms and learn to cope with everything that happened to her, he kept this information to himself. Though, anyone with eyes could see it! So, imagine his surprise when he wakes up in bed, next to her, with no recollection at all as to what happened or why. (Dude; YES PLEASE! – I would so not even ask why or what happened if I woke up next to this ball of freaking hotness that is Jackson!) Being in the line of duty that he is, he instantly knows drugs were involved and sets out on a mission to figure out just who had the balls to drug him and why. Of course, he brings along Dare, Trace, and since she has the same stubborn streak Trace does, Alani is along for the ride also.

Oh the reasons this book rocked my world are seemingly endless right about now. Jackson is pretty much everything I look for in an Alpha male. Alani is pretty freaking strong in her own right, which works in my favor because I cannot stand the, “woe is me – I’m not much smarter than a fish“, heroines. Yes, bad things happened to to her, hell to both of them, yet they through on their camies and Soldier’d right on through that mess. Watching the two of them battle every demon that the past threw their way, along with some pretty hideous demons the present day was tossing to them and one very protective brother, you can’t help but root for the two of them. Seriously, if I owned a Cheer outfit with some Pom Poms – I would have been all over that!

Me, my tissue box and my heartstrings loved every minute of this book!
Kudos Mrs. Foster, Kudos.
“We have to figure this out, Jackson, so leash the lust.”
His chin went up as he stared down at her. “Woman, you ask the impossible.”
“Do it anyway!”
― Lori Foster, Savor the Dange
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
Ugh. Just couldn't make myself finish this one--I knew it was a bad sign when the first thing I'd do when turning on my ereader was check to see what page I was on and how many I had left to go--a step I repeated about every five minutes or so. Finally I just gave up...right about the time Alani,
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Molly, and Priss all had their cozy little how-many-times-a-day-my-guy-can-do-it talk. (Yep. 'Cause who doesn't want to have that discussion with their sister-in-law?) Just couldn't take it anymore. Not one person in it spoke, thought, or acted even remotely close to the way real human beings do. I refuse to believe that the internal thought process of an alpha male can be anything like they are depicted here. It's just not possible--I most sincerely hope. Book one was fairly good, two was eh...okay, but this one was just too much. I kept hoping that we could go a half a page at least without sex coming up, but it never happened in the 214 pages I read. I won't be waiting for book four (if there is one) from my library, that's for sure.
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LibraryThing member Author_AndriaLarge
Really good. Jackson is funny and sexy and just an all around great guy. I really enjoyed the book
LibraryThing member msralways
Totally my favorite so far in the series. Absolutely. I already loved Jackson from Trace's book and now I'm completely his to do as he wishes. LOL. Alani completely threw me off of what I was thinking she was going to be and that was a nagging, weak and clingy heroine. I am so freaking glad to be
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wrong about her. She was incredible and had so much strenght that she was the perfect match for Jackson.
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LibraryThing member dearheart
Jackson has been trying to get together with Alani ever since he’d first met her. But Trace’s innocent sister won’t let him get close, still trying to adjust after having been kidnapped by human traffickers. So imagine his surprise when he wakes up to find her naked in his bed with a languid,
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satisfied smile on her face and he can’t recall a thing. Sicker than a dog, he finally realizes he’d been slipped a roofie, but by whom and why? It also becomes obvious that Alani is in danger and when things start happening, it’s no longer clear to them just which of them is being targeted.

One of the things the author does best is characters and making the reader feel like part of the growing family as each book increases that inner circle. All of the good guys met in the prior books in this series—with the exception of Matt the hairdresser—are on hand. This adds a level of humor as Trace, and even Dare, see Alani as just their innocent little sister.

On the whole I enjoyed the story, although I have to say the “What does the other person really think of me?” thoughts take up a lot of the story, as does the sex. Alani not only questions but balks at any order, even if it’s to keep her safe and the secrecy of what the guys do drives her nuts.

Jackson’s character is easy to appreciate, not just with looks but with his actions. One thing just doesn’t ring true for me and that’s the explanation of how he is so good at what he does. A construction worker who likes to work out, bulk up and not afraid of a fight and has a driving urge to protect others just doesn’t become some expert in stealth and handling weapons without some kind of specialized training. But that aspect is easy to ignore as he constantly proves himself more than competent.

An enjoyable read and we meet the characters, Arizona and Spencer, who are showcased in the next book. I’m looking forward to that.
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LibraryThing member BethanyMoore
Another good one. I have to say, I liked Jackson a lot more than Dare or Trace, but I'm intrigued by Spencer... I think the next one will be even better.


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