Already Home

by Susan Mallery

Other authorsTeri Clark Linden (Reader)
Digital audiobook, 2011



Call number



Brilliance Audio (2012), Edition: Unabridged Audiobook, Downloadable WMA/MP3 Audiofile, 10 hrs 32 mins


"After nearly a decade as a sous-chef in a trendy eatery, Jenna is desperate for a change. She's supported her ex-husband's dreams for so long that she can't even remember her own. Until she sees a for-lease sign near her parents' home and envisions her very own cooking store Her crash course in business is aided by a streetwise store manager and Jenna's adoptive mother. But just as she's gaining a foothold in her new life, in walk her birth parents--aging hippies on a quest to reconnect with their firstborn. Now Jenna must figure out how to reconcile the free-spirited Serenity and Tom with her traditional parents, deal with her feelings for a new love interest and decide what to do about her ex's latest outrageous request. In the end, Jenna will find that there is no perfect family, only the people we love..."--P. [4] of cover.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member ZosiaCanberra
There’s something you should take into consideration before reading this: it’s women’s fiction. If you read Susan Mallery’s romance books, don’t come into Already Home expecting more of the same.

It has to be mentioned that this cover is gorgeous! I’d probably buy the book based on the
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cover alone, even though it doesn’t have that much to do with the story!

This isn’t a perfect book, and it’s not the normal kind of thing I’d give a high rating to, but somehow it sucked me in and I couldn’t stop reading. I’ve recently discovered I love books like this; in women’s fiction the characters are allowed to screw things up and do things you won’t find in romance.

The main focus of Already Home is on Jenna and her two mothers. She was adopted at birth, and raised in a family she really loves. But one day her birth parents walk into her new store, and the mother in particular pretty much takes over her life.
I must admit I knew from early on exactly what was going on with these birth parents. I do wish Jenna had figured it out sooner – there were so many clues – but then it wouldn’t have worked for the story.

This book features a lot of characters, and while there are a few small elements of romance, at its heart is Jenna’s kitchen-related store. She was a talented chef and has just escaped a terrible marriage, and Violet – the woman she hires to work for her – has doozy of a past. While both end up finding love, the relationships are in the background in the story, and it’s a while in getting there.

What Already Home is about is relationships between women. Jenna and her adoptive mother. Jenna and her birth mother. Jenna and Violet. Violet and Jenna’s two mothers.

There were some aspects of the story I found I really appreciated. I liked that Violet only told her past to the one person it was important to tell. She had a dreadful backstory, and I expected some big revelation scene, and was happy not to get it. I liked that the people around Jenna had different ideas about how she should handle suddenly having a new family, and I liked that she didn’t just fall into agreement with the new man in her life. I liked that what was going on with this man was slow to develop, and complicated. I really liked that there were screwed-up characters who didn’t find a perfect ending.

I appreciated that people behaved sensibly in this book. If someone overreacted to a situation they were able to admit it and try and fix the problem. This was one of those things you find more often in women’s fiction than in romance, and it was a nice relief to find mature and sensible characters!

Susan Mallery’s romantic entry for The Knitting Diaries: The Twenty-First WishComing UnraveledHome to Summer Island is loosely related to this book, and features Robyn, the woman who owns the shop next door to Jenna’s.

Already Home isn’t one of those books that’s going to blow you away and change your life. But for me it crept up slowly, drawing me in and making me care about what was happening with all of those people. I really enjoyed reading this, and would love to read more books in this style from this writer.
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LibraryThing member Brie.Clementine
I have enjoyed almost everything I’ve read by Susan Mallery, some of her books I liked more than others, and some of them are pure gold. I believe this book falls into the last category.

Already Home is about a group of women whose lives get mixed together by different reasons. Jenna is recently
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divorced and is back at home, her self-esteem has gotten such a huge blow that she is even changing careers, she used to be a chef but now feels so insecure that is starting a cookware store. Violet is also insecure in her personal life, but for a complete different set of reasons, she comes to the store looking for a job, and quickly a friendship ensures between the two of them.

On the other hand is Beth, she is Jenna’s adoptive mother, and she is happy that her daughter is back in town, but is worried about her. And then, along comes Serenity, she is Jenna’s birth mother and has come to meet her daughter. Needless to say that Jenna is shocked and not too happy about it.

This book has a lot going on, but Susan tells the story in a way that it doesn’t feel confusing, or complicated, and she treats every character as a leading lady, they all get the spotlight at the right time, and that gave me the opportunity to get to know each one of them, and specially let me connect and relate to them.

I loved both Jenna and Violet, I liked how they were aware of their flaws, and I liked how they each learned from their mistakes. I think Violet’s story in particular had the potential to become a soap fest and a melodrama, but it never felt that way, and I am really glad, I think is great to have wounded characters, but there is a fine line between sympathy and pity. Jenna’s reaction to Serenity was realistic, and the development of their relationship was slow and full of highs and lows.

Beth’s character was also real, at first she reacts almost too good and carefree to Serenity, but then she cracks and the insecurities start to show. Serenity was perhaps my least favorite character, but it was more of a personal reaction, I didn’t really understand the reasons behind her showing up like that, and that is part of the plot, you have to read the entire book to find out, but she was just too wise, too perfect, sometimes she rubbed me the wrong way.

You will notice that I haven’t mentioned any romance, and that is because this is not really a romance novel, yes, there are love interests for both Violet and Jenna, but they play a secondary role, and in this case that is ok because the book is about other types of love, the love between friends, the love between mother and daughter, the love between married couples, the love between siblings, and self-love. If you expect a book where the main couple relationship gets all the attention, then don’t read this one, there are lots of different POVs in this one, but they are all the women’s, I don’t think there was any need for us to get into the men’s heads though, their intentions towards the heroines were really clear.

I did feel that the ending was a bit rushed, maybe the book would have benefited by some extra pages, or perhaps an epilogue (although I’m not much of a fan of those), there were some actions and decisions left unexplained, and we do get the certainty that everything is going to just fine, and the girls do get their HEA, but maybe it would have been nice to see it. And yeah, the very last sentence was really, really corny, at least for my taste.

Overall it was a wonderful story, very heartening, I laugh, I cried, it kept me glued to my seat, and after reading it I feel the need to recommend it to everyone. Go and buy it, and if this is your first encounter with Susan Mallery (although I don’t think there is a fan of romance out there that is not familiar with her) go and check her backlist because she is very talented, and this book was the perfect example of that.
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LibraryThing member Cats57
Susan Mallery - Already Home

After breaking up with her chef husband who was a philanderer, Jenna (who is also a chef) needs to get a life of her own. She seems to find one when she buys a store and starts to convert it to a cookware store. With the help of newly hired store manager, Violet, who is
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a bit of an unusual character with an interesting back round, Jenna starts to make a ‘go’ at her store.
Now Jenna has always know she was adopted and never cared to know who her birth parents were…but fate has a way of demanding that you change your mind about how things should be. And she finds this out the hard way when her ‘aging hippie’ parents show up out of the blue.
This was a complex story, but not a romance as we have come to love from Ms Mallery. Instead of a romance, this was more of a story about how an adult child of adoption handles her birth parents coming to find her. In addition, the sub-story from Violet is one that some sensitive people may find difficult to read.

Unfortunately, the things that should have been a surprise to the reader were so obvious throughout the story, that I never felt the strong emotion that I’m sure Ms Mallery was trying to evoke.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
Let's start with the cover of this book... just look at it.... I mean, this is the type of book I'd buy just because of its stunning cover. But once I opened its pages I knew that this is the type of book that you enjoy owning because you just want to own it.

When Jenna's husband betrays her, she
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leaves her home and career as a sous-chef in L.A. and returns to her small hometown in Texas to rebuild her life. She decides to switch gears and opens a cookware store where she meets a slew of characters (some family, some friends, some customers) who play important roles in her coming to terms with the lemons life has given her.

I love stories where the dynamics of relationships are the main focus and that is what you will find in Already Home. Jenna's friendship with Violet, her love for her adoptive mother and that of her biological mother, even her feelings for a new suitor are at the forefront of this story.

Although Jenna is our leading lady, you also meet Violet, a young woman who begins working with Jenna with her own skeletons in the closet. There is a lot going on and there are a lot of characters that you are introduced to that have their own side stories. Ms. Mallery is an expert storyteller for what I would normally find to be too busy, was rather uncomplicated. She gave you time with each of her characters giving you a chance to know them and understand them which helped in distinguishing each one separately and in the end relating to and connecting with them.

As for romance, there was some romance, but it was almost like a side note. Instead, I found this to be a story about relationships, about friendships, about love, about finding and believing in oneself. My only concern was that I found that it ended rather abruptly. And while I do enjoy a happily-ever-after ending, I found that it ended on the right note -- leaving the reader feeling hopeful.

All in all, this was a very well-written, emotion-packed story. I loved its wonderful characters and surprisingly how much depth the story truly had. A great introduction to this author - I'll definitely be looking for more from her.
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LibraryThing member dhaupt
Newly divorced and recently moved back home Jenna Stevens is about to embark on a new life and new career from Sous-Chef to retail store owner. Little does she know that her life has not quite stopped spinning as she’s about to have more surprises fall at her feet.
Susan Mallery has brought us
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many heartwarming tales and Already Home is just another in that long list, in it she presents to us a storyline that is lived for real everyday in just about every locale across the globe, someone starting over with the help and support of her family. Then our author extraordinaire throws us a couple curve balls worthy of the MLB and as the plot takes it twists and turns the audience revels in the resulting chaos. She delivers this with dialogue that’s easy to understand and easy to read and a narrative that’s descriptive enough that we can easily picture her scenes in our heads. She gives us characters that are all memorable and imperative to the tale. Her main protagonist and heroine Jenna is a breath of fresh air with all those perfect Barbie like heroines out there we finally get one with substance and errors. Now don’t fret, yes this is a romance, and Jenna does get her knight in shining armor in the package of a holistic doctor named Ellington who is another bright spot on the character horizon. Where most authors would leave things there, our Ms. Mallery takes it a step or two further by bringing in more main characters, more problems and more solutions to really get our blood flowing, which of course works to perfection. The love scenes are very shadowy and hide behind the curtain of innuendo and vagueness and would not offend any reader but those of us all in favor of hot and spicy scenes, have no fear it’s plain enough that we’ll get it with no trouble at all.
Almost Home is telling us, it’s never too late to start over and you can go home again. It tells us that blood isn’t always thicker than water and family isn’t necessarily born into but made. It tells us that just because we fail at love once doesn’t mean we should give up, look long enough for it and it’ll come. So if all of that is what you look for in your romance, look no further and definitely put Already Home on your To Be Read pile right on top.
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LibraryThing member virginiahomeschooler
Having never read anything by Susan Mallery, I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this novel. I was initially intrigued by the cover. It's gorgeous. I tend to find myself choosing books based on the beautiful cover design, and often it's disappointing. Not so with Already Home. I loved just
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about everything about this novel, the engaging story, the well-written (and often flawed) characters, the little cook shop. Oh, how I wanted to pop into Grate Expectations and chat and cook with Jenna and Violet. While some of the plot points were a tad predictable, I found the book as a whole to be completely enjoyable and one I had a hard time putting down.

From just a quick glance at some of the other titles under Ms. Mallery's belt, it appears she's typically a romance novelist. Like I said, I've not read her other work, so I'm going strictly by titles and cover art, and I could be wrong. But in any case, it does appear she's branching out with Already Home. It's got romance, but I wouldn't call it a romance novel. There's too much substance to attach that narrow a label. If you enjoy really good women's fiction, this is definitely one to put on your to read list.
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LibraryThing member IandSsmom
This is a wonderful emotion charged story! Loved the characters and felt for all of them. They all had their own things going on but were all connected so it was easy to keep track! So many plot twists and turns! Just kept me intrested all the way through!!
LibraryThing member ForSix
There are a couple things I want to tell you right off the bat. This is my first Susan Mallery novel. I actually requested this because my sister is a fan of hers. I figured it was time I checked her out myself. I expected your typical “chick lit” type novel, a simple story with a happy ending.
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Man was I surprised when I got to the bones of the story.

Although the story was primarily about the return of Jenna’s birth parents, the highlight for me was the friendships the women shared and the relationships the women had with each other. They were each so different, yet very believable. Ms. Mallery has a gift. She writes in a way that makes it very easy to get invested in the characters. Thirty pages in and I felt a bond with them.

I was pretty much set not to like Jenna. By all accounts, she was just about perfect. I hate that in a character. Yet Ms. Mallery did something I didn’t expect, she gave her a touch of insecurity and self-doubt that endeared me to her. She wasn’t whiny, but real. She took what was meant to be defeating and turned it into triumph. She faced trials but never took on a defeated attitude. I couldn’t help but hope that things turned out for the best. I especially enjoyed her growing friendship with Violet.

I loved Violet, I want to be friends with Violet. I really enjoyed her journey. I liked that although hers was a supporting role, Ms. Mallery gave her story life. I don’t want to write too much about her journey because well, when I first read it, I had a total “Why The Face?” moment and I want you to have it too. Although hers was a secondary story, it was powerful enough without stealing Jenna’s thunder. The stories, as well as the characters and their friendships complimented each other rather well.

I think this is a great read. It’s powerful enough to tug at your heartstrings and bring a tear to your eye, yet it’s laced with humor and above all hope. I know this is only the beginning of my Susan Mallery journey. I look forward to reading more by her.
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LibraryThing member LFerris
I love it when a book makes you feel — be it humor that causes you to laugh out loud, the rush of adrenaline you get from a good action/thriller, or straight from the heart as you experience what the characters are going through. To do that is the sign of a great writer. That is what you find
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from Susan Mallery and her book Already Home.This is the story of Jenna Stevens and her return home to Central Texas to pick up the pieces of her life after a failed marriage. Little did she plan on the extra pieces of the puzzle and how they would change how she expected to fit into her life. What started out as a “coming to terms” story of her new post-marriage life and new business adventure takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of her birth parents and siblings.We feel her struggle to stay true to the only parents she has ever known, while being pushed to get to know the ones who gave her life. The interesting interaction and side story of the two mothers add to the layers of this story. One is the conventional and level headed glue that keeps her family together, the other a new age hippie, vegan who gets messages from the universe. Mix in her new assistant, a couple of brothers; Dragon and Wolf, a hot naturopathic healer and you have the recipe for a story that will take you to the emotional edge and back.The responses run the gambit of laughter, passion, and heartache that will have you clinging to the tissue box. It is not all sunshine and roses in Jenna’s life, but in true Susan Mallery fashion, in the end we do find that with patience and understanding true love can prevail.ARC from-NetGalleyPublisher-HarlequinAvailable - April 2011
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LibraryThing member bookchellef
Posted on Book Chelle.

I was drawn to Susan Mallery’s Already Home because of the cover. I know, I shouldn’t base my book choices on the cover, but could you blame me? It’s really pretty. And I fell in love with the story. It’s sweet, in every way imaginable. This story is a quick
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Already Home tells the story of Jenna. Jenna has just gotten out of a terrible marriage and has moved home to pick up the pieces. Jenna’s adopted parents have welcomed her home and support her in any way that they can. Formerly a sous chef, Jenna has decided to open a cooking store, complete with every necessity needed for the shopper’s own kitchen.

Unfortunately, Jenna’s experience is in the kitchen, and she does not have any retail experience. With the help of new found friend and employee, Violet, they quickly turn the store into a success. But that’s not all, ladies! Jenna’s birth mother shows up and stirs the pot. Well, it’s not in a negative way, but it does throw things off.

Jenna had a husband who wanted to be #1 and took the spotlight and credit for Jenna’s talent. It’s no wonder that she has to build up her self-esteem. Jenna, despite her issues, is determined to make a life for herself and be happy doing so. Jenna is talented and knows her way around the kitchen, but she does have a control issue. Once she opens her heart, Jenna then finds her way to happiness.

The relationship dynamic that Jenna has between her adoptive mother and her birth mother are so different. I can see the personality traits, from each mother, reflect within Jenna. I felt really bad for Jenna’s adoptive mother. She was supportive and allowed for the relationship between Jenna and her birth mother to mature naturally. Jenna’s birth mother was a hurricane, quickly invading Jenna’s life and not aware of her actions. It was hard to read because the emotions were real and raw.

Another supporting character is Violet. While Violet is different from Jenna, they each had their similarities. They fall into a fast friendship that I think they both needed. I’m glad that Violet’s bubbly and uplifting personality rubbed off on Jenna, she definitely needed it.

Already Home is another reason why I love Mallery’s work. It is such an emotionally satisfying read that will resonate in my mind for a while. I laughed and I cried. And the best part of the story? Women took a lead and the romance wasn’t the show stopper. Although, I did love the Happily Ever After.

For a great read, filled with love between family and friends, pick up Already Home.
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LibraryThing member Glenajo
Heart wrenching, and thought provoking, Jenna returns to her hometown after a marriage that culminated in divorce and the total loss of her self-esteem. Jenna jumps into opening a retail store, something that she has no experience with, and begins a journey back to a better life. When her birth
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mother comes on the scene, Jenna's foundation shakes. Great read, with enough tension in the plot to create interest, but a good positive ending.
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LibraryThing member mchwest
Fun, relaxing read, where everything ends nicely. Nothing wrong with that, I need to read more books like this!
LibraryThing member MinDaf
Jenna moved back home after her divorce. She on the spear of the moment plan opens up a Cooking Store. She hires Violet to assist her with the store they work well together to create good things with the store.

Jenna knows she has been adopted by two wonderful loving parents. They have given her
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all the love & support she needs. She hasn't really ever thought about finding her birth parents. They unexpected appear in her life. Jenna had a rough life with her ex-husband and has a lot of self doubt to over come. With the help of her parents and Violet she starts to regain her self confidence.

Violet also has a past that hasn't been very pretty. She meets a man that seems just perfect. However there is a lot more to Cliff the meets the eye.

I love Susan Mallery's books and this one is like all the rest. It was a Great read. There is a lot of family drama and emotions in this book that keeps you reading
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
This was a good book--it said a lot of really poignant things about families and relationships of all kinds and had a really powerful message overall. That said, I wanted to like it more than I actually did. The main character, Jenna, had a lot of things going on in her life all at once (divorce,
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starting over again in the town she grew up in, opening a new business in a very different field than her old career, meeting her birth parents...), which I get is hard, however, the way she dealt--or decided not to deal--got on my nerves at times. She was a bit too much "me, me, me" for my taste. Sure, she did have some right to self-absorption, up to a point, but she tended to take it too far. To a reader (and perhaps book characters who spend more time looking outside themselves rather than being focused inward quite so much) it was fairly obvious, I thought, why her birth parents chose this particular time to enter her life. I can see why many people would really enjoy this book; but for me, it might not have been the right time to read it.
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LibraryThing member acorley84
I loved this story from the first sentence. There aren't many stories that can capture me from the get-go and Susan was able to do that with her writing in this story. I liked the fact that even though it wasn't a mystery, you weren't able to predict what was going to happen next or look further
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into the story until it actually happened. You could sense that something was amiss, but you just couldn't quite put your finger on it. I loved every direction that the story took and how it all flowed so smoothly. It is just a lovable story! I loved the fact that is was a moving, touching, sometimes gut-wrenching story that didn't mainly consist of super cheesy romance that never really happens in one's life. I enjoyed the fact that it was a story that didn't revolve around fairy tales!

Each and every character was lovable and exciting to learn about. There was such a variety in each and every character so it kept the story interesting to have all the different personalities!

This was a rather long story, but such an easy, lovable read! There aren't enough good things that I can say about this story other than this is the newest MUST-READ!

This is my first Susan Mallery read and it definitely will not be my last!

Many great thanks to Susan Mallery and her team for creating the Review Crew and so graciously allowing me to be a part of that by providing me an Advance Reader's Copy in return for my truthful unbiased review!
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LibraryThing member jbarr5
Already Home by Susan Mallery
Includes recipes at the end.
Divorced sous chef Jenna is now back home living with her mother. She has rented space for her store and has Violet to help.
Just letting others watch how a recipe is done isn't making it. Violet tells her to let the woman participate in
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making the item and after having them buy the ingredients there, make it and get to take it home hits the jackpot.
Erin was the one who had cheated on her with a younger woman and he had called her to tell her somebody had called looking for her.
Jenna's real parents show up on the scene and her family that actually raised her try to smooth things over between them all.
Another part of this book is Violet's dating and her past. Both her and Jenna are now dating and things are going well at the store so much they hire more part timers.
Love the ideas they have for the store and that it works. Hope recipes are included at the back.
I have many connections to this book: cooking, fashion and knitting store right next door are my favorites.
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LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
For me, foodie elements mitigate the romantic cliche of chick lit. Gobbled this right up, so to speak.
LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
For me, foodie elements mitigate the romantic cliche of chick lit. Gobbled this right up, so to speak.
LibraryThing member PatienceFortitude
For me, foodie elements mitigate the romantic cliche of chick lit. Gobbled this right up, so to speak.
LibraryThing member jnut1
Really Really liked this book.

Jenna moved back to her hometown from LA after her marriage didn't work out.

This is the story of her, her employee, her parents both biological and adpoted and how it all comes together.

I love how it brought in the chacter, Robyn from her other books. I am hoping for
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more about both these stores and these people in future book.

A great read for sitting on the beach this summer.
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LibraryThing member Dawn772
This story showed realistic emotional growth but was more about family relationships and the romances were in the background. It was heavy with cooking details and I guessed the outcome early on. Recently divorced Jenna opens cooking store, hires manager Violet and is faced with new family issues.
LibraryThing member INorris
This is a book better read than listened to on audiobook.
LibraryThing member kmajort
Read this with a group of co-workers, striving to read out of our usual genres. (Notice I don't have a "romance" shelf in GR).
I'll give this 1.5 stars. Didn't hate it, but it was so full of cliches I began referring to it as "Already Done". Took some advice and made a drinking game out of the
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experience - this helped me to finish the book.
Not going more into plot/characters/etc as some group members may not have finished, although it is pretty impossible to spoil it, so predictable.
(Did I mention I don't read fluff/romance?)
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7.5 inches


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