Something About You

by Julie James

Paperback, 2010



Call number



Berkley (2010), Edition: Original, Mass Market Paperback, 336 pages


Fiction. Literature. Romance. Staying overnight in a luxury hotel, Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde overhears a high-profile murder involving a U.S. senator. Special Agent Jack Pallas is assigned to the investigation-the same Jack Pallas who still blames her for nearly ruining his career three years ago. Now the pair will have to put their rocky past behind them, focus on the case at hand-and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension.

User reviews

LibraryThing member lucky11
Cam an assistant U.S. Attorney and Jack and FBI agent have had a rocky work past, but are thrown together again when Cam is the only witness to a crime. Not thrilled to she her again, Jack (the bad boy FBI agent) is assigned the case. Working so closely together allows them to rehash the past, and
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they both realize what the mean to each other. "Something About You" is a good mix of romance, humor and suspense.
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LibraryThing member beckymmoe
This was my first book by Julie James (because it's the only one my library's OverDrive had), and I loved it! Characters were realistic, no one wandered off into TSTL territory, and the misunderstanding that occurred three years before the novel actually made sense once it was revealed. Refreshing!
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I picked up James's latest at our local Borders' going out of business sale, and can't wait to get to it!
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LibraryThing member Diavoletto
this book had me smiling like an idiot at times.
LibraryThing member Versha.Bharat

Not one of Julie James greatest book but was definelty entertaining through out and a quick read. The story had everything but still I felt something was a miss. The main characters, Cameron and Jack were too weak, they fell for each other a bit too early after what all had happened between them
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in the past, that was something unimaginable for me but the side characters were more fun to read. I liked the first half it was witty, humors but the second half was just average. Over all the writing was too good the way author has expressed everybody’s POV surly made easy to understand all the characters. Certainly worth a read for those who look in for a light and entertaining stuff! My rating is actually based on her first two novels which were awesome compared to this. If this is your first Julie James book then you would love it!
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LibraryThing member Author_AndriaLarge
Awesome book! Loved the story line. Jack is super hot. The sex scenes were steamy and not raunchy at all. I really enjoyed it!
LibraryThing member Capnrandm
This book is a shining example of a sub-genre that I had all but lost faith in, the contemporary thriller/romance. James manages to bring spice and intrigue to the story without devolving into unbelievable situations or heinously deranged killers. Furthermore, she doesn’t stint on her
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characters’ development as the plot unfolds. Cameron and Jack are both strong, capable individuals, and James skillfully brings them together without sacrificing Cameron’s competence (i.e. – no hints of the “Too Dumb To Live” heroine). This is the first Julie James book that I’ve read, but I have already sought out her back catalogue. I’m just upset that the promo chapter for “A Lot Like Love” included at the end of this eBook got me hooked on a story that won’t be out until Spring 2011.

Re-read #1 - Though I had no interest in the sections from the villain's point of view, Cameron, Jack et al were as charming as ever. Still waiting for Wilkins' HEA, he's too cute to leave on the shelf.

Re-read #2 - My third read but the first time I read James's dedication. Never has a noisy hotel neighbor entertained me so thoroughly, love it.
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LibraryThing member WeaselOfDoom
"Something About You" by Julie James was an quick and easy read. Circumstances throw Assistant US Attorney Cameron Lynde back with FBI Agent Jack Pallas, who blames her for not prosecuting a case three years ago. The two do not exactly see eye to eye, and there is lots of unresolved tension.

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James is a good writer. There is humor and witty banter and since the author is a lawyer, the parts of the book about Cameron's job rang true. However, I remained distant from the characters, aware that I was reading a book vs being totally absorbed in the story.

I am not sure why I can totally identify with and related to a beautiful daughter of a minor nobility or a space marine or a changeling, but give me a beautiful lawyer and the whole suspension of disbelief stops working. I am beginning to think I should stick to historical romances and urban fantasy novels.
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LibraryThing member AmyCR
First book I have read by this author. Enjoyed story and characters, will read more.
LibraryThing member Ceilidhann
Predictable but charming, a touch cheesy but often very sweet and funny, certainly a cut above the average rom-com. Sometimes it's just what you need.
LibraryThing member MlleEhreen
I absolutely adore Julie James, though she writes in a genre I normally avoid like the plague. I never read contemporary romances. I tend to avoid titles that look like they might veer off into chick-lit territory (Julie James' don't). I don't mind a good solid mystery, but a romance about a
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detective and the poor little lady who gets caught in a mafia crime? Not my thing.

Well, not my thing unless Julie James is writing it, because anything she sets her pen to turns out fantastic. James' books are smart, witty, funny, sweet, intense, exciting, well-paced, surprisingly believable, exciting, heartwarming...they just are. She can write about a movie star or a law firm or a murder investigation, and she picks up each new plot and uses it to give her readers exactly what they want.

If you've read any of her prior books, you know that she's an absolute master of romances where the hero and heroine start the book hating one another. Now, that's pretty common. What separates James from the pack is that her heros and heroines are mature, rational people whose behavior makes sense. In Something About You, she tackles the Big Misunderstanding. Usually, Big Misunderstanding plots are the worst. You're reading along thinking, one adult conversation would save these people hundreds of pages of heartbreak! And then the whole book seems like a waste. Or else, in order to prolong the misunderstanding, either the hero or the heroine throws a fit, makes a scene, starts behaving like a child. Well, sit back and see how it ought to be done.

Cameron and Jack have a professional history. Cameron - a lawyer - was getting ready to prosecute a mafia boss that Jack - a detective - spent a couple years undercover investigating. When his cover was blown by another agent, he was tortured for days before he managed to escape. They get along really well, until Cameron is ordered to drop the case. She's new on the job and she can't protest, but she does get to deliver the news to Jack. And she does it right: she takes one for the team and accepts full responsibility for the decision not to prosecute. Naturally, Jack hates her after that - she just tossed two years of his life down the drain - and he makes a really nasty comment about her in front of a bunch of reporters. The comment makes it into the news, and that puts a hold on Jack's career - more years down the drain, thanks to Cameron.

So when Jack and Cameron meet again in Something About You, there's a lot of bad blood in between them. But it's a case, and Jack needs to be professional - not time to open a can of worms, right? Professional success has made Cameron a lot less vulnerable, but she's still working in the same office, and she has the same jerk of a boss who sold her out before. There are things she'd love to tell Jack, but she just can't. As a reader, I understood both sides of the story, and admired them for making decisions that kept them apart, even though I wanted them to be together.

The mystery here is quite good, pretty intricate. The reader finds out what happened relatively quickly, so the suspense comes from watching Jack and Cameron try to figure out what we already know. But really, the plot is just a vehicle to get Jack and Cameron in the same room together. Whenever they meet, sparks fly. The dialogue is great, the chemistry immediate, the respect hard-won.

Highly, highly, highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member CLDunn
Book One in Julie James FBI series. Cameron Lynde is a Asst US Attorney that finds herself a witness to a murder. Enter Jack Pallas, FBI Special Agent who has a previous negative relationship with Cameron that almost cost him his career. We meet some entertaining friends along the way and you'll
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laugh at some of them. This is my first Julie James book and I really enjoyed it so I will be reading more of her books and the rest of this series.
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LibraryThing member Kaetrin
I was lucky enough to win this one from a Dear Author giveaway some time ago and I finally got around to reading it on the weekend. I read it very quickly - but not for the same reasons as Nothing but Trouble thankfully. This one's a winner. I think I'd read so many glowing reviews of this book
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that it actually put me off reading it for a while. I'm happy to say that the reviews were right. It read like a romantic comedy with a touch of action/suspense, the hero was all dark, brooding good looks (yum!) and the heroine was NOT (hooray) TSTL and didn't go down any dark alleys alone or decide to solve the crime herself. Somehow, Ms. James crafted a book where the heroine could be smart and not put herself deliberately in harm's way to move the story along. Yay! The snappy dialogue was great - I'd like to watch the movie. I really would. I'm also glad she turned up the heat level in this one - previous books we've been left outside the bedroom door and we got inside in this one - while it wasn't explicit there was a satisfying amount of heat and I liked this aspect much better than the earlier books. I'm looking forward to her next one that's for sure. B
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LibraryThing member novellavialli
Man this book was HOT! Julie James wasn't kidding when she said that there was sexual tension between the two main characters.All in all i was attracted to this book because of its story line. Throw in a murder, FBI agent, two people of the opposite sex who can't tolerate each other and I'm
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there.Great book!
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
Julie James' books are always high on alluring sexual tension but slightly lacking in credibility. So while the chemistry between Cameron and Jack was H-O-T, it does require a bit of suspension of disbelief to take in the magnitude of these characters' occupations and backgrounds: Cameron is
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basically a do-no-wrong up-and-comer at the U.S. Attorney's office, and Jack is the surly ex-undercover FBI agent with torture and betrayal in his past (torture? really? and it's merely glossed over by saying how his broad, broad, chiseled chest was covered with scars? methinks one needs to delve a little deeper into the unseen effects of torture on a person).

Still, plenty enjoyable, and a slightly more favorite of hers than some of her other books!
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LibraryThing member surbhiflora
Just finished reading the book. The best book have ever read so far. Contemporary story,throw in some strong characters - Cameron and Jack Pallas,a murder mystery (not so mystery,as we knew the murderer beforehand) and a sizzling chemistry between Cameron and Jack.
LibraryThing member allthesedarnbooks
I read this well-written contemporary romance while I was on vacation, at the beach, and it was just what I needed to get away from my everyday cares. Ms. James writes stylishly and cleanly. Her characters are well drawn, and the heroine, Cameron, is not only beautiful but intelligent, and what's
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more, she doesn't wait around for the hero, Jack, to save her. She's always part of the action, protecting him as much as he protects her. And while I don't always go in for the antagonists-become-lovers romance trope, in this book it really works. Recommended for contemporary romance fans, and fans of strong heroines. Four stars.
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LibraryThing member lemuralley
A romance where the heroine has a brain and the characters (mostly) act and talk like real people! I'm not a big contemporary fan, but this was really good and I'll be on the lookout for more of James' books.
LibraryThing member cranberrytarts
Another winner from Julie James. This was a fast read with her trademark witty dialogue and excellent banter. I enjoyed the story from beginning to end.

LibraryThing member olongbourn
When you want an easy read with yummy H and sexy h, you should read Julie James. Sweet heroine, sassy dialogue between long-time friends, a touch of mystery with a homicide to be solved, a sprinkle of mafia involvement, a gay guy that is the best of friends, a believable story line, contemporary
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setting without the younger generation's slang and a touch of past angst to make the reunion interesting.

Julie is the go-to author!
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LibraryThing member Narshkite
Super fun. One problem with being an (ex)lawyer is that reading books about things legal is miserable. The cure for that is reading books written by other (ex)lawyers. Don't get me wrong, this is not hyper realistic, the end of the legal part is silly, but it is filled with late nights buried under
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paper, and correct procedure. I will take it. Jack is dreamy (alpha males who read is my type) and Cameron is great, someone you want to be friends with (even if she went to Michigan instead of Michigan State). Speaking of which. Cameron's friends are great too. Also. A climactic event takes place in Traverse City, MI, my personal happy place.
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LibraryThing member samnreader
Entertaining and fast paced, I'm not usually one for romantic suspense, but this did work for me in audiobook form. If I had read it in print I'm not sure I would've finished. Supporting characters are a lot of fun in this book, but it had me wishing thawqt there had been a bit more build up in the
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relationship between Jack and Cameron
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LibraryThing member WhiskeyintheJar
So occasionally I read other books that I don't plan on reviewing and occasionally it just so happens that one of these books turns out to be fanfreakingtastic. This book was fanfreakingtastic. I felt the need to share all this fanfreakingtasticness with you all. What can I say I'm a giver!
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I can separate a book into character driven or storyline but with this one I can't. The characters supported the storyline and vice versa. Jack and Cameron come together again after three years (they had worked previously together on a case that ended badly, look for 'misunderstanding' here) because of a murder Cameron "ear-witnessed". The mixture of animosity and sexual tension is great right off the bat. As I read on the story and characters feed off and complemented each other, making this one of the most complete and structured books I have read in some time. Great characters AND a great storyline. Fanfreakingtastic.
First off this book is written intelligently; not always a given when talking about contemporary romances. Oh, and don't let anyone tell you this is a "romantic suspense" story. You learn who the killer is pretty quick, so no suspense there. In my OCD filing system I had it filed under Contemporary - Firefighter/Cop - Non-Series. Yes, FBI agents are filed under cop; I'm OCD but a lazy OCD. Anyway back to the commendable way the author wrote/portrayed these characters. I don't know many FBI special agents or Assistant U.S. Attorneys so I can't vouch for the complete authenticity but the author made me believe Jack and Cameron were the real deal. The ages, maturity, and how they spoke were right on key for me.
In sooooooooooo many books that have this storyline the woman needing protection fights it and feels the need to take on the deadly killer herself. Here is where the intelligent writing comes in, Cameron actually *gasps* trusts and listens to the professionals in charge. No running around trying to dodge police protection! Fanfreakingtastic. Cameron is no wilting flower, but she also understands they could be stopping her from being smothered with a pillow. Smart lady.
Sigh, what do I say about Jack? Former Special Forces, current FBI special agent. Intense. He is all that is "glowering" broody goodness. He has a dry wit that I adore combined with a take no shit attitude. Seriously, Jack is up there with Kid Chaos for my all time favorite heroes. Dear Jack is of course an alpha but not a dick. Fanfreakingtastic.
Our couple have a history with the 'misunderstanding' but this is a totally believable and understandable misunderstanding that doesn't drag on too long (well maybe a smidgen) and actually adds to the storyline instead of just added to make the story longer. There are a couple secondary characters that add some great flavor to the story. The main ones are Wilkins who is Jack's partner and a fanfreakingtastic "good cop" to Jack's "bad cop". The by play between these two was funny/enjoyable to read. Collin and Amy are Cameron's BFFs, with Collin getting more air time. Collin is the male friend every woman wants. I wanted Collin, almost and of course in a different way, as much as I wanted Jack.
This book turned out to be more funny than I thought it was going to be going in. There wasn't a bunch of hokey forced humor (LOATHE) but humor that simply and intelligently shone through in the character's attitudes and conversations. Some of the best were between Jack, Wilkins, and the two cops assigned to watch Cameron. Those two cops were small bit players but definitely would have been nominated (with Collin and Wilkins) for best supporting actor.
Throughout the book I found myself grinning and saying "Now that is a great line" many times. Fanfreakingtastic. "Something About You" is intelligent, funny, with one hell of a hero in Jack Pallas. If nothing else read the book for him. This book was a definite keeper and I will for sure be reading it again. Oh, and for the perverts there are some great steamy sex scenes.

If I had fish I would totally name one after the lead hero Jack Pallas (umm in other words A )
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LibraryThing member Lauren2013
Something About You
4 Stars

Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde and FBI Agent Jack Pallas have a past and it is all bad. Now, six years later they have to work together when Cameron becomes the only witness in a high-profile homicide case. Can they put aside their differences to catch a killer who
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has made Cameron his next target?

An entertaining light read with likeable characters and brilliant dialogue.

The romance is well-developed and the hate/love chemistry between Jack and Cameron is palpable.

The witness protection plot is good although not as suspenseful as it could have been possibly because the identity of the killer and the motivation for the murder are revealed quite early in the story. Moreover, the are a some procedural incongruities that may have FBI fans scratching their heads and going "no way".

The witty secondary characters are the highlight of the book, especially Cameron's gay best friend and Jack's rookie partner.

All in all, a solid book for those who like a little suspense with their romance.
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LibraryThing member nautilus
Terrific contemp with a romantic suspense thread. Funny. First I've read, will hunt down some more.
LibraryThing member Sunshine22222
I loved the story about being under protective custody. The villain that the FBI was after was clear in the beginning, but how the caught him made a great story. I will continu with the series.


RUSA CODES Reading List (Shortlist — Romance — 2011)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.; 6.8 inches


0425233383 / 9780425233382
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