La Kristanismo kiel Mistika Fakto kaj la Misteroj de la Antikveco (2008)

by Rudolf Steiner




Call number



Berno, Willy Nüesch


Written 1902 (CW 8)"Because of his sense of the interconnectedness of the spiritual world with nature, art, medicine, and all the rest of life, Rudolf Steiner was a profound polymath. In his seminal study Christianity as Mystical Fact he turned his esoteric genius to interpreting the Christ event as the turning point in the world's spiritual history--an incarnation whose significance he saw transcending all religions." --Bishop Frederick H. Borsch, professor of New Testament and chair of Anglican Studies, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia"As simultaneously mysticism and fact, Christianity is a breakthrough in the historical development of humanity for which the mysteries, with the results that they brought about, form a prior evolutionary stage." --Rudolf Steiner During the fall and winter of 1901-1902, Steiner gave a series of lectures called "Christianity As Mystical Fact" to members of the Theosophical Society. The lectures were rewritten and issued as a book later that year. They mark a watershed in the development of Western esotericism. Steiner wrote of the idea behind his book: "The title Christianity As Mystical Fact was one I gave to this work eight years ago, when I gathered together the content of lectures given in 1902. It was meant to indicate the special approach adopted in the book. Its theme is not just the mystical side of Christianity in a historical presentation. It was meant to show, from the standpoint of a mystical awareness, how Christianity came into being. Behind this was the idea that spiritual happenings were factors in the emergence of Christianity, which could only be observed from such a point of view. It is for the book itself to demonstrate that, by "mystical," I do not in any way imply a vague intuition rather than strict scientific argument. In many circles, mysticism is understood as just that, and therefore it is distinguished from the concerns of all 'genuine' science. "In this book, however, I use the term to mean a 'presentation of spiritual reality'--a reality accessible only to a knowledge drawn from the sources of spiritual life itself. Anyone who denies the possibility of such knowledge in principle will find its contents hard to comprehend; any reader who accepts the idea that mysticism may coexist with the clarity of the natural sciences, may acknowledge that the mystical aspect of Christianity must be described mystically." This is a fundamental book, in Steiner's own development, in that of Western esotericism, and for our understanding of the Christ event. Readers will find the evolutionary development from the ancient Mysteries through the great Greek philosophers to the events portrayed in the Gospels. Included are an informative introduction and annotated notes by Andrew Welburn and an afterword by Michael Debus, a priest of the Christian Community, who summarizes the book and places it in context. Contents: Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translator's Preface by Andrew Welburn The Mysteries and Mysteriosophy The Mysteries and Pre-Socratic Philosophy Platonic Mysteries Myth and Mysteriosophy The Egyptian and Other Eastern Mysteries The Evidence of the Gospels The "Miracle" of Lazarus The Apocalypse of John Jesus in His Historical Setting The Essence of Christianity Christian and Pagan Wisdom Augustine and the Church Original Prefaces and Additional Materials Afterword by Michael Debus Translator's Notes This Collected Works edition contains a new introduction, a chronology of Rudolf Steiner's life, and an index. German edition: Das Christentum als mystische Tatsache und die Mysterien des Altertum… (more)

Media reviews

U ovom ranom spisu Rudolf Štajner prikazuje biće hrišćanstva i njegov duhovno-istorijski položaj u razvoju čovečanstva. Sa Hristovim životom, smrću i vaskrsenjem dato je ispunjenje i u isto vreme prevazilaženje antičkih misterija. Sadržaj: Gledišta Misterije i misterijska
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mudrost Grčki mudraci pre Platona u svetlu misterijske mudrosti Platon kao mističar Misterijska mudrost i mit Egipatska misterijska mudrost Jevanđelja Čudo Lazara Jovanova apokalipsa Isus i njegova istorijska pozadina O biću hrišćanstva Hrišćanstvo i paganska mudrost Avgustin i crkva Nekoliko napomena
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User reviews

LibraryThing member Jean-Louis
This book has changed my life. I still remember reading it long ago, when I was 18, part of it while riding the Paris subway. I could not read German then and I read it in French, in the excellent translation of Edouard Schuré. I thought I was an atheist then, having like so many young people been
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put off by the teaching at Sunday school.Christianity seemed to me childish, never answering, or even tackling, the important questions, and utterly incompatible with modern science. Reading this book was a true revelation. All of a sudden I saw the incredible greatness of religion, the true magnificence of christianity and how it was linked to the most ancient wisdom. Later I discovered the chain that links Aristotle, Augustine, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and the similarities between thomism and anthroposophy. Why Rudolf Steiner is ostracized and practically unknown when so many lesser philosophers fill the shelves of university libraries remains for me a mystery. Give it a try, it's worth it.
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