Brunelleschi's Dome

Book, 1969



Call number




Publisher Unknown (1969)


Anyone alive in Florence on August 19, 1418, would have understood the significance of the competition announced that day concerning the city's magnificent new cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore, already under construction for more than a century. "Whoever desires to make any model or design for the vaulting of the main Dome ... shall do so before the end of the month of September". The proposed dome was regarded far and wide as all but impossible to build, due not only to its enormous size but also because its original and sacrosanct design eschewed the flying buttresses that supported cathedrals all over Europe. The dome would literally need to be erected over thin air. Of the many plans submitted, one stood out -- a daring and unorthodox solution to vaulting the largest dome (143 feet in diameter) in the world. It was offered not by a master mason or carpenter, but by a goldsmith and clock maker named Filippo Brunelleschi, then 41, who would dedicate the next 28 years to solving the puzzles of the dome's construction. Brunelleschi's Dome is the story of how a Renaissance genius bent men, materials, and the very forces of nature to build an architectural wonder. Denounced at first as a madman, he was celebrated as a genius upon erecting the dome. He engineered the perfect placement of brick and stone and built ingenious hoists and cranes (some among the most renowned machines of the Renaissance) to carry an estimated 70 million pounds hundreds of feet into the air -- all the while defying those who said the dome would surely collapse and tackling personal obstacles that at times threatened to overwhelm him. This drama was played out amidst plagues, wars, political feuds, and the intellectual ferments of Renaissance Florence -- events Ross King weaves into the story to great effect, from Brunelleschi's bitter, ongoing rivalry with the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti to the near capture of Florence by the Duke of Milan. He also offers a wealth of fascinating detail that opens windows into fifteenth-century life: the celebrated traditions of the brickmaker's art, the daily routine of the artisans laboring hundreds of feet above the ground as the dome grew ever higher, the problems of transportation, and the power of the guilds. Even today, in an age of soaring skyscrapers, the cathedral dome of Santa Maria del Fiore retains a rare power to astonish. Ross King brings its creation to life in a fifteenth-century chronicle with twenty-first-century resonance. Novelist Ross King offers an account of the remarkable design and construction of the largest dome in the world (even today): the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy. Reading with the excitement of a good novel, the book focuses on the innovative techniques used and the social and political context in which its architect worked. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member mcalister
Having read some truly awful popular histories over the past few years, I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. It was certainly better than I expected. King writes fluidly and engagingly, and happily not watered down to to a seventh grade reading level. Although not much is known historically
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about Brunelleschi, I came away from the book both with a sense of what an inventive mind he must have had, and how very different Italy was from Northern Europe in the 15th century.

My sole complaint is that he neglected to explain many (even most) of the technical terms he uses, which is perhaps fine in an academic treatise but not excusable in a popular history. A glossary of terms could have gone a long way here, as would have more drawings and diagrams to illustrate the building details that at times were incomprehensible to someone without an engineering background. At other times he discusses some of Brunelleschi's innovations without fully explaining why or how they work. A good example of this would be the sandstone "chains" built into the dome; that they mitigate certain forces was clear, but he failed to elaborate how. At times it made me wonder if he himself understood the points he was making, or if he rather was just repackaging the technical bits he read elsewhere.
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LibraryThing member barlow304
An illuminating story about the building of the famous cupola on Santa Maria di Fiore in Florence. Virtually all panoramic views of Florence include the cathedral and its magnificent dome, but how was it built? What difficulties did the architect, engineers, and stone masons face as they tried to
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use a dome to cover a large expanse?

Filippo Brunelleschi, a silversmith who had closely studied Roman ruins, proposed a method of building the dome using revolutionary methods. Although his plan for an interior dome covered by a larger, exterior dome was brilliant, his various machines that lifted millions of pounds of marble hundreds of feet in the air are just as impressive if lesser known.

The author, Ross King, makes the argument that our modern view of architects as some combination of artist and engineer stems from the reputation Brunelleschi earned in his lifetime. Indeed, he was buried with honors in the cathedral he helped to cover.

An interesting work, filled with technical challenges that are clearly explained and with Renaissance intrigues thrown in. Recommended for anyone interested in Renaissance architecture or for the general reader with an interest in Florence.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Very interesting. It focuses more on the dome, and the plans, structures, and tools developed to raise it, than on the feuds and rivalries Brunelleschi dealt with (and sometimes created) during the building - I prefer it that way, stories like this sometimes read more like gossip magazines than
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history, science, or (in this case) architecture. This may be because there's not a huge amount of info on Brunelleschi's life - despite contemporary and near-contemporary biographies, each author covered only what he thought important and ignored or skimmed over matters that today's historians and architects would really like to know about, such as the details of Brunelleschi's machines, or the lighting system inside the dome, or some of the trouble he got into. I learned a little about the times (it's a period I'm fairly familiar with) and a lot about the structures and methods that make the dome unique. Worth reading, and I'll be looking for more by this author.
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LibraryThing member Smiley
Excellent, with a few reservations. First, King has the annoying habit of referring to principals by their first names. A little too casual, even for a work directed toward the interested reader. Second, there are places where King deviates, not without interest, seemingly to provide filler for a
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slim 167 pages. The episode on Toscanelli comes to mind. As usual the subtitle is overblown. Brunelleschi did not reinvent architeture but raised it intellectually and socially.
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LibraryThing member TiffanyAK
A truly fascinating account of the daring construction of the dome of the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. Remaining to this day a marvel of architectural achievement, built without central support and in a size surpassing any other brick and mortar dome construction ever
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accomplished, in many ways it shouldn't have been possible. The genius of Brunelleschi in not only designing and overseeing the construction of the dome, but also constructing many new machines to aid in the construction, cannot be overstated. The perfection with which the dome was constructed is startling, as is the fact that in the decades he was in charge of the project, only one worker died in an on-site accident, a safety record virtually unheard of at that time in history. Though it can be a bit dry at times if you don't have a strong interest in architecture, it still remains a very good read if you have an interest in great historical achievements.
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LibraryThing member DonSiano
This is a tale of Renaissance engineering and organization with a nice healthy dose of intrigue, competition, and betrayal, and with tales of eccentricity and practical jokes thrown in for good measure. It is an engrossing read, with lots of diversions and asides about the pranks of men in their
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prime. On the whole it is clearly and cleverly written, and is, as they say, hard to put down. I only wish his explanation of some of the details of the construction had been accompanied by a few more diagrams--occasionally they were a little obscure. But no big deal, I don't intend to construct a dome--I was hugely entertained anyhow.
The people and their society are all brought to life in an engaging way and the interaction of the guilds, artists and patrons are seen to be only little changed in how such projects are sometimes brought together today. The biggest difference may be in their absence of safety committees, OSHA, quality circles, ISO 9001, six sigmas, and other such impediments to achievement.

The dome itself was and is a staggering achievement in planning and execution, and would today, no doubt, engage more than a few computers and engineers for a couple of years before even a brick were laid. How it was brought about by Brunelleschi in a time even before Newton, courses in statics and strength of materials, finite element analysis and all the rest, is a wonder to behold. Giants with hearts of steel stalked the earth then.
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LibraryThing member FlossieT
What an incredible story. Possibly if I were an architect I might have felt talked down to, but as it was, it was an excellent explanation of the structural stuff. And a plot you just couldn't make up...
LibraryThing member miketroll
Riveting account of the design and construction of the dome of the great cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) in Florence - a "must see" building.
LibraryThing member thierry
Wholly enjoyable telling of the genius, toil and politicking goings-on during the construction of the dome atop the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral in XV century Florence. Well brought to life, clear in its explanation of the underlying physics, architecture and mechanics. Did benefit from a great
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cast of characters and an amazing project. Would have benefited from better pictures and more drawings. Rented PBS's The Medicis as a companion, and want to visit Florence as a result.
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LibraryThing member delphica
(#21 in the 2003 book challenge)

Eh. This left me cold. It's a short read, but it seems like it should be even shorter -- this probably would have been interesting edited down and appearing as an article in Smithsonian or something like that. The general concept is certainly intriguing, especially
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for anyone who has been to the Duomo in Florence, but it's not quite enough to sustain an entire book. My major complaints with this were:
1. The technical information was not presented especially well; several terms had circular definitions, which is frustrating.
2. There simply isn't that much on the historical record about Brunelleschi, and there were too many times when the author wrote something like "we don't know how he did that." If we know so little about it, I'm wondering why we need a book dedicated to it.
3. The author used back-formations of art history terms, which drives me up a wall, mostly because it makes me wonder what other short-cuts he took in fields in which I don't have a degree.

Grade: C+
Recommended: Only if you are planning to visit Florence in the near future.
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LibraryThing member jcbrunner
Brunelleschi was a genius engineer and tinkerer, and also an architect. The most interesting part of the book are the machines and tools (cranes and lifts) Brunelleschi invented to complete the dome. What distinguishes him from his contemporary competitors was a thorough understanding of
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The author's account of Brunelleschi would have made an excellent New Yorker article, but it is short on material for a book. This has too unfortunate consequences: First, Penguin has chosen an uncommon paperback format with overstretched lines which cause eye strain. Secondly, the author constantly strays from the main story to add to the page count. A better solution would have been not to focus solely on the dome but the whole building, the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. Then, he could have added Giotto's bell tower and extended the creation of the magnificent doors by Ghiberti.

The book also suffers from a large number of errors an educated editor should have corrected, eg "[Brunelleschi] should have the honor of being entombed inside the cathedral itself, rather like a pharaoh buried inside a pyramid he had spent his lifetime constructing" (p.155). Actually, it is the pyramid's purpose to serve as the pharaoh's tomb. In an ironic twist to King's wrong idea, the Egyptian architects were buried within pyramids not as a token of honor but as preventive security. Can I trust the author's statements if his text is littered with small mistakes? Overall, I was quite disappointed. Still recommended as a quick read (if you can get it in a less eye tiring format).
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LibraryThing member Doondeck
Entertaining history of this "Renaissance Genius" known for his both his mechanical and architectural skills.
LibraryThing member soniaandree
Essential book for architectural buffs and Arts students: it does explain how the Duomo in Florence was built, in depth, written like a novel, whilst retaining its factual narrative.
LibraryThing member JGolomb
I'm no engineer and I only vaguely understand the basic tenets of architecture. But I'm a great admirer of history and have tremendous appreciation for the significance of milestone art and architecture. So in advance of an upcoming trip to Florence, I picked up Ross King's "Brunelleschi's Dome",
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assuming that King would do as good a job with this seminal Renaissance creation as he did with Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel in "Michelangelo & The Pope's Ceiling". The book is thorough and enjoyable and scores its highest marks on fleshing out the personality of Filippo Brunelleschi and connecting the building's construction to the greater context of the burgeoning Renaissance.

The Dome, of course, refers the famed Santa Maria del Fiore in the heart of Florence, Italy. The book is fascinating in it's detail of the monumental effort that went into creating such an enormous structure. Filippo Brunelleschi was a goldsmith and clockmaker, and by the time he was given the commission to build the Dome, he'd had very little experience in large-scale construction (and this was one of the most large-scale ever conceived at the time).

Work on the dome began after Brunelleschi won one of the ubiquitous Florentine architectural/design contests, and 50 years after construction on the rest of the church began. King writes, "even the original planners of the dome had been unable to advise how their project might be completed: they merely expressed a touching father that at some point in the future God might provide a solution, and architects with a more advanced knowledge would be found."

The core problem Brunelleschi faced was the sheer scope of what the leaders of Florence were asking for. Specifically, King writes, "An architect must design a structure that will counteract (push and pull) pressures...a game of action and reaction-- and channeling them safely to the ground." This had been traditionally handled through the use of flying buttresses, which can be seen throughout gothic architecture in Europe, but the Florentine leaders had previously accepted a design with no external buttresses.

After losing the "da uomo a uomo" battle of the bronze doors to Lorenzo Ghiberti, the intense Brunelleschi spent a few years traveling, including significant time in Rome. It's documented that he extensively explored the ancient Roman ruins, none of which would have been in the clean and, sometimes, rebuilt state that they are today. He undoubtedly visited the one monument, which is in, in fact, a comparable state to when it was originally built almost two thousand years ago: the Pantheon. The largest dome in the world clearly was built to handle the 'push and pull' pressures and Brunelleschi was sure to translate his learnings into his efforts back home in Florence.

I had some trouble conceptualizing some of the more nuanced engineering hurdles that Brunelleschi overcame. King incorporates drawings and images and writes very plainly, but I think my architectural and construction vocabulary is simply too small.

Throughout the long and protracted construction of the Duomo, Brunelleschi battled against supply issues, war-related interference (he was also Florence's Military Engineer), logistical concerns, as well as internecine battles from within the Florentine artistic and engineering community. In creating numerous novel mechanisms to aid in his construction, Brunelleschi clearly gained the trust and financial assurances from the Florentine leaders and was able to knock down just about every obstacle thrown his way.

This read was a worthwhile investment ahead of my trip to Florence. At only 150 pages, this is the perfect introduction to a surprisingly complex set of problems faced at the forefront of the European Renaissance. While a terrific primer on the specifics of the Duomo, the books' even greater value is it's explorations, however shallow, into the culture and context of the time in which it was built.
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LibraryThing member Docbliss
Excellent! This book really dropped me into the era and i found out alot about architecture that I never thought would interest me. I never would have picked this up if i had not read King's book on Michelangelo and enjoyed that so much.
LibraryThing member nicole_a_davis
Really fascinating and very easy to read. I got through it so quickly, I wished it was a bit more detailed. Getting to climb the dome of the Duomo in Florence right after I finished reading about its construction was a real treat, too.
LibraryThing member jasmyn9
In interesting look at the Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi. A man who was known for his temper, holding grudges, and his wonderful and imaginative designs not only in architecture but ways to make the building of them easier. It was interesting to read how designs were selected and plans
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carried out "way back then". I can't fully comprehend how anything ever got done. The storyline tended to meaner a bit, which through me off a bit and made it a bit more difficult to follow.
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LibraryThing member JimPratt
This really is a marvelous book, extremely well written, and a convincingly presented history. The depiction of the genius architect is comprehensive, fresh and engaging. One is left with the feeling of understanding of the man, his personality and something of his times. The integration of art and
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faith, the swirling mysteries of the craft of masonry, and the echoes of classical experience are interesting and thought-provoking themes.
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LibraryThing member pescatello
Really interesting story. If you're going to Florence, definitely read this book before going as it gives you a good bit of history without being boring.
LibraryThing member olgalijo
It's been two years now since I've been to Florence, and did the touristy thing by climbing Santa Maria del Fiore's dome. There were a lot of questions that came to my mind as I climbed those unending steps encased between two bent stone and brick walls. "Bunelleschi's Dome" has answered most of
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them. Not only that, but Ross King makes a very technical subject fun and enjoyable by inserting pieces about Brunelleschi's life, and life in Florence at the time.

And then, towards the end, King makes a description of that very ascent for the benefit of those who haven't had the luck to do it. Pretty soon I was feeling that I was back climbing those steps and wondering about the windows in the cupola and all those doors that seemed to go nowhere.

If you have any interest at all in Renaissance architecture, "Brunelleschi's Dome" is the book for you.
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LibraryThing member john257hopper
A fascinating short account of the construction of what is still the largest brick dome in the world. The sheer scale of the project and the daunting nature of the challenges Brunelleschi faced are breathtaking. The book could do with a few more diagrams and modern close up photographs, but is
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otherwise a fine book.
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LibraryThing member BookConcierge
What a delightful and fascinating little book - it made me want to go to Florence to see this marvel of human engineering. It offers insight into life in the Middle Ages as well as the story of Fillip Brunelleschi and his innovative (and unequaled) design for the dome of the Cathedral of Sante
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Maria del Fiore in Florence. It's not exactly a page-turner, but I really enjoyed this book.
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LibraryThing member elleceetee
Brunelleschi's Dome is the story of how the dome on the Duomo in Florence (Santa Maria del Fiore) was raised. It's one of the largest masonry domes in the world and Brunelleschi raised it without centered (using wooden supports). He mainly used a double shell, several "chains" (sandstone, iron and
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wood) as well as a herringbone brick pattern to raise the dome. In addition to his building techniques, he also built various machines and cranes to lift and place the blocks of stone. King also discusses the politics of the time - rivalries, etc. - in a very absorbing way. An excellent read overall, if a little slow at times.
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LibraryThing member NielsenGW
Ross King's biography of Filippo Brunelleschi and the building of the dome on the Santa Maria del Fiore was fun and interesting. It's a short book, but packed nonetheless. It was veyr enlightening to see that Renaissance architects had to design and build not only the edifices, but also the
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mechanisms that helped to accomplish the task. You'd be hard pressed to see someone today like that.
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LibraryThing member gottfried_leibniz
A good book on historical context about Santa Maria Del Fiore and Brunelleschi. My favourite chapter was the second chapter, where Brunelleschi went to Rome.

Architects Leon Battista Alberti, Michaelango, Antonio Filarete followed Filippo's footsteps.

I would recommend this book if you are bored
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reading technical, complex books for a break

Deus Vult,
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