El libro de la esperanza: Una guía de supervivencia para tiempos difíciles

by Jane Goodall

Paperback, 2022


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El libro de la esperanza es una recopilación de pequeñas islas de ilusión. Reúne formas de consuelo e historias que nos proporcionan nuevas maneras de vernos a nosotros y al mundo.

La mezcla de filosofía, memorias y
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autorreflexión de Matt Haig se basa en filósofos y supervivientes de todos los tiempos, desde Marco Aurelio hasta Nellie Bly, desde Emily Dickinson hasta James Baldwin.

Este es el libro al que debes recurrir cuando necesites la sabiduría de un amigo, el consuelo de un abrazo o un recordatorio de que la esperanza surge de lugares inesperados. (Donado a La Comarca por Henar Roldán Gabriel)
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Ediciones Paidós (2022), Edition: 1, 272 pages


Biography & Autobiography. Nature. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML: **THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER** In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope? Looking at the headlines�??the worsening climate crisis, a global pandemic, loss of biodiversity, political upheaval�??it can be hard to feel optimistic. And yet hope has never been more desperately needed. In this urgent book, Jane Goodall, the world's most famous living naturalist, and Douglas Abrams, the internationally bestselling co-author of The Book of Joy, explore through intimate and thought-provoking dialogue one of the most sought after and least understood elements of human nature: hope. In The Book of Hope, Jane focuses on her "Four Reasons for Hope": The Amazing Human Intellect, The Resilience of Nature, The Power of Young People, and The Indomitable Human Spirit. Drawing on decades of work that has helped expand our understanding of what it means to be human and what we all need to do to help build a better world, The Book of Hope touches on vital questions, including: How do we stay hopeful when everything seems hopeless? How do we cultivate hope in our children? What is the relationship between hope and action? Filled with moving and inspirational stories and photographs from Jane's remarkable career, The Book of Hope is a deeply personal conversation with one of the most beloved figures in the world today. While discussing the experiences that shaped her discoveries and beliefs, Jane tells the story of how she became a messenger of hope, from living through World War II to her years in Gombe to realizing she had to leave the forest to travel the world in her role as an advocate for environmental justice. And for the first time, she shares her profound revelations about her next, and perhaps final, adventure. The second book in the Global Icons Series�??which launched with the instant classic The Book of Joy with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu�??The Book of Hope is a rare and intimate look not only at the nature of hope but also into the heart and mind of a woman who revolutionized how we view the world around us and has spent a lifetime fighting for our future. There is still hope, and this book will help guide us… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member nancyadair
In these dark times when we are faced with multiple threats of our own making, Jane Goodall offers us hope for the future, inspiration to change our lives, and assurance that every one of us can impact the world for good.

In a series of interviews, Douglas Abrams asked Goodall about the source of
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her hope. She offers four reasons to hope.

First, Goodall knows that humans have an intellect that can be used for “unfortunate ways” or for good. If enough people take individual action for the better, and bond together, we can implement changes for good. She often references Britain during WWII, the horror of Nazism and the boundless, hopeful courage of the British that made them resilient. She saw good victorious over evil.

Goodall has traveled the world and seen first hand the resilience of nature. She believes it is not too late to prevent a collapse of the world as we know it. Readers learn about species like the black robin that was brought back from the brink of extinction, and refers to other species that have rebounded, like the whooping crane and California condor, and how wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park restored its ecosystem. Nature is resilient.

Young people across the world understand the world they are to inherit and are demanding and implementing change. Goodall’s Roots and Shoots program supports children to identify and create programs that impact their world, planting gardens and trees, demanding school cafeterias disband Styrofoam, and even removing the image of a chimpanzee from a cereal box after learning that its ‘smile’ was one of fear. They are not responsible for doing all the work to correct our mistakes, but they lead us to awareness of the work to be done.

Goodall has faith in the indomitable human spirit, which with our ability to think and cooperate and adapt, has allowed us to be successful as a species. Her own husband, Derek was crippled during WWII and told he would never walk again. He never gave up, and learned to walk with a cane. She shares the unforgettable story of two Chinese men, one blind and one who lost his arms in an accident. They needed purpose in their lives and decided to restore their degraded land by planting trees. The sighted, armless man led the blind man who planted the trees. They have planted over ten thousand trees.

The stories of Goodall communicating with animals and humans, her loving acceptance, her spirituality and goodness, makes me understand that she is a saint, one who reflects God into our world. She believes in a spirit that embraces us all.

I dread the idea that if I had grandchildren they would have to contend with a world in crisis, with climate change and mass migrations and geopolitical turmoil and food and water insecurity. Can humanity give up our habits of indulgent waste, our alliance to business profit and wealth over protecting our home? Will we claim all living things our brothers and sisters and work to protect them?

We cannot survive without hope. Hope allows us to seek answers and implement growth through change.

I have read books warning about the future and encouraging change. This book is one that also offers encouragement that we CAN take on this huge responsibility and we CAN restore a balance to the world.

I received an ARC from Celadon Books in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.
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LibraryThing member Beamis12
When Pandora opened her husband's box, out of curiosity, she unleased misfortunes and tragedies upon the war. She shut the box quickly, but it was too late, only one thing reminded, HOPE. In these last few years when so many things seem out of control: pitically, the environment affecting all, and
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world wide pandemics c where so many have lost their lives, what can be more important than the hope that things can get better. Who better than to talk about hope than Jane Goodall, this amazing woman, now in her late eighties, who has traveled the world giving talks on the importance of protecting nature, all nature including her beloved chimps. In this book she is giving us reasons on why despite all the distressful things that are happening, there is still time if we work together, there is still time for hope.

This is a marvelous book and one in which I highlighted so many quotes, I realized I needed to hold a copy in my hands. My own copy that I could highlight passages to read again and again, when needed.
An early Christmas present to myself. It is hard to finish this book without feeling uplifted and yes, hopeful.

"How addressing human injustices like poverty and gender oppression makes us better to create hope for the people and environment."

"True wisdom requires both thinking with our head and understanding with our hearts."

"The difficult is hard, the impossible just a little harder."

And Jane's rallying cry echoed around the world.
"Together we CAN! Together we WILL!
Yes, we can, and we will--for we must."
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LibraryThing member Dianekeenoy
I'm not comfortable rating this book...after all, it's Jane Goodall. I'm glad that I listened to it and certainly glad it was written!
LibraryThing member jennybeast
This book is unusual, and I really liked how they used the audio book to just record their conversations. It took me a while to get used to the "she said" "I responded" sorts of commentaries that are inserted by Douglas Abrams - they throw me out of the conversation. However, I think they must be
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part of the written version of the book, and they just couldn't find a way to do without.

That said, the subjet matter was wonderful, Jane Goodall is a really inspiring person and this book is pretty amazing at linking the fate of the natural world to the human world. It's an urgent call for change and a remarkable exposition on the things that the Jane Goodall foundation has been up to. I love the emphasis on a hopeful and empowering message even on a topic as overwhelming as climate change.

Advanced Listening Copy provided by Libro.fm
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LibraryThing member jscape2000
Jane Goodall seems like a brave, tenacious lady. I do not care about her personal philosophy. I care even less about her philosophical conversation with a dude I’ve not heard of.
LibraryThing member erwinkennythomas
Jane Goodall’s and Douglas Abrams’s The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times captured the dedication to this naturalist’s lifelong work. In this book Goodall focused on Four Elements of Hope viz., The Amazing Human Intellect, The Resilience of Nature, The Power of Young People, and
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The Indomitable Human Spirit.
Goodall who was interviewed by Douglas Abrams put a great deal of trust in people. She acknowledged that humans were flawed, spoke about terrible wars, unspeakable tragedies, and catastrophes brought on by homo sapiens. In spite of these problems, she sang the praises of all those heroes and heroines that do outstanding work that’s beneficial to mankind.
In her assessment of nature around the world especially in parts of Africa, Goodall was hopeful. She spoke about the ravishes of the planet, deforestation, poaching, and climate change that were urgent issues. Yet, she saw nature as being able to recover after years and years of abuse, for there was a narrow window of opportunity.
Undoubtedly, Goodall has pinned her hope on youths. The Jane Goodall Institute is doing important work in this quest. Young people have an organization that serves as a bastion for their work. They put into action numerous projects geared to their environment. Roots & Shoots include those in grade school and universities from many countries around the world.
Understanding nature calls for sacrifice and commitment. Special individuals are identified and praised who have done extraordinary work for biodiversity, helping people with sustainable projects, curing disease, and making an overall difference in the lives of the less fortunate worldwide. In the midst of this human crisis because of all of the positive outcomes, Goodall has remained hopeful that people could all pull together to make the world better.
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LibraryThing member laytonwoman3rd
Subtitled "A Survival Guide for Trying Times", this volume is based on several conversations between the authors about how important it is to humans to have hope for the future, and how we can sustain that hope in the face of wars, pandemics, political upheaval, personal tragedy, climate change and
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other global catastrophes. Full of examples of positive change through individual and communal efforts, it is a pep talk for anyone who thinks we are doomed by our own stupidity, and that humanity is beyond (or not worth) saving anyway. Goodall is no Pollyanna, and her life experiences have shown her plenty of unpleasant realities, but she has also seen the good we can do when we unleash our "amazing human intellect...the power of youth, and the indomitable human spirit". Her view that these three human attributes, together with the resilience of nature, are grounds for hope that the planet may be brought back from the brink. Definitely a worthwhile read, although I found the style a bit clunky---Abrams took the many hours of discussion between him and Dr. Goodall, and attempted to make a narrative dialog, which sometimes felt forced. Nevertheless, the content rises above that, and the final chapter, written by Jane Goodall herself, is a call to action we should not brush off.
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